Full-time Occupation

Chapter 880: Domination

Chapter 899

Glory's e-sports sector exploded the next day, and Happy's victory was a trivial matter. Because before Ye Xiu showed his face, these were nothing. You know, that's Ye Xiu! The first great **** of the alliance, the most popular existence in All Glory.

But such a character wears a mask every time he plays. Not only that, but Ye Xiu didn't participate in any club activities at all. He must be the first to leave the arena every time. But such a legendary **** took off his mask just yesterday without warning.

This is definitely the biggest news from this year's glory to the present, and the only thing that makes everyone depressed is that no reporter has queued up for the facelift of Great God Ye Xiu. Only those spectators who were present were in line at that time. I saw that the pictures in the e-sports newspaper were all the players' rooms, taking screenshots of the players' cameras.

All kinds of remarks about Ye Xiu were all over the Internet for a while, and Team Happy, which was now bound to Ye Xiu, also received a high degree of attention during this turmoil.

It's incomparable, this year of Happy has more topics than Excellent Era. Not to mention the great God Ye Xiu who just showed up, the configuration of all Happy's silver weapons and equipment directly shocked everyone. After all, the only teams with 100% coverage of self-made weapons are currently Wei Chen, Lan Yu, Tyranny, and the local tyrants.

But they are either Glory giants or local tyrants. Why does your Xingxin grassroots team achieve 100% coverage of self-made weapons and equipment?

The Alliance reporters stationed near these teams also conducted interviews on this issue, but the results of the interview shocked everyone again, because the equipment they lacked before was bought from Happy, which was very ruining. Why does a grassroots team born with an Internet cafe have so many homemade weapons and equipment?

And this is still one of Happy's topics. After this, there is also Tang Rou, a perfect beauty combat mage player with a 360-degree angleless view, and Tang Rou's past is also picked up by everyone, such as Defeated Du Ming who was reincarnation in last year's All-Star! In the eyes of others, maybe Tang Rou's only shortcoming is that she already has a boyfriend...

Compared with Tang Rou, Tang Yin, who was named the first person of glory in Zhou Zekai, had somehow caught up with Tang Yin in this report. Of course, this may be because he did not play... .

After that, Qiao Yifan, a former Tiny Herb player, was also at Xingxin, and since his appearance this time, even his role has changed. The second is the tirelessness of destroying people, since the existence of everyone in this realm of gods has also joined Xingxin.

Of course, these players are just appetizers, and the next three are what shocked everyone. The two generations of captains of Baihua have created a legendary combination of flowers and snow scenes now that they have reappeared in Xingxin.

This once again caused Zhang Jiale's affairs in the previous online games to ferment again, but this time he also brought Sun Zheping, and they regrouped together and appeared in Happy News, second only to Ye Xiu taking off his mask.

In contrast, they are all players who have been captains. Although Wei Chen has also been reported, the typesetting is still behind Qiao Yifan and Mo Fan.

But no matter what, Happy, the grassroots team, forcibly occupied the top typesetting of e-sports newspapers. The professional league information on the other side was squeezed to the back. You have to know that those are all professional league match information, but now they are all crushed by a grassroots team in the challenge, making the propaganda departments of the major teams a depressing one.

And these are not the most depressing of the propaganda departments of the major teams. The most depressing thing is that Happy has not done any propaganda at all. These e-sports sections are rushing to report on their own. Think about them in order to fight for their own team. How much effort has been spent on the front page, and then look at the other party. This is almost a publicity of reaping the rewards. Is the gap between people so long and so big? Find the psychological shadow area of ​​the propaganda department of each big team.

And the report of the same challenge match, compared with Team Happy's dominance of various front-page headlines. The report of the challenge appears to be a little trivial, but the e-sports newspaper still gives them a page.

In this round, the Xuanqi team was in the air, and the trader team faced the Yunxuan Pavilion team. Although the trader is also a player to lose, but his strength is very good, not only scored eight points in the first round of the battle against the seven moves and one kill team, this round is very rich with ten to zero. The big score directly slaughtered the Yunxuan Pavilion team.

This has also led to the fact that after the current two rounds of the game, the trader in the b group leaderboard directly took the first place, and the Xuanqi team that just played a bye with the same nine points, and the two teams tied for second.

But now that the trader is the first one is mainly because both Happy and Xuanqi only played one game. In contrast, the Seven Moves One Kill Team and the Yunxuan Pavilion Team are very pitiful. Two times, one three-pointer and one one-pointer. . It's almost time to say goodbye to the next game.

The results of other groups have also come out. The Zhuxian team, which originally had the king of the resurrection match, is now getting worse and worse, and it has scored 14 points in these two rounds. Although it is tied for the first place in the group with another team, it is not as strong as a professional team. As a result, the current situation of their group is still very complicated, and the points between the teams have not been so spread. It's really hard to tell who will advance in their group.

The other group does not have a professional team, which results in their group being the least concerned, but it is also the case, their game is the last to watch. After all, everyone is an online game player with similar strengths. The fight was also particularly intense, and it was also the most anxious team of all groups.

As for the subsequent Excellent Era in Group D, it is not measured by points at all. It is completely without suspense for them to score ten points. Even in this round, they reappeared and the opposing team became The act of taking photos with Excellent Era's characters. After all, there was no such rule that the characters of both sides could not be taken together in the competition~www.readwn.com~ Especially in the final team competition, they even gave up after they had a family portrait with Excellent Era. This That's why Mucheng was able to be there before the Happy Singles match...

And with these reports that Happy dominates the rankings, Team Happy has also completely entered the public eye, and more and more players have begun to notice Happy, plus Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale, and Sun Zheping. The huge number of fans of these great god-level figures. Xingxin also began to receive more and more attention. After all, many of them are fans of only native teams. There are fans in other places too.

Of course, some people care about Xingxin while others hate Xingxin, and the people who hate Xingxin the most are fans of Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale, Sun Zheping and the original clubs of the three great gods...


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(End of this chapter)

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