Full-time Occupation

Chapter 885: defect

Latest website: Chen Guo was stunned when he heard what Tang Yin said, but when she changed her mind, it was really such a thing. That was Tang Rou, she wouldn’t do anything because of a failure, and failure would only make her more possessive. Enthusiasm, than interrupting her to rest now, it is better to find her flaws and help her become stronger is what Tang Rou needs.

   Others are similar, Yifan himself is a professional player, so don't worry about it. In addition, he is a little transparent in his original team. To say that the frustration has been experienced in the original Tiny Herb for more than a season. Now how can this game be put in his eyes.

   Luo Ji? Not to mention him, as Happy's weakest guy, he was very self-aware. After all, training him in the team loses every day, not bad in this one. As far as the face of failure is concerned, he can be called practice makes perfect...

   An Wenyi? He is a very sensible person himself, so sensible that he can easily digest the negative effects of this game.

   After that, there is a bun. After he is off the court, he talks to Luo Ji with a spirited spirit, so how can he not be affected by the blow.

   The last Wei Chen is also the least to worry about. After all, he is also a veteran in the early days of the league, and he is probably asleep now.

   Chen Guo found out that what Tang Yin said was really right, comforting and encouraging, the talents of Team Happy didn't need that kind of thing!

"Moreover, it’s not a bad thing to lose a wild game like today. Otherwise, we’re a bit too smooth sailing. Even the Promise team we’ve encountered before can win directly. Although it looks good, it’s true that we have more shortcomings. Without being discovered, you don't really think our team is already perfect, do you?" Ye Xiu also said at this time.

   "Of course not." Chen Guo said.

"That's right. We have already solved part of the previous match with Excellent Era. But as the game and training progress, there will be new problems. Now I find it is the best." Tang Yin pointed to the laptop screen. Said.

   "Then we still have those problems now." Chen Guo asked curiously.

   "For now, everyone's questions are common to newcomers." Ye Xiu said.

"It goes without saying that Baozi's off-line style of play sometimes confuses his opponents, but sometimes it affects us. This is because of his personality. There is no way to change it. The first time there will be a second time. For this point, we can only increase the fault tolerance of the team game where he is in, and the other can only be left to him. With the progress of the game and the improvement of his experience, this situation will also get better. ...Should..."

   "What about Xiao Tang? What is Xiao Tang's shortcomings?" Chen Guo looked at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin didn't sell Guanzi either, and said directly: "Xiao Tang's shortcomings are more obvious, that is, a little too aggressive. This is a good thing in adversity and is easier to get out of form. He is a typical ring player. But in In team competitions, this aggressiveness can easily cause him to lose touch with the team’s tactical coordination. This is very obvious in this game. No, I’m just sorting out two more typical players for Xiao Tang, and so on. The tactical meeting is over, take her to see."

   "Oh, where are the two?" Chen Guo asked curiously.

   "Sun Xiang is the first."

   "That second person? Why is it him?" Although she and Tao Xuan are currently in a good relationship, Chen Guo is still unhappy with Sun Xiang's arrogant character.

"Um... you don't need to care too much. Sun Xiang is just a negative teaching material. After all, he is the player who loses the most due to personal outbursts in the game and eventually leads to the most failures, and he is the same as Xiao Tang. It's a direct, and it's a perfect teaching material." Tang Yin said.

   Chen Guo felt better after hearing Tang Yin's words. With an expression that I knew, he said, "Hahaha, what class does that guy study. Who is the other person? Hurry up and talk about it."

"The other is of course the first person to honor Zhou Zekai. He is also an explosive role, but he can use his explosion as a chance for team license victory. In fact, in terms of strength, Sun Xiang is no better than Zhou Zekai. Poor, but in terms of combat quality and tactical quality, Zhou Zekai is not one and a half higher than Sun Xiang. And this is what Xiao Tang needs to improve most." Ye Xiu said.

   "Oh! So, what about the others?" Chen Guo continued to ask, he was very curious about the situation of everyone in Happy now.

"Others...Yifan is the most stable player among all players, but although he has been a professional player in Tiny Herb before, he has not played any official games, let alone change his career to play. It's a ghost. As long as the situation is chaotic, he starts to have no ideas, and his hesitating psychology is his biggest problem. Here is part of his background in college classes, and professional players born like this are more styled Routine, and the current one needs to walk a path that suits him. It is enough to learn and accumulate in this profession alone." Ye Xiu said, after all, as a veteran professional player, he sees better than Tang. Silver is clearer.

   "This way..."

"In Luo Ji's words, his problem is the most intuitive, that is, his strength is too weak. When it is said that everyone is starting to explode with all his strength, he is obviously not up to everyone's rhythm. We can't insist on this now~www.readwn. Com~ can only wait for him to continue to improve." Ye Xiu said.

"But you don’t have to worry too much about Chen Sister. Luo Ji still has a lot of neck space. As for An Wenyi, he has a good foundation, plus the training during this period of time. The improvement is huge. Especially during the time when he is looking for professional players from various major teams as a training partner, he has already had a good coping experience. But his problems are the same as when he first came. The reaction speed is slow, but he Very smart, now he is already trying to use his precise control of control to offset his shortcomings." Ye Xiu said.

   "But now I'm playing games, and I'm not playing bosses in online games like I used to do. Is it really okay to control the rhythm alone? After all, there are so many unexpected situations in the game." Chen Guo asked a little worried.

   "Don't worry, he has also found his own problem, and he has also found a solution." Tang Yin said.

"any solution?"

   "Pre-judgment! He started to use pre-judgment to prepare in advance. This is a very good way. If he succeeds, he will definitely become an excellent pastor!" Ye Xiu said.

   "As for Old Wei... the problem of his age can only be overcome by his own will..." Tang Yin said with some worry.


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