Full-time Occupation

Chapter 890: Bye……

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Chapter 909

Happy's first player to play directly caused a sensation among all the audience. No way, this name is too radiant for Honor. For a while, the audience who supported Happy in the audience immediately boiled!

"I didn't expect that you would let Zhang Jiale play in the first place. It seems that Sun Zheping's hand injury is still very serious." At this moment, a voice in the audience behind the Happy player's seat remembered.

After all, this is not a professional venue for league games. The player seats and the audience seats are actually very close. The audience in the auditorium behind the sound walked forward, but they could communicate directly with the players.

Everyone in Happy turned their heads and saw Xuanqi coach Zhang Yiwei leaning on the guardrail separating the audience and the players and said.

Seeing Zhang Yiwei speaking, everyone at Xingxin looked at Tang Yin. After all, since the other party went smoothly, they should follow Tang Yin's ideas and put them in by themselves. This surprised everyone a little bit. After all, they originally planned. Still use a few more rounds to reinforce this concept.

Sun Zhe Pingye snorted and ignored it. But because the bandage on his hand had not been removed, Zhang Yiwei thought he was right.

Of course Tang Yin and the others would not be affected by the other party's rubbish, so they saw Tang Yin turning around and saying, "That's right, you can come down and study us after you drive it."

"Does this need to be studied? Now you are in urgent need of points. If Zhang Dui and Team Sun do not play again at this time, then what is the point of them coming to your team. If Team Sun’s hand injury is not that serious, you will definitely Arrange for him to be the first to play. After all, this will give him as much rest time as possible. But now you are the first to play Team Zhang. It shows that the current Sun team wants to be an unexpectedly protective hand. It is estimated that you want to play He will be used in the final team competition," Zhang Yiwei asked.

"Yeah, how is it? Are you afraid of the flowers and blood?" Ye Xiu smiled. After all, although this style of play was broken by him and Tang Yin, it still exerts a lot of pressure on others.

"I'm not afraid, I know after hitting." Zhang Yiwei said, he has nothing to do with the Blossoming Blood Scene, only hope that the current Sun Zheping does not have the previous strength, plus a hand injury. Let them not be able to exert the power of the blossoming blood scene.

And Tang Yin and the others looked at the knight sent by the other party, and they knew that Zhang Yiwei was doing his best with him. As he said, if you are going to send Sun Zheping on the field, the starting line is undoubtedly the best choice, so that after the game can Sun Zheping get the best rest. In order to restrain Tang Yin and the others, the other party first started with a knight. In this way, it is possible to rely on the knight knight shield and the high defense to consume Sun Zheping as much as possible.

And the Cavaliers also have obvious restraint on the Gunners.

After all, the best use of the attack power of the gunner class is mid-to-long range combat, and it is difficult for the gunner class without the ability to bypass the back to break the defense with the knight shield. And as long as the opponent is shot close by, the gunner is at a disadvantage, even the sharpshooter is the same. Zhou Zekai and Tang Yin, the reason why they can use the sharpshooter to achieve the melee effect is because of their hard power.

And this is obviously not something that other players can easily do. When Tang Yinhe and Zhou Zekai came out, it is estimated that Qin Muyun, who made Tyranny's debut this season, is also very good at spearmanship.

And this is only the sharpshooter can do, other gunner professional close combat are easily suppressed. Especially the opponent's shield is particularly annoying.

With that said, everyone's eyes moved to the game scene again. At this time, the roles of both parties have been loaded, and the game will officially start after the map is loaded successfully.

This knight of Xuan Qi is an old member of Xuan Qi. He was there before Xuan Qi retired from the league, but he was not invited by other teams afterwards, which shows that he does not have any outstanding characteristics.

Although the Cavaliers are somewhat restrained from the gunman profession, but he still wants to restrain Zhang Jiale? Tang Yin said that if you go to bed early, you have everything in your dreams. In the final analysis, glory is still an e-sports among people, and the operator is the core factor in determining the game.

And Zhang Jiale could abuse even Ye Xiu's knight, let alone the opponent. Not to mention that he now has a way to reach the knight behind the shield.

At the beginning of the game, I saw that the opponent's knight entered a defensive state from the beginning, holding a shield to attack Zhang Jiale's flowers, but Zhang Jiale was very calm in the face of the opponent's menacing attack. Waved and threw a few ordinary grenade. While exploding beside his opponent, he also planted a flash explosion mine and a tomahawk mine on the ground.

The knight's shield will also cover his sight when he is defensive. If you want to see where the opponent is, you have to stretch your head out. And just heard the sound of Zhang Jiale's hand thunder, where did the mysterious knight dare to stretch his head? Coupled with the sound of the grenade exploding just now, it perfectly concealed his sound to prevent the flash explosion of mines and tomahawk mines. After that, the first brother flew a spear and pulled away directly from the opponent.

However, it is possible for the Xuanqi knight to let the opponent go so easily, directly lifting a shield and a knight charging like Zhang Jiale, but this is Zhang Jiale's purpose.

A knight charged, and the opponent ran to the place where he had just planted the mine. Two bottom-up steamed buns directly knocked the opponent into the air, although he couldn't want Tang Yin to hit the abnormal state every time and bear the current floating air. Stiffness is enough. And now is the time for Zhang Jiale to exert his strength!

I saw Shuke grenade being thrown by Xuanqi Knight one after another~www.readwn.com~ together with countless ammunition of various attributes, the next moment a hundred flowers bloom next to him!

Zhang Jiale brought his hundred fancy style of play to appear on the league stage again!

The audience was boiling, and even the tone of the commentary became high.

"Yes, the Hundred Fancy play is the real Hundred Fancy play!"

"Combination! Is it my illusion that there is no gap in the combo? This time Zhang Jiale's hit rate is so high!

And this comment made by this commentator completely made everyone notice this. In the case of countless flowers blooming in the mysterious knight's body, the number of combos is also steadily increasing, and even the fake combo can be accurately played. You must know that this is another Hundred Fancy style of play, which is ridiculed by everyone: "It's dazzling, but it can't be achieved." The style of play is now accurately issued one by one.

And this can only show one thing, that Zhang Jiale has been improving for a short time. And this time his first match in front of the public, Zhang Jiale took his brand-new Baihua style play to announce his return again!

But Fang Daxu, the mysterious knight player, didn't even have a chance to fight back. This point of commentary can prove everything!

"Fang Daxu is very passive now!"

"Fang Daxu needs a solution."

"Fang Daxu is in danger..."

"Fang Daxu..."



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