Full-time Occupation

Chapter 894: Tang Rou is on stage!

After seeing the name of Happy's third person, Xuan Qi's entire team was not able to come. No way, facing a doomed game, it is estimated that no one is in a good mood. Regardless of the strength of the Great God Ye Xiu, they have not studied the scattered people alone until now. Not to mention fighting against Great God Ye Xiu.

As for Ye Xiu's ability to disperse people, everyone had seen it in previous matches. Even if the opponent was a professional player, he couldn't even be defeated by others. And not only can you not fall down, you can't even see others, who told Ye Xiu to cover the silver step.

And now Zhang Yiwei clearly understands the current mood of the players, and the morale of the team now, if one player is abused, it is estimated that everyone's mentality will collapse by then. After that, there will be a team match, as long as they can get two points in the team match, then they can attack. After all, there is a high probability that Happy will use the **** scene in the team competition. In the face of the blossoming and **** scene, Zhang Yiwei felt that they had no chance of winning.

So instead of letting everyone be abused here, let's concentrate on the next team game!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yiwei got up and returned to his team, and confessed to the players.

"Abstaining?" When Xuanqi Captain Tang Xing heard this decision, his first reaction was surprise, but then he thought about it. Yes, the person on the opposite side is Great God Ye Xiu, and what he used was a way they hadn't figured out until now. What if this does not abstain? Will the next player go up and be abused in front of the audience, and then suffer a double blow to the body and mind?

The reason why Zhang Yiwei wanted to find some team captains was because the current league has not officially allowed him to be a coach. He does not have many rights, and only the team captain has it. For example, this right to abstain can only be made by the team captain. If Zhang Yiwei went to the referee by himself, the referee would definitely ignore him.

"Is it really going to be like this?" Although it was known that there was no hope in this game and the fight was completely meaningless, Tang Xing still hoped for a miracle.

"That's it. Actually, it's not bad. Now that the opponent's Ye Xiu has already played, he won't be playing in the next team matches. And now there are many main players in our field. We use a non-main player to exchange for If you lose Ye Xiu, you won't lose this point." Zhang Yiwei said, the meaning of the words is also very obvious, that is, Tian Ji's horse racing principles.

Whatever the coach said, Tang Xing also felt that this was the truth. Anyway, it was a loss. It would be better to concentrate on the opponent's next team match.

The facts proved that Zhang Yiwei's choice was right. Knowing that there was no need to continue the game, not only the players who played this time, but the other players also breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, Ye Xiu hadn't even played before he saw the news that the opponent had abstained from his side's victory.

The individual match ended here. Team Happy, after losing a big score in the last round, directly won the individual match victory with Xuanqi. Compared with Happy, the current situation of Xuanqi was quite tense. After all, the next team match was said to be their last hope.

And Happy's pressure is much less now, with three full victories in the individual matches, even if they fail in the team match. It's okay, the real focus is on the final team game.

But of course Happy would not favor the team competition, even if they had the first advantage, they would definitely win the team competition. Otherwise, it would not be arranged for Tang to guard. Not to mention that the starter of the team match was Tang Rou, a girl who didn't know what to admit defeat.

On Xuan Qi's side, Zhang Yiwei, relying on his years of experience in the game, gave his teammates a wave of passionate speeches during this break. He abruptly pulled back the originally sluggish morale of Xuanqi, which surprised Tang Yin who saw this scene.

"Lao Ye, why don't you have some pre-war speeches or something. Otherwise, I feel that you can only speak the truth and fill the chicken soup. It's so low~" Tang Yin pointed to a bowl of chicken soup by Zhang Yiwei... Oh no... the Xuan Qi everyone who was so excited by the blood said.

"I feel you just want to see me making a fool of yourself, but I have no evidence..." Ye Xiu didn't know what Tang Yin meant, so he refused decisively.

The rest time between the individual matches and the ring match is still quite long. This does not reproduce the mysteriousness of playing now, and it is an expression of ready to go.

When the second team match started, the players from both sides took the stage, and Tang Rou's appearance caused cheers from the stage. What depressed Tang Yin the most was that since someone on the stage dared to call Tang Rou his wife, this made Tang Yin angry. But when I listened carefully, it seemed that she was still a girl, and Tang Yin didn't even know whether to use an expression.

And seeing Tang Yin's weird expression, looking at the commotion caused by Tang Rou's appearance, everyone in Happy didn't know this was the case.

"Eh yeah, what's the matter with Vice Tang's team? Be jealous?" Wei Chen came to Tang Yin's body and joked.

"These are all our fans, Xiao Yin, you can't take action against them!" Zhang Jiale did not let go of this opportunity~www.readwn.com~ After all, they are usually rectified by Tang, and now it is such a good opportunity for revenge. , They certainly won't miss it.

"Huh, what's so jealous? Anyway, I went home with me in the end." Tang Yin said stubbornly, anyway, Xiao Tang was with me in the end.

"No, now Xiao Tang belongs to me, and I'm in the room too!" Chen Guo relentlessly made up the knife.

Tang Yin: "......"

However, Tang Yin who was depressed here, the commentator had already begun to introduce Tang Rou: "Both sides of the ring match have entered the contestant stand, and the player on Happy's side is Tang Rou. Although this is a newcomer, But last year there was a record of beating professional players, and his style of play was very sturdy. He is a player with a very unique style of play. I don’t know what kind of performance this beauty will bring to us in the next games. ?"

After one commentator introduced Tang Rou, the other also said, "And Xuanqi also attaches great importance to this game. The first player is Tang Xing, the captain of the Xuanqi team. To be honest, this arrangement is a bit unexpected. Qizhong’s best players, shouldn’t they stay in the final defense based on management? I don’t know what kind of team consideration Xuanqi has in this arrangement."

The words of the two commentators also successfully aroused the appetite of the audience. I don't know if it was because of Mo Fan's cold field before. The commentary of this game was very positive.

And with their explanation, Tang Rou, who had just loaded it, rushed to the middle of the map!


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