Full-time Occupation

Chapter 900: Roll yourself

The latest website: Ten days passed quickly. Soon Tang Yin and the others ushered in the four quarters of their quarterfinals, but there is really nothing to watch in this match. The opponents of Happy and Excellent Era are all ordinary players. Team, the game ended without suspense.

   The only thing that everyone is looking forward to is the game between the Trader Team and the Zhuxian Team. Everyone is curious whether this player team from the professional team can kill the gods again. But whether the facts are cruel or not, the Zhuxian team played very steadily and defeated the trader step by step.

   The second thing I can see through is the two player teams, after all, they are quite strong. It also has good viewing performance when playing.

   The first match of the quarter-finals of the Challenger League ended in a bland way. There was nothing particularly impressive about Huamina. Even the reports from the major media on the second day gave people a sense of powerlessness.

   Fortunately, the next game will be different, because the next game, Happy and Zhuxian team met, and now Happy has defeated two professional teams one after another, no one underestimates them anymore. And this is also more and more exciting for them to compete with Zhu Xian.

   As for Excellent Era, it is all about letting everyone continue to admire the appearance of the great **** abused food, but they have watched this kind of game all the way, and they are all a little tired.

   "There are two more games!" On the second day after the end of the first round, Chen Guo woke up from her dream and looked at the sunlight coming in, and she felt better. After looking at it calmly, she didn't see Tang Rou's figure, but there was a breakfast in front of the bed.

   "Why did Xiao Tang also get up early today?"

   Chen Guo said that Tang Rou, who couldn't see her in bed together, was very depressed. But tidy up and go out.

   Now they, like Excellent Era, are not in the hotel originally arranged by the alliance. But in a hotel that is closer to the alliance and has better facilities. This hotel even has a separate e-sports room. This was obtained by Tang Yin after the group stage. No two of them had a presidential suite, and there was also a separate e-sports room for them.

   This time Tang Yinzhong’s housing coupon for January, don’t ask why a five-star hotel has such a strange coupon, it’s the will of a certain Erha in the universe.

   And Tang Yin is also a lot of idle and bored, improving everyone's living environment. The main reason is that the league is often besieged. Together, they are not well-known. It is not easy to go out if they are a little popular.

   So Tang Yin went straight to this hotel like Excellent Era, but Excellent Era's players did not have a presidential suite...

   Mucheng envied Tang Rou and the others for a long time...

Of course, they have some other gains during this period, that is, their Happy Guild successfully introduced a lot of talents. You need to know where they lived at the beginning, except for Excellent Era who separated from them early in the morning, but there are 18 teams. Woolen cloth. Although everyone was an opponent in the game, they quickly became friends after the trial. After all, everyone has this common topic.

   This is still Ye Xiu's strong appeal and attractiveness, some players who are ready to go back because of the failure of the game. Because everyone's getting along during this time was invited by Ye Xiu to join their Happy Guild. You must know that although they are not professional players, they can reach the ceiling among all players here.

   At this time, the peak combat power of their Happy Guild has increased a lot, which perfectly solves the shortage of talents in their wild boss group.

   And Chen Guo was also curious about it. Why did Ye Xiu, who was originally a mysterious and mysterious, suddenly willing to come forward and use his reputation to solicit players?

   This question has troubled Chen Guo for a long time, but in the end he couldn't help it, and Chen Guo went to ask Tang Yin. After all, if you ask Ye Xiu about this, you will be mocked by Ye Buddhism again.

   And Tang’s answer is very simple: “Because his previous identity was fake, whether he was recognized by his family members, of course he had to keep a low profile. But now that his identity is official, what are the taboos of Lao Ye when his family recognizes it?”

The disapproval of Jia's identity and his family's identity is indeed the reason why Ye Xiu has been hiding in hiding. If they were still Ye Qiu together, Chen Guo and the others thought it was Ye Xiu who was too focused on the game, so they would not accept any business. Activities, but after a long day and night, Chen Guo knew very well that Ye Xiu was not the kind of almost pedantic person.

   Just when Chen Guo just woke up, she was thinking about this in her mind, and a voice rang out: "Hi, good morning, boss Chen!"

   Chen Guo looked up, and only then saw a figure walking into the elevator. It was Tao Xuan who came!

   "Tao Xuan, have you also got up so early?" Chen Guo asked curiously when she saw Tao Xuan.

   "Well, I'm fine. I just got up, but the team seems to have left long ago." Tao Xuan said.

"Um... it's not like our team members got up early in the morning..." Chen Guo asked a little embarrassedly. After all, the team members are so active and their team leader is so idle now. How do you feel about it? It's not so good...

   And the facts have indeed confirmed this point of view. When they came to the e-sports zone, they looked at the e-sports room that was already full, which made the two of them stand outside in a bit embarrassing manner.

"Um... do you think they are considered involuntary?" Tao Xuan looked at the same full-filled training room of his team, knowing that they weren't so active before Xingxin came... ...

   Chen Guo's expression was also very strange when he heard Tao Xuan's words. Think about the two teams with the most favorable competition for the championship now. How terrible it is to think so...

   But the two didn't think too much, after all, it was useless for them to think about this kind of thing. The two looked at each other, and they felt a sense of exhaustion inexplicably...

   Saying goodbye to Tao Xuan, Chen Guo came to Xingxin's training room and curiously asked Tang Rou: "You got up so early today?"

   "Uh...I don't know too well, everyone was already there when I got up." Tang Rou said.

  "Is it just a coincidence? But Excellent Era on the other side is so early. Looking at Mr. Tao's expression, they are not so early together~www.readwn.com~ Chen Guo asked strangely.

"I don't know, or ask Xiao Yin and the others, they seem to be the one who found it the most." Tang Rou said, she didn't know that this happened. After all, the gaming room here is soundproof. Directly and completely isolate. So Tang Rou didn't even notice Excellent Era on the side.

   And this is the reason why Tang Yin chose here. The original place was to do some simple divisions. The sound insulation between the teams was very poor. It was troublesome to run back to the room alone to discuss a tactic.

"Huh? Why did you wake up so early? I was Little Mica who was hungry and woke me up. Then since I woke up, I took Lao Ye over to watch the match between Excellent Era and Zhu Xian. Others, it's a coincidence, we too Did not notify everyone." Tang Yin said strangely when he heard Chen Guo's question.

   "Wait, Xiao Yin, did Excellent Era's people come when you came?" Chen Guo seemed to have caught something and asked.

   "It was almost seven at that time, how could there be anyone in this?" Ye Xiu said, and he looked at Tang Yin with a look full of resentment.

  Chen Guo: "..." Looking at the tired Excellent Era players again, Chen Guo silently mourned them for three minutes...

   The Excellent Era who was on the opposite side rolled himself...


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