Full-time Occupation

Chapter 905: The charm of e-sports

Latest URL: The players on both sides actually played against the bench, and soon began to swipe their cards to load the characters. Soon the roles of both sides appeared before everyone.

Sure enough, the meaning of Lin Yi's role, the swordsman Wanjian Guiyi, and Tang Yin's expected meaning was significantly different from the orange equipment of the previous game. When the equipment list on the side opened, a row of silver equipment that could not display equipment information appeared in front of them.

Lin Yi's character, Wan Jian Guiyi, has seven silver weapons and equipment on his body. You must know that this is higher than the average silver equipment of the alliance before Tang Yin and the others bought their homemade weapons. From this it can be seen that the Zhuxian team hides really deeply.

The fans of Team Zhu Xian also cheered when they saw the equipment of their own team players. There was no way that it was too imposing. You have to know that teams like Zhu Xian are evenly equalized, that is, this character has seven silver outfits, and other characters can't find it there.

However, Happy's fans booed for a while. Because they are fully qualified. In front of their Xingxin team, the coverage rate is better than that of the silver outfit? Who gave you the courage?

Sure enough, the equipment data of Baozi on the other side also appeared, 100% covered by a full set of self-made equipment, and immediately suppressed the hot atmosphere of Zhu Xian. The emergence of the star is still very stellar people's three views.

Obviously it is a grassroots team starting from an Internet cafe. Why can there be so many self-made weapons and equipment?

The equipment matter didn't cause any commotion in the end. Everyone knew that Xinxin was well equipped before. Zhu Xian didn't know what to say, so he praised his team for being well equipped. But looking at each other, this is very embarrassing.

At the start of the stage competition, Xiao Jie, the owner of Zhu Xian, really came over to chat with Tang Yin and the others.

"Your player is very interesting, I think it's very special. By the way, can you reveal the source of your self-made equipment?" Xiao Jie came to Ye Xiu and asked.

"Um... it's nothing, it's just that we have enough materials in stock, so we can study it ourselves." Tang Yin said indifferently.

"This material is not a small number, right? Do you have any purchase channels or methods?" The question was a bit overwhelmed, but Xiao Jie didn't seem to realize it at all.

Of course, Tang Yin wouldn't get used to him, and said, "It's all given by the major guilds. If you sell more of this kind of stuff, you will naturally increase it."

"You can't learn this, don't you know when my tuba wakes up from the dream?" Tang Yin said lightly, saying that Xiao Jie didn't know what to say. When he woke up from the dream, of course he knew that the famous orange merchants in the realm of gods, not only the major guilds, but also some local tyrant players often approached him for business.

It's just that they didn't expect that their wealth during the waking hours had accumulated to such a terrifying level over the years. But having materials does not mean that you can make self-made equipment. If self-made equipment is as simple as that, then the various battle teams have completed 100% coverage of self-made weapons and equipment.

But the other party was reluctant to answer this question, and other questions were asked for nothing. Xiao Jie would naturally not find it boring anymore.

"Lin Yi plays steadily, but depending on the situation, this is not your Zhuxian's trump card." Ye Xiu smiled as he watched the game.

"In your opinion, who is our Zhu Xian's trump card?" Xiao Jie said without surprise.

"Your trump card can't be the best guide for the battle, but it is indeed your backing in team battles." Tang Yin looked at the opponent's lineup and said, they had come down to understand Zhu Xian's lineup.

"The Great God Tang Yin has good eyesight. No loss is the Great God who has defeated the first person of glory. As you said, I am also very troubled in that it can't lead the battle. Those two Great Gods, how do you plan to deal with us? What about the core?" Xiao Jie set his mind, and then said.

"After all, you can't dominate the core of the battle. There is no need to treat it specially." Ye Xiu said.

"Really?" Xiao Jie smiled again, did not say anything, and sat back in his original position to continue watching the game.

This makes the smile faintly, faintly. At the beginning, it gives people a good look and feels, and it will give people a humble and polite attack, but when such smiles appear one after another, it gives people another feeling of pride and conceit. Adding an inexplicable sense of superiority makes it a little uncomfortable to look at.

"This guy's laugh is so annoying!" It was this kind of laugh that Chen Guo obviously hated the most.

"I hate it, his appearance has brought me Marfa after all." Tang Yin scratched his head and said.

The off-court exchanges ended here. The characters of Baozi and Lin Yi on the stage had already fought together, and neither of them chose such a tactical position at the beginning. Meet directly in the center of the map and start the team directly.

This kind of team is purely fighting operations, consciously refueling and judging. Lin Yixian, who has rich experience and solid technology, has a slight advantage. However, Baozi also has an advantage in equipment, so it does not fall into a clear lower score.

In the face of Baozi's various jumping styles, Lin Yi's expression became calmer, giving people a feeling of unchanging and adapting to changes.

And this style of play just happens to be more restrained. Let the bun's blood volume out of the wind.

At this time, Tang Yin and the others found that Xiao Jie was looking towards them, and when they saw Tang Yin they noticed that he scolded him and then smiled slightly, but their attack was to write with a sense of superiority: "Look, I know. "Same.

It was also at this time that Tian Qi and the others began to cheer for the buns. Because with the passage of time, the disadvantage of the buns has reached the point where they can see it.

All kinds of things can be seen, let alone explain them, and the current commentary is far from saying that the result of this game is certain.

"It seems that this round will come out soon." I don't know when Xiao Jie clings together again and said.

"Yeah, but there are still people who haven't figured out the situation!" Although Ye Xiu said this, there was no worry in his tone.

"Who?" Xiao Jie asked curiously, looking around.

"Hey, our steamed buns are still in a good mood now." This time it was Tang Yin.

Sure enough, in the game screen of UU Reading www.uukānshu.com, the momentum of Baozi invasion is the same as before, and at the first glance, there is no sign that he is going to lose. Every three to five will still throw some strange tricks, but they are all caught by Lin Yi. He took it calmly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Jie thought that the other party would be strong enough, and smiled and said, "Very tenacious."

"Stubborn? You might have misunderstood something. Baozi is not stubborn. It's just that he didn't think about giving up or persisting at the beginning. He just continued his own rhythm. We don't deny that Lin Yi has mastered the situation. But it’s too early to decide whether to win or lose. In the end, everything is still unknown. This is the charm of e-sports. Hasn't edg been staged a while ago?"


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