Full-time Occupation

Chapter 913: A completely different mindset

And now Zheng Shengchao's offensive is becoming more and more fierce. The Sword of Blood Qi raised his hand, and after slashing against Yifan, he turned around and slashed again. This cut directly shook the blocked Yifan back. Where would Zheng Shengchao give Yifan a chance to catch up, and raise a new red arm against Yifan. It is the Hand of Soul Eater!

But in the end, because of the negative buff of the ghost array, I couldn't catch it, otherwise the situation would be completely reversed. However, the current Zheng Shengchao three still failed to break out of the siege of the ghost formation. But now he has turned from passive to active, and launched a counterattack against Yifan. Although Yifan is now his home court, but did not release all the ghost formations like the previous game, which caused Yifan to lose a lot of health in these few matchups.

The current Yifan is a proper disadvantage in the eyes of others. How can Yifan, which has only 10% of his blood left, resist the attack of the Berserkers who have triggered the awakening of blood?

But will Yifan really lose so easily?

Obviously not, because it was a commentary that they noticed. The Berserker's blood awakening doesn't know when it has been triggered. You must know that this skill will only be triggered when the blood volume is reduced by 50%.

This was when they realized that before they knew it, the Yifan they had just ignored had already consumed half of the opponent's blood! Is it true that Yifan wants to kill his opponent in such a silent way?

That's right, although the battle this time was not as gorgeous as the previous one, if you want to squander mana like the previous one, can you consume more blood in the front of the opponent?

But now Qiao Yifan relies on this kind of team battle, silently and better the opponent's massive amount of health. At this time, everyone remembered to see how much Yifan had consumed a lot of power, and how much was left now.

When everyone noticed Yifan’s mana value, he was shocked again, because Yifan only consumed 10% of his mana from the beginning until now. He used this ten% of the mana to rely on the assistance of the ghost array to help the opponent. Caused so much damage.

What kind of concept is this? Ten percent of the mana is replaced by 50 percent of the opponent's blood volume. This result is absolutely amazing. In order to achieve this effect, Yifan suffered a lot of damage before, which is equivalent to the remaining close to 20% of his mana that was obtained in exchange for his life value!

But does it make sense? Without the raw denomination, those blue bars are useless. And just when the commentary was curious, an idea suddenly appeared in their minds. Is Yifan trying to break out!

"It's coming!!" The commentator said this almost subconsciously, and just when the audience was inexplicable because of the sudden comment, Qiao Yifan's inch of gray moved again, this time he changed the previous one. In the style of play, countless ghosts entangled his sword. Ghost formations of various attributes appeared one after another, and this speed of appearance was too familiar to them, because they had just seen it in the last game, that belongs to the art of Yifan!

"I've come over, now Qiao Yifan's mana burst is enough to take away Acacia Zan. You must know that Acacia Zhan is a Berserker, and his resistance to ghost formations is low. Suddenly there are a large number of ghost formations. Now Qiao Yifan's mana, There is a chance to kill the opponent!" The commentator counted out his findings with some excitement.

The situation on the scene was like verifying what the commentary had said. Yifan, who had completely erupted from the ghost formation, once again completely controlled the situation. The originally arrogant Zan Xiangsi was becoming more and more troublesome. As more and more ghost arrays are stacked, this negative state on his body is getting more and more right. In proportion to this is the passing of his life value. Although he is awakened now, Zheng Shengchao, who is trapped in the ghost formation because of various debuffs, has not even a catharsis. Yifan was firmly trapped in the ghost array.

Finally, when Yifan's blue strip is about to end, the art belonging to Yifan once again blooms in this small town!

And this second feast of ghosts and gods, also for Yifan successfully won the second opponent!

In the next moment, the word "great glory" appeared on the big screen.

But now the scene is quiet and there is no way for this wave of eruption, the reversal is too fast.

After all, just now, the commentator still said that Yifan was too cautious and had led the opponent into the full set, but he could not perfectly restrain the opponent. Everyone didn't notice that Yifan's blood volume was higher and lowered the opponent's blood line.

Until now, the commentary will start from the beginning, and it was not until the plan and response just now that everyone reacted. Exchange the health value for the blue bar, just wait for a burst. Just think about it this is a very dangerous decision, but Yifan did it, and it succeeded in the end!

No matter what, Yifan got another sentence for Happy, which was beyond doubt. At this moment, the whole applause appeared again like a tide. There is no reason, because this game is really exciting. Of course, some of them have not yet figured out the situation. After all, the players of the Cutter Jade Jade Dynasty are still at the top, so they were suppressed all at once, and finally they were directly and completely killed in a very artistic explosion. What happened during this period. And most of these people are fans of Zhu Xian...

And Zheng Shengchao, who ended his game, was treated the same as the previous player ~www.readwn.com~ and was coldly treated by his boss, and ignored him during the whole process. And Zheng Shengchao can only do one side nervously.

And the player Zhu Xian played in the fourth game came to Xiao Jie to see what instructions he had. But now Xiao Jie didn't have this Xianxin, waved his hand very boredly, and slapped the opponent without saying anything.

Xiao Jie is now using silence to express his dissatisfaction with these players in these three games. In this situation, he no longer has any hope in the ring. And Zhu Xian's fourth place to play is the last of Zhu Xian's four swordsman professions. And his opponent still has one share, but the current Yifan only has 10% of the health and a tiny bit of mana. But I don't know if I was the reason for the previous game, this player still looks a little trembling.

However, the facts proved that his trembling was completely unnecessary. This time, Yifan did not have any procrastination, and directly confronted the opponent head-on, but now Yifan's mana that can't be released by this skill training, was quickly by the opponent. Kill.

After Qiao Yifan was defeated, he got up and left the battle seat and started to end, but this time he had a completely different mentality in the All-Star game with him in the first game. Although he was also walking on the way back to his seat, this time there was no more confusion and hesitation in his heart. And when he came out! Oncoming was a burst of warm applause!

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