Full-time Occupation

Chapter 915: Depressed Mucheng

At this moment, the audience on the scene was in an unusually tacit understanding, but no matter how slander they were, they couldn’t convey Wei Chen. Even when they saw Wei Chen’s match, they suspected that Wei Chen had cheated. After all, this guy. They really don’t trust their character.

But Wei Chen didn’t stop talking about the trash just after he changed positions. The magic swordsman who made Zhuxian was really at a loss, he began to wonder if the opponent was on the stage at all.

The fact is certain, even Wei Chen's attack is coming.

From the audience’s God’s perspective, it was found that Wei Chen had come to the back of the Swordsman who was walking and stopping, and the commentary was also shocked at this time, because Qiao Yifan’s game was ahead, and now he will deliberately observe the terrain of the battlefield. .

And now it doesn't matter whether it is the terrain, or the distance or angle between the two sides. All are very suitable for warlock attacks.

And the commentator who discovered this couldn't help sighing: "Jiang is still hot, the old captain of the Blue Rain team is also so boring that many people think."

"Oh, did you see anything?" The other commentator also saw it at this time, but said in order to cooperate with the partner.

At this time, which commentator also recounted his findings, and let the audience know the stakes between the audience. But even though we knew Wei Chen's purpose and thoughts, this did not affect the audience's continued cheers for Wei Chen.

In the midst of the audience's cheers and curses, Wei Chen came to his best attacking position. At this moment, the right place and the right place are on his side. As long as he takes a shot, it will be difficult for the opponent to survive.

You must know that the advantage of the warlock itself is the various control skills, plus the attack range that is farther than that of the magic swordsman, not to mention that Wei Chen's death hand has the attribute of spell range plus four.

And the facts just wanted to explain what was expected, after Wei Chen took the shot, Zhu Xian's magic swordsman was played by Wei Chen like a puppet.

Although most of the audience in the audience hoped that Zhu Xian's magic swordsman could defeat Wei Chen, the ideal was plump, and now it was skinny. Zhu Xian's magic swordsman was suppressed the whole time, and he didn't even have a chance to get close.

The chance of the game ended under Wei Chen's control, but even though the game was over, the audience really couldn't give the applause to this guy who was not selected.

At the same time, in another stadium, the game here has ended. It was Excellent Era's semi-finals!

In this match, Sun Xiang directly became a one-to-five feat in the ring, and finally declared the end of the match directly after killing one of the opponents in the team match.

The end of this game can be said to be quite without suspense. The strength of the two sides is not at the same level. This is why the league only chose to broadcast Happy's game without Excellent Era.

With the end of the game, there was a round of applause from the audience. After all, the fans who came here are Excellent Era fans. Although the strength of both sides is not at the same level, the team that they support has achieved this result. Shouldn't they? Is it clear?

Facing the audience's applause, Excellent Era's players also wanted the audience to wave their hands. Thank you fans for their perseverance and support. After fulfilling the photo signing request with their opponents in the field, they also left their game scene. Came to the hall of the stadium.

Shen Jian, who came out, sighed: "There is no suspense in this game. It is completely crushed."

Excellent Era sharpshooter Wang Ze heard Shen Jian's words and said: "What's the use of crushing? I just heard the vice team and the captain talking. He said that there is still room for improvement in our cooperation. I began to doubt the eyes of the vice team. Now, we can find our shortcomings in a team like this. I think we need to train again."

"Isn't it? Can such a game find our flaws?" Fang Feng, who is also the world's best sharpshooter, said in surprise. He didn't play this game. It was Wang Ze who played Excellent Era's substitute. This time is equivalent to training for him.

"As for the deputy team...it doesn't seem impossible, no, no, I'm going to take a rest first." Zeng Shenghe, also an Excellent Era player, thought of Xiao Shiqin's abnormal eyesight during this period, and immediately Feeling bad, and ran to the hotel after saying.

And other people obviously thought of this too, all of them didn't have the ease they just came out, and they all started to run to the hotel.

And their actions were clearly seen by Mu Cheng and Xiao Shiqin who came out last.

"I feel that your teammates have been trained to create a psychological shadow?" Su Mucheng said jokingly.

"Ahem... This is a fact. Our goal is the future championship. Of course, these things must be faulty." Xiao Shiqin said a little embarrassingly.

At this time their main force had been attracted by the billboard in the middle of the hall, and the billboard was divided into two opposite directions, half of which was the venue where they were playing, and the other half was the venue for Happy and Zhuxian. And on the other side of their field, they can directly watch Happy's game.

"Speaking of it, if it's no surprise, we will have to face Happy in the next game," Mucheng said.

"What? Do you want to go see it?" Xiao Shiqin asked.

"Well, after all, the person who wants to know you most will always be your opponent." Mucheng said with great momentum.

"But it doesn't matter to you, President Tao has repeatedly ordered you to ban you from participating in this game." Xiao Shiqin also joked.

Speaking of this, Mucheng was a little depressed. Tao Xuan meant that she certainly knew ~www.readwn.com~ After all, in such a controversial game, she might be over-interpreted if she made one mistake when she played. This is absolutely not allowed to Tao Xuan, who is now a little girl-controlled. But now Happy is different from the original.

Tang Yin, Ye Xiu, and Zhang Jiale, these three great gods are there, and the current format of the ring match is somewhat disadvantageous for them. Not to mention there are Wei Chen and Sun Zheping, although Sun Zheping has a high probability that Xinxing will be put in the team game to play the snow scene. But still have to be considered.

And just like Happy’s plastic surgery, their Excellent Era is really irritating, not to mention removing her, the only people who call the great gods are Sun Xiang and Xiao Shiqin. Although Qiu Fei is very talented, his current strength is still not enough. Great God, is better than their original main players on the front line.

And now their original main force was limited. After all, Excellent Era was relegated. The two original main players and Thunder replaced Xiao Shiqin. Others also left. In terms of peak combat power, they don't talk about disadvantages, but they don't have any advantages.

But now Tao Xuan's relationship with everyone has eased, and there are no personal grievances between them. Mucheng wants to play for her nearly a youthful team. This is the place where Ye Xiu has fought the most. This brother hopes to join. The team worked hard again. This has nothing to do with personal feelings, it's just the feelings between her and the team. It is also her responsibility as a professional player.

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