Full-time Occupation

Chapter 917: Lies and others, glue lies and others!

Chapter 938 Hush him, then hush him! (Seeking subscription, seeking recommendation)

And unlike Happy's side captain's relaxed ridicule, Wei Chen has no lower limit, Zhu Xian's side is already completely enveloped by low air pressure. You must know that Zhu Xian's hidden strengths of these characters were meant to wake up the opponent when they played Excellent Era, but now they have used them in advance because of encountering Happy.

No way, when he was fan of Glory, it happened to be the era when Wei Chen, Zhang Jiale, and Sun Zheping made their debut. Facing these great gods, he had to use all the equipment at the bottom of the box.

I originally thought that although there is still some gap in equipment with Happy, most of the opponents are new players, and they should be able to play an advantage if they are caught off guard, but the fact is that they were beaten badly.

Now Xiao Jie is a little bit afraid to think about the next game. Just look at the appearance of his magic swordsman being played between applause by Wei Chen. Xiao Jie’s current face is ugly, and he just hates the two words of opportunity. Written on the face. He hates failure himself. He would choose to buy Zhuxian at the beginning, first because he is a fan of Zhuxian, and the second and most important reason is to have fun, but where is there any fun now?

Sure enough, the unsurprisingly Demon Swordsman was quickly defeated, and Wei Chen could be said to have won easily in this match. If there is no trash talking about molesting each other before, and those operations that have no lower limit. For Wei Chen's operation, it definitely deserves the last round of applause. But the audience now feels that the level of this game has been pulled down.

And the audience at the scene had only one idea: "Will you win this way?"

And Xiao Jie just sat on the stage without saying a word, and the players next to him delivered him? I ignored them. This time they played an ammunition expert. And Xiao Jie didn't hold back any hope for this guy, just hope that he won't be too ugly to lose.

In fact, not only Xiao Jie, but even the ammunition expert himself has no confidence. After all, the next thing he wants to win is called one-to-three. This is even more impossible for a small person like him in the professional circle, and the real main force of the other party Neither played. So he didn't even dare to think about the next game, and there is no need to talk about the next game. What shameless means will this guy use to uniform himself? Whether he can pass this level is still a question...

And just in the ammunition expert neck competition, after the characters were loaded, a string of text appeared on the public channel just after the game started: "You all have this score, is there still a need to play? I think you can just abstain."

Seeing Wei Chen's trash talk, the whole audience began to despise this guy's shameless behavior again. This is the second game, can't you change it? Sure enough, just as everyone had expected, Wei Chen was caught up again at the beginning of the game. The scene is exactly the same as on the field, it is exactly the same!

Looking at the players on Zhu Xian's side, he was also a direct tactical position at the beginning, but he hadn't guessed that Wei Chen was playing the same way as in the previous game. This is also Wei Chen's difficulty. This kind of person who doesn't know the lower limit has the hardest idea to guess.

Therefore, the ammunition expert spent a long time on the upper limit, but he did not find the other party, which made the ammunition expert not have to lower his lower limit to think about the problem.

Although an idea appears, this guy will not continue the tactical play of the previous game, will he?

The ammunition expert walked to the refresh point of Wei Chen's character a little bit hesitantly, which made everyone worried. Worried that he will make the same mistake as the previous one. After all, if he goes on like this, won't he be a replica of the previous one? Suddenly there were various noises in the audience, and even Happy's fan group wanted to find a place to get in.

Fortunately, this ammunition expert learned the lesson of the previous player, and remembered how his opponent got behind his teammates in the previous game, he also built a dike. When approaching Wei Chen's refresh point, he directly changed his route and walked towards Wei Chen's refresh point along the route that Wei Chen had detoured before.

"Good way!" Someone in the audience yelled. Now the audience doesn't care about the competition between the teams. They simply want to teach this guy who has no lower limit some lessons. Now this ammunition expert is their last hope. NS.

And this detour may be able to catch the opponent off guard, and I also want to see this kind of expectation, everyone is more and more looking forward to the next progress. But as the ammunition expert approached, Wei Chen's windward formation still did not respond, which made everyone's hearts more and more expectant. After all, if it was the last game, Wei Chen had already started to move from this distance.

And now? But it still looks unprepared.

"It's going to begin!" Almost all the audience held their breath at this moment.

At this moment, two words suddenly appeared on the public channel: "Come on?"

At this time, everyone present was at a loss and said that this is a professional game, right? Why is there such a normal way of greeting?

And this player of Zhu Xian was also one of the bewildered people, and he didn't expect that the opponent would suddenly break this sentence. As a result, just after his stunned pause, Wei Chen had already launched an attack!

This time, Zhu Xian dared to neglect ~www.readwn.com~ and started to counterattack after a slip to avoid. At a time, the two characters directly fought before, so you can come and go.

The audience did not pay too much attention to the game. On the contrary, they all discussed what Wei Chen's conspiracy had been. In their opinion, there was absolutely nothing simple about it, and there must be something disgusting people behind that they didn't know.

But what is this thick back hand? They all wanted to know, but they were still thinking that Zhu Xian's ammunition expert had already fallen.

Is this the end?

Everyone looked at the "Glory" on the big screen with a little stunned.

In fact, everyone was misled by Wei Chen. They only thought that Wei Chen was a player with no lower limit, but they forgot that Wei Chen not only had rich experience in the game, but also had fighting thinking and predictive ability. In terms of personal strength, Wei Chen is not weak.

In this match, Wei Chen relied on his hard power to defeat the opponent, without any fancy operations throughout the entire process. It is so simple that neither commentary has anything to say. So now the audience is watching the big screen stubbornly, hoping to give some replays and give them some hints.

But when Wei Chen came out, there was still no response from the big screen. In the face of Wei Chen, who also completed the feat of one challenge and two, the audience now doesn't know how to treat him like this.

But when they saw that Wei Chen was now waving to the audience with a smug look, all the audience had a very tacit agreement at this moment: "Hush him, then hush him!"


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(End of this chapter)

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