Full-time Occupation

Chapter 919: Semifinal teamfight

If it had been in such a critical juncture before, Chen Guo had always been the most nervous about Happy. But now she is very self-conscious, because she firmly believes that their Happy team will never lose to a team like this guy, after all, it is too unprofessional.

After fighting Xiao Jie here, everyone in Happy is also ready to take the stage.

Because there were only three players from Happy in the previous arena matches, it is still worth looking forward to what lineup they will use in this team competition, and some of them who have been following Happy's match have been against some of Happy's lineups. They already understand it better. It is also because Happy's staff are more proficient, which makes it fun to guess the lineup. And as everyone from Happy took the stage, Happy's lineup was completely announced.

The first one to hit the brunt was Happy Captain Ye Xiu. This was not just a great god-level player of Happy. Even if he looked at the entire circle of glory, his achievements had not been surpassed so far.

After Ye Xiu, Tang Yin was naturally Tang Yin. The first time he appeared in the public eye was the ultra-long-distance sniper of the Mucheng Project in the All-Stars. After defeating Zhou Zekai head-on, he appeared on the Internet for a while. From the beginning to the present, the team has been crushing and encountering his opponent without any suspense. When playing Promise, they even directly played a one-to-three stunning audience.

After Tang Yin are Sun Zheping and Zhang Jiale, they are both geniuses of their respective professions, and they have created a stunning and **** game. It can be said that they are one step away from the peak of glory, and this step is due to Ye Xiu's defeat of their **** scene in that season.

The fifth place behind them is Qiao Yifan, who is completely recognized by the audience today. Although Yifan defeated two players like Wei Chen and now uses the same team, the difference in treatment between them is two extremes.

When Wei Chen stepped down, there were all kinds of boos, but Yifan came to the stage with all kinds of applause! I have to say that this is also a wonderful thing.

After Yifan, Happy's pastor An Wenyi played. However, everyone didn’t have a deep impression of the pastor Happy. Since the treatment itself has not been particularly attention-grabbing, or a career that is easy to make people excited, and now these players of Happy are too dazzling, the only thing they don’t There was only one Luo Ji who robbed him of light, and Luo Ji hadn't played for a while...

So after An Wenyi came on the court, the applause on the scene was obviously less, but these An Wenyi didn't care. Because he knows very well that he has nothing to express to be cheered up to now. It would be strange if he played like this and there were still many people cheering.

After Tang Yin and the others came to power, they discovered that Pastor Zhu Xian, who had come up before, still hadn't entered the battle room. Instead, he was on the side of Saicai, as if he was waiting for Happy and the others. But whether it was Ye Xiu, Tang Yin, Zhang Jiale, Sun Zheping, or Qiao Yifan, when the five people walked past him, he smiled slightly, the same smile that Xiao Jie said hello to Tang Yin and the others at first.

Regardless of Tang Yin, they didn't pay much attention to him, and they smiled politely when they passed by. No matter when he waited for An Wenyi, he took the initiative to greet him.

"Hello!" Lu Shilin stretched out his hand directly to An Wenyi.

"Hello." Although An Wenyi didn't know what the other party was here for, it was natural to reach out and shake his hand in a polite manner.

"In this team competition, the final victory or defeat will be directly decided between us." After Lu Shilin said this sentence in a very domineering manner, he directly withdrew his hand and turned around to show him a dark face. Smiled and left.

In this situation, An Wenyi was taken aback for a moment, and he had not had time to withdraw his hand. Because the other party just took a very casual ride and pulled away. As for what the other party meant, it was difficult to understand from the handshake alone. Does he mean to imply that the level of both pastors will determine the outcome of both parties?

An Wenyi took a look at their lineup. It can be said that it is the strongest lineup they have now. Other than that, a priest of his level, whether he can heal his team in front of his own deputy team is unclear. Clearly, let alone, how can he be confident that under the complicated special effects of "Flowers and Blood", he feels that he can milk his teammates?

"It's not a bad team. This arrogant feeling is the same as their boss." Zhang Jiale couldn't help sighing. Just before Xiao Jie's various actions, if it weren't for Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's already stunned him. Speechless. Without Chen Guo's action, they planned to feel that the other party could not take care of themselves. As a result, I didn't expect to be on stage now, since I can meet one more.

"Hehe, do you want to play psychological warfare? Naive." An Wenyi shook his head speechlessly.

"Well! It's not all as far as the video of the previous research is concerned. After all, treatment does sometimes become the match point of the game. This is also a good tactical idea. And the season's blue rain and reincarnation are not the treatment to decide the victory or defeat? It is a pity? It was not Tyranny ~www.readwn.com~ that played the final in the final, otherwise Zhang Xinjie won the battle in terms of treating each other." Tang Yin teased.

"Well, I will." An Wenyi said, Zhang Xinjie is his idol, and he will work hard with Zhang Xinjie as the goal.

"Everyone will do it," Ye Xiu said.

"Okay, let's crush them together!" Tang Yin said.

As everyone from Happy entered the seat one after another, the roles were logged in, and after the referees behind them reviewed, the final countdown to the team game appeared, and the roles of both parties began to load. With the passage of time, the battle to determine which of Happy and Zhu Xian entered the finals of the challenge officially started.

The map of this game was not refreshed together by the players on both sides, but refreshed separately. Everyone has studied this map, and we started to discuss what tactics to play before the start of the game. Many things have been prepared in advance, and now it depends on the situation.

This map is an ice and snow forest, with a small open space in the middle of the map. Where is undoubtedly the best place for both sides to fight.

In the face of this map, the play styles adopted by the two sides are also completely different. Zhu Xian immediately began reporting positions to each other in order to find as many as possible to gather together, and after the gathering, their four swordsman professions began to take action around the world.

On Happy’s side, it’s the exact opposite. Everyone didn’t immediately gather at the beginning, but separated and ran towards the open space in the middle, and they were still tactically moving throughout the whole process...


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