Full-time Occupation

Chapter 921: It's me not to lose

Ye Xiu actually arrived a minute ago. Although the map is relatively large, the maximum number of players in the game of Honor is ten. It is impossible to play the map like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

And Ye Xiu was waiting for this opportunity. If Tang Yin, Zhu Xian, and Ye Xiu were connected by a wire at this moment, an obtuse angle of about one hundred and thirty-five degrees would appear. And Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were in a row, relying on their superiors to harass each other.

This time Zhuxian's people are even more troublesome. If this is another team, it will be a big deal to send people to fight with each other, but their core is the priest, and the priest without their protection is a living target.

However, although Zhu Xian was still suppressed, because the teammates protected the priest in the middle, and at the same time relied on some frozen trees on the periphery as shelter, the priest could still give them effective treatment. Although suppressed, they did not lose much in terms of blood volume. And Tang Ye and the others seemed to have discovered this. The two of them went straight to the round like this, and continued to attack each other with the superiority of the hand, once again relying on the mechanical rotor, and flying and other skills to attack and move again.

Zhu Xian saw that the two troubles of Happy had come together actively, wouldn't it be a good opportunity for them to attack? Line up again and pursue the opponent again. And at this moment, the tacit understanding between Tang Yin and Ye Xiu was manifested, and Tang Yin alone had to consider the long-range skill cooling, so he played very carefully.

But this is different now, he and Ye Xiu alternately cover each other. Closing each other to make up for the empty window period of each other's long-range skills, it can be said that if the other party had a pastor and continued to return blood to them, the audience felt that both of them would be able to release Zhu Xian to death by flying a kite.

And Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu brought the Zhuxian people to the open space in the middle of the map like this. There was nothing on the open space. Three very huge rock giant swords were inserted in the middle. The height is 20 meters away. It can be said to be an excellent high point, a must for gunners.

And now Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are jumping on these three rock giantswords on one side, while holding on to Zhuxian on the other side, because now they have a high base advantage, which makes their priests no longer have that profession to help. He resisted the attack and could only rely on him to dodge, and it was really difficult for him to dodge under Tang Yin's snipe, knowing that there was no other cover except these three rock giantswords.

No way, now they can only separate, let them go and chase the other two cover priests together and chase upwards together.

After all, they didn't dare to leave each other too far. You have to know that there are three other people who haven't appeared yet. And the scenery of flowers and blood is also among them. Now their advantage is that everyone is together, and the opponent and the opponent's teammates have not yet assembled, they can form a more or less advantage.

If they were separated, at this time the three opponents attacked and were completely separated from the battlefield. The two opponents above were Ye Xiu, and below them they would face alone, Sun Zheping and Zhang Jiale. Regardless of which side they will be at a disadvantage. So they will never allow their only advantage to be ruined.

But just when Zhu Xian began to chase Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu on the giant sword, Tang Yin suddenly said, "Why do you want to be chased by various war teams in the tenth district in this situation."

Ye Xiu was also stunned by Tang Yin's sudden sentence, and found that it was really a group of people chasing them, but he didn't know that they were being brought into the trap by Tang Yin step by step.

That's right, it's a trap.

Of course, Tang Yin and the others would not lead the other side towards this giant sword for no reason. This is a special tactic for their scattered play.

Just when the opponent started to climb, the hidden Xingxin's other things appeared one after another, all gathering towards the huge sword in the middle. The first time the giant sword was under the main body, and Yifan directly began to arrange the ghost formation under the giant sword, and it would be difficult for various ghost formations to directly cover the bottom of the rock giant sword.

Directly let Zhuxian all have no place to land.

This is Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu also directly began to jump down. Rely on the fly grab to get on the road safely. This is Zhu Xian's people who were directly trapped by Tang Yin on the giant sword.

"Everyone, full hand speed!" Seeing that the time was ripe, Ye Xiu gave an order, and everyone started bombing the base of the giant rock sword.

That's right, they are going to trample on this giant sword, and they have calculated the location where the giant sword will fall after it collapses, and it will happen to be within the range of Yifan Ghost Array. These are all calculated and practiced by Luo Ji.

In this way, they can be forced to gather together to maximize the power of the "Flower and Blood Scenery", and it is also a "Flower and Blood Scenery" with the bonus of Yifan Ghost Array!

This is the Zhuxian above the Great Sword and everyone realizes that they are in the midst of it! But what can we do? The "blossom and blood scene" below has been opened. The swordsman's dazzling and falling blades can't fly out of their range.

Now they are already catching turtles in the urn, and Lu Shilin, the only one with flying skills, wanted to just see if he could fly out with the cooled angel wings and pull his teammates out with the towing skills. As a result, he just flew up here. It was seen by Tang Ye's electronic eye outside.

No way, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Now that Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping's "blossom and blood scene" has begun, so the dense technical special effects have a little impact on his own people, so Tang Yin put the mechanic's electronic eye outside in advance, just for better observation.

When he saw Lu Shilin trying to fly away with angel wings, Tang Yin fired a sniper rifle one after another, and one shot Barrett directly shot him down from the sky. A perfect interpretation of what is called the sky is my domain.

And Lu Shilin fell off most of the blood directly after falling from the angel, followed by Yifan's ghost formation and the "blossom and blood scene." And he was just a lonely pastor, watching him being abused by Sun Zheping in various abnormal states, even Tang Yin felt that the other party was so pitiful, who came up with such a disgusting style of play? This style of play seems to be what I proposed. Well, depending on the situation, it really is a good tactic, and it's me.

Regardless of the complacent Tang Yin here, seeing that the core was shot down, Zhu Xian and everyone had no other way. They had no choice but to go down and confront each other. The silver blades fell into the flowers like shooting stars and there was nothing left.


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