Full-time Occupation

Chapter 931: Great God Watching Battle!

Chen Guo now feels that her hands are quite itchy, can't these two have no lower limit leave a little room for her to be moved? I was the only one who moved at the end of the co-author...


   But this also shows positively that Wei Chen has strong adaptability as a veteran. After a short visit, they have adapted to this brand new arena, but Tang Rou and the others are still familiar with the equipment. Soon Tang Yin also came out. Zhang Jiale and Ye Xiu had played here before, so they didn't need to be familiar with them, so they gave the opportunity to Tang Rou and the others.


Soon Tang Yin also came out. Although he didn't think about Ye Xiu's experience here, but his strength is here, he will soon be familiar with the hardware configuration, if it hadn't been for Chen Guo to grab his place before, He came out with Wei Chen. And Chen Guo would grab Tang Yin's position because of his trust in Tang Yin.


  If it's someone else, she would also like to know the time more.


   Here they are resting on the stage, and Excellent Era's players on the other side also came in to visit. In fact, the warm-up of the two teams can be done together. Anyway, everyone’s battle room is different, and although the time is said to be two hours, this tour has already been rented, and the league doesn’t care if the teams are familiar with each other. Hours.


  Because before the final game, the Alliance will send someone to inspect all the equipment again, as long as the major teams leave at this time. There are no hard and fast rules. After all, the more prepared the teams are, the more exciting the game, and the more exciting the game, the greater their profits.


   But this time Tao Xuan did not follow Excellent Era's players, but Sun Xiang looked at Tang Yin and the others with provocative eyes. Continue to provoke Tang Yin and the others.


   However, Tang Yin and the others did not pay too much attention to it. After everyone at Xingxin became familiar with it, they had to go back to discuss the new ring match arrangement, fortunately, the ranking of the ring match was disorderly and what additional training was needed. Even if it is a temporary change, it is not too late.


  Li also met each other again, and after saying goodbye to Mucheng and Qiu Fei, Happy and his party left the arena.


   At eight o'clock in the evening, the challenge finals will officially start.


   The heat of this final did not disappoint the expectations of the league. The Liulisong Gymnasium was already full of people an hour before the start of the game. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no empty seat.


   This is City B. Although it is not the home of Excellent Era, the influence of Excellent Era giants is comparable to the Zhuxian, Xuanqi and the like that Happy encountered before. Even though some people are already overwhelmed, but you can still see the excellent Era fan base of the blockbuster. Most of them are self-organized locally. The other part is that, yes, Excellent Era games will all be there together, with a fan guard team composed of Excellent Era’s most die-hard fan components.


   is also due to the superiority of Excellent Era's number of fans. Once again, most of the voices are blessing Excellent Era, and most of them are blessings from Excellent Era at first glance. Most of them are what Excellent Era is already pointing to the coming year, pointing to Excellent Era's sweeping the army in the alliance.


   Like the report before this week, although many people are expecting Happy to win, as far as the result is concerned, everyone thinks Excellent Era is the one that might win. And the current venue, although it is not the home of Excellent Era, most of them are still fans who support Excellent Era. In this situation, if anyone questioned Excellent Era, it is estimated that Excellent Era fans would target it. This allowed the neutral players who watched a good show not to shout slogans, even if they watched the excitement, they looked forward to Happy's victory.


But as I said before, this is not Excellent Era’s home court after all. Even in such a strong wind, there is still a group of people who hold up this picture of Happy among a group of people shouting that Excellent Era will win. , Cheering for Happy,

   Regardless of the eyes of other people around him, yes, they are the first fans of Happy's **** in Glory!


"Come on, everyone listen to me. Today, we rely on the great gods on the court, and on us off the court! So let's reconcile the slogan: Fans are everywhere!" Xiaoyueyue, who was driven away in the last game, shouted on stage .


   "Fans are everywhere!" And Happy's fans are also very powerful, their voices are very neat.


   "Happy is irreplaceable!" Xiao Yueyue said again, waving the lantern in her hand.


   "Happy is irreplaceable!" The fan group is full of tacit understanding.


   "Happy Fire!"


   "You can start a prairie fire!"


   "Very good, we must pay attention to the rhythm and tone." Xiaoyueyue said.


   But what they didn't notice was that two figures passed by them and walked towards the special seat.


   Although both of them are slightly covered, if there are Tyranny fans on the scene, even if the two of them do a cover, they can still be recognized. These two are their captain Han Wenqing and deputy team Zhang Xinjian!


And Xiao Yueyue seemed to find that someone was going to pass by. He turned around when he was still instructing everyone. He didn't care when he saw two people who were slightly covering their faces. Instead, he asked, "Did you Ye Xiu come to see the game? Come on, send you two cheering sticks."


   Then Xiao Yueyue enthusiastically stuffed the two balloon sticks into the hands of Han Wenqing and Zhang Xinjie, who looked inexplicably confused. Finally, Zhang Xinjie gave a small mica earring of the same style.


   "Well, does this suit you well? No thanks, don’t worry, it’s free, as long as you shout for cheering when Team Happy wins!" After saying that Xiao Yueyue ignored the two and continued to organize fans,


   Han Wenqing: "......"


   Zhang Xinjie: "......"


   Han Wenqing looked at the cat on the head of his vice team~www.readwn.com~ for a while, he didn't know what expression to use to express his emotions. Now he hopes not to be seen by acquaintances.


   But this is obviously impossible, because they just turned their heads and saw not far away, another special seat Wang Jiexi and Weicao rookie Gao Yingjie were looking at them, and Wang Jiexi said hello to them.


   Han Wenqing: "......"


   But Han Wenqing didn’t feel depressed for long, because he discovered that Wang Jiexi and Gao Yingjie had also been given cheering props like them, and they were even more miserable. Both of them had small mica and the same cat ears on their heads...


The reason why Han Wenqing and Zhang Xinjie came here specifically means that they are also curious about the victory of the team, and it is here that they can better observe the battle situation. A better way to cope without being overwhelmed, so they are here. Even if they will go to another city to play an away game tomorrow.


  Wang Jiexi and the others, not to mention, let alone they are in the local area, they will not let go of this good opportunity to observe their opponents!




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