Full-time Occupation

Chapter 933: The first battle begins!

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"Wait, it's not that Happy's current situation is embarrassing. They probably thought that Sun Xiang was the first one to play, but Xiao Shiqin was the second one. Then, isn't there a loophole in their deployment?" Huang Shaotian Said.

And Xiao Shiqin, who heard Huang Shaotian’s words, was not in a hurry to take the stage. After all, they had been equipped for this plan for so long. He also wanted to see Happy's current expression, but when they looked towards Happy, everyone at Happy was not in a hurry. It was still a calm expression. This made Xiao Shiqin suddenly feel uneasy. And this feeling reached its peak when Happy's first player appeared on the screen!

Team Happy, the starting player-Tang Yin!

"Wow, wow, what's the situation? Since a main force like Xiaoyin is also the first to play, did Happy originally plan to use Xiaoyin to restrain Sun Xiang? Is this a bit extravagant?" Seeing Xingxin's starter on the screen, Huang Shaotian was surprised. Excellent Era was the first ace player for Xingxin to make a routine. It was understandable, but would it be too extravagant for Xingxin to start directly with Tang Yin according to their thinking just now?

We must know that the main player in the first serve can't give full play to the role of the ace player, but Happy still let Tang Yin start.

Compared to Huang Shaotian’s surprise, Yu Wenzhou was calmer and remembered his duty of explanation. He introduced Tang Yin’s basic information and said, “Well, Happy’s starting player is Tang Yin. Weapons are very special roles, relying on his weapon similar to Lord Grim Umbrella, it can be transformed at will among all guns of the Gunners, and all the skills of various professions are marked on them. In terms of skill points, the Gunners are level 20. He has also used all the previous skills, which makes his skills more than the ordinary traditional additional professional skills, but the disadvantage is that the attack power of similar skills will be much weaker than the traditional ones. Shaotian you and Xiaoyin PK the most , What do you think of this game?"

"Well, I personally think that Tang Yin's chances of winning may be a little bit. After all, Tang Yin is a gunslinger and knows mechanics very well. If Xiao Shiqin doesn't understand Tang Yin, then he might be uncomfortable. . By the way, I remember that Xiao Yin was also a hand-speed madman. It’s very troublesome to speed with one hand. It’s time for us to see how new people laugh and old people cry. What do you think of Xiao Zhou?” Huang Shaotian finished talking. Throw it on Zhou Zekai, after all, this guy can't say a word unless you ask him.

"They are very strong." Zhou Zekai said.

Huang Shaotian: "......"

Ignoring Huang Shaotian who was choking on the commentary stage, Tang Yin smiled and shook hands with Xiao Shiqin and said, "Go up together?"

"Let's go..." Xiao Shiqin was a little helpless. According to their plan, the opponent Sun Xiang would go to Tang Rou first, then Yifan, and then Ye Xiu, Tang Yin and Zhang Jiale, the three of them stood guard. Then Sun Zheping played against Zhang Jiale in the arena. But I didn't expect this first person to be different.

Tang Yinhe Xiao Shiqin entered the battle room, and all the voices outside were isolated. But the discussion about them from the outside meant nothing to end. Just like Sun Xiang, who was still proud just now, his expression is a bit dazed, but now it’s useless to think about it. Since the lineup has no advantage, take it. It depends on everyone's direct filming power.

The characters of Tang Yin and Xiao Shiqin began to load. The map mode was a little different this time, and the map was different in almost every game. The map for Tang Yin and Xiao Shiqin's battle this time is an ancient town. The two refreshed in two extreme locations in the ancient town.

Now Xiao Shiqin has adjusted his mentality, entangled with the failure of their plan now, then everyone will have their own abilities.

As soon as Xiao Shiqin's life extinction was loaded, he began to summon various mechanical creations. For a time, electronic eyes, predators, rangers, predators, and even air combat mechanical storms were all summoned.

He wanted to directly control all attacks on Tang Yin at once. Seeing Xiao Shiqin controlling life and death and starting tactical position, from another angle of view, he used electronic eyes to manipulate his mechanical creations. Let them fly directly to the center of the town.

Tang Yin's Xiaoyaoyou and Ye Xiu's scattered people have always been their main research targets during this period. In addition to Tang Yin's extremely high technique and hand speed, they are also very upset, that is, Tang Yin's ability to play hidden effects of skills, not to mention, just a frozen grenade, they have not seen it. It has not been frozen.

Xiao Shiqin split his mechanical creations as far as possible to prevent Tang Yin from killing them all at once. After all, the mechanic’s mechanical greeting is the same as the summoner’s summoned beast. After use, it will enter a very long skill cooldown period. , So the mechanic wanted Xiao Shiqin to conjure so many souls at once, and it was difficult to control, but the opponent was Tang Ye. If he could not suppress the opponent with firepower from the beginning, he would be in front of Tang Yin’s sharpshooter. His disadvantage is too great.

It can be said that Xiao Shiqin started very cautiously. But at that moment, a laser beam struck the sky and directly exploded Xiao Shiqin's electronic eyes from a distance!

You must know that in order to protect the electronic eye, Xiao Shiqin directly used the empty account machine as the physical shield of the electronic eye. However, since Tang Yin directly used the laser cannon, relying on the penetrating damage of the gunner's laser cannon, he directly hit the electronic eye.

"Tsk tsk, Xiaoyin's quasi-head is still so abnormal. With such a long distance, can it be killed by the positioning of the electronic eye?" Huang Shaotian sighed.

That's right, this laser cannon that almost crossed the small city was not in the middle of the city~www.readwn.com~ and relied on the electrons he also used in the beginning to carry out sniping.

After all, Tang Yin, who is often PK with these teams, has also learned well. God knows how many traps these guys have set up on the road. In order to be safe and able to gain the dominance, Tang Yin has practiced this to rely on the perspective of electronic eyes to sniper. Play style.

By relying on laser cannons, anti-tank guns and other over-distance skills, he can wake up super long-range snipers!

In Tang Yin's electronic eyes, Xiao Shiqin's mechanical creations were all there, but Xiao Shiqin himself was not seen. Needless to say, he was hiding in that corner. So Tang Yin took the lead in knocking out Xiao Shiqin's "eyes". Next are these mechanical creations.

Seeing Tang Yin’s hand cannon, the phantom **** shot at the ground, directly causing Tang Yin to fly up, shooting from the air, and the successive flying cannons quickly made Tang Yin appear in Xiao Shiqin’s Mechanical Creations. Over the sky.

Then an anti-tank gun was bombarded like an airborne machine that had been bloodied by the laser cannon just now, but Tang Yin's attack was far from over. He saw a Green machine gun appeared in his hand, facing the machine below. Creation is a burst of output.

Tang Yin's purpose was very simple. Either Xiao Shiqin appeared to control these mechanical creations, or he waited for these mechanical creations to be destroyed by him so that his skills would become empty. So Xiao Shiqin, how do you choose?


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