After getting along, Qiu Fei also found that this great **** in reality was not as gorgeous as their students had imagined, or was so arrogant that it was too arrogant to be seen directly.


   On the contrary, the real God Ye Qiu is actually quite ordinary. But just this ordinaryness allows others like him to clearly realize his love for glory, which is a kind of love that really comes from the bottom of his heart. So he didn't understand why Mucheng would always treat Tang Yin as an imaginary enemy. He felt that Mucheng's real imaginary enemy should be Glory.


   After all, even for Ye Qiu, the game is not just about winning, but more about enjoying. Enjoy the glory and the game itself.


   Qiu Fei also likes this attitude very much, and he also aims at this, so he will work harder in the future, hoping that that day will come soon. Even if the students around him misunderstand jokes at him, misunderstanding the jokes so early is like taking Master Ye Qiu's class? But what they didn't know was that he didn't even want to take Ye Xiu's class. After all, that was just another person's positioning of him. His goal is to stand on the same stage with Ye Xiu one day, enjoy the game together, and pursue victory and glory.


   Although he is also a battle mage, it is very difficult for Excellent Era who already has Ye Qiu to become the main force, but this is not impossible, is it?


   In order to achieve his goal, Qiu Fei went to Ye Xiu to play games every few days, and learn his various skills by the way. But Ye Xiu was the ceiling of the Battle Mage, and it was more cruel to use than a plug-in.


   During that time, he mingled with Ye Xiu almost every day. It was also at that time that he met Tang Yin. For the first time, he knew that there were two types of players, one was hardworking and the other was talent. You have to admit that some people may really be born for a particular field. Especially when a talented player wants to work as hard as a hard-working player, his progress is really unmatched.


Originally thinking that after studying abroad this time, his strength might be able to keep up, but now it is completely the opposite. Last year, when he stepped down, he saw Ye Xiu and Tang Yin again, and saw their competition together. It was as fierce as ever. , As always, there is no solution, that is, he knows that he still has a way to go after he wants to catch them.


   But he will not give up!


   "The battle format hits again!" accompanied by the commentary. At this time Qiu Fei was also awakened by the picture on the screen. Of course he couldn't hear the commentary. What awakened him was a loud noise, a loud sniper rifle shooting. There was no way, because of the distraction just now, the shadow step revealed a flaw. If it were in front of other people, it would be better to treat him as Tang Yin now. A great god-level player who is also proficient in shadow steps.


Tang Yin caught Qiu Fei's distraction, and the moment the shadow step appeared flawed, he fired a sniper rifle when he stood there, and then the shovel quickly approached the combat format, knocked it into the air before the stun touch, and then used the skill shot. , The next twenty bullets turned into attribute attacks.


   Then came the random shooting, and the grenades flew, but this time, Tang Yin unified the direction and suppressed Qiu Fei's fighting style.


"Is it going to continue to be hit like this?" Qiu Fei thought as he watched the continuous attacks and direct escape, he knew all these skills very well. This new style of play just appeared, but now he is completely unable to do so. In response, Tang Yin's attacks were too intensive.


   slowly became a profession in the alliance system, but it gave people a sense of strangeness in Tang Yin's hands.


   Facing Tang Yin's offensive, of course he was actively looking for a breakthrough, but Tang Yin's attacks were too frequent and he did not give him a chance.

   "No! There is another chance!" Qiu Fei thought.


  Because indiscriminate shooting is frequent, but there are times when it ends, and that's when he fights back.


   As expected, Qiu Fei waved his dragon teeth and round dancing sticks in the sky just before the end of the random shooting of the escape, barely parrying the last few attacks. And at the moment when Xingyaoyou's random shooting ended, the fighting format that was still floating in the air moved again. Seeing him suddenly turned around, the spear pointed at the ground, instead of attacking Xiaoyaoyou, it blasted directly to the ground beside Xiaoyaoyou.


   Along with the war spear inserted into the ground, waves of magic and magic spread across the ground, and the battle spears were drawn together in the battle pattern that landed together. At this moment, the earth seemed to be torn apart, and the earth and rocks flew up, and the position of the lift was exactly where Tang Yin Xiaoyaoyou was.


   This is one of the newest skills of Battle Mage Level 75, Dou Po Shanhe: This skill blasts the powerful magic vindictive into the low, and then explodes directly, relying on such a volcanic eruption-like attack, causing damage to the opponent.


You need to know the 75th level skills, but the skills that only appeared after Ye Xiu left. Of course, the practice and mastery of these new skills are all dependent on Qiu Fei himself. This time without Ye Xiu's teaching, it is completely himself. His thoughts on this attack were very good, and he directly oversaw Tang Yin's next combo!


Even Ye Xiu in the audience was very pleased to see Qiu Fei's attack. Now Qiu Fei is no longer the little apprentice who can only follow him to learn, but already has his own style, style of play, and thinking. The real main player!


"A very beautiful counterattack. The timing of the use of this trick is just right. You must know that there is no unified use of the 75th level skills. Each player uses his unique ideas. But Qiu Fei not only uses this skill Perfect mastery. Just now, even at the juncture of the crisis, it directly interrupted the escape combo. And it also created a chance for myself to fight back!" Li Yibo said excitedly. UU reading


   As Li Yibo said, Qiu Fei began to counterattack Tang Yin after the Doupo Mountains and Rivers blasted out.


Dragon teeth, sky strikes, flower palms, round dancing sticks... the low-level skills of various combat mages directly form a quick routine. This is a routine that can be played by almost any professional combat mage player, but Qiu Fei does it. But there is still no flaw. Although unpretentious, he successfully reversed his situation.


   But... it was still resolved by Tang Yin's spear technique. Even if it was a close battle with the team mage, Tang Yin still had the upper hand, but at this moment, everyone did not expect Qiu Fei to change again and use another level 75 skill.


   wind and flow clouds!


   I saw Qiu Fei dancing with a spear in his hand, and his whole body of magic vindictiveness was replaced with air current. This Qi Lian, which was entangled with Mo Fan and Dou, danced with the spear. In the next moment, he attacked Tang Yin with this spear. Even if Tang Yin was blocked, he was directly knocked into the air!


   Just as Qiu Fei was about to chase, an explosion sounded in his ears, it was Tang Yin's flash mine.


   Qiu Fei: "Damn..."




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