Full-time Occupation

Chapter 939: This is not Tang Yin's limit!

Level 75 skills is a completely new field, and to the level of professional players, the research can no longer simply rely on the level of right and wrong to provide a simple overview. After all, among professional players, each character has its own style. The same, and the bottom line of skills is to serve the players, and each player's style of play is based on the style they are good at.


   And Qiu Fei, the boy who was in the Excellent Era training camp. Now he is already using his role to play his own path on this stage, which can be said to be a new chapter for Qiu Fei. Even Li Yibo said in his analysis that no one can predict the growth of this young player.


   And now Qiu Fei finally played a routine of his own, and the palm of the flower had already exploded like Tang Yin's explosion. Since it was so destroyed by a flash explosion mine of Tang Yin.


   This is embarrassing...


However, Tang Yin only prevented Qiu Fei from pursuing it. This blow really hit Xiaoyaoyou's body. The 75th level skill damage was not as big as that, and this one hit Luo Tianyin faster. Twenty-ths of the blood volume. This caused the blood volume that had been awkwardly drawn between the two sides to be pulled apart again.


   But now Tang Yin won't let this opportunity pass. This is all kinds of grenades that have finally cooled down again. A frozen grenade was thrown like Qiu Fei who was about to touch the dizziness.


   Although Qiu Fei had tried his best to shorten the stun time by relying on the movement keys, he was still a step slower. Although he was in contact, Tang Yin's frozen grenade had also exploded, and he did not even have a chance to knock him off.


   Then facing the battle format that turned into an ice block was a Barrett sniper rifle, which had a headshot and a double damage hidden effect. Then he got up directly.


Seeing Xiaoyaoyou gathered his strength and stomping on the ground, shaking Qiu Fei up and floating in the air, then the two guns used a more attack frequency than random shooting, and Qiu Fei shot randomly, and then Xiaoyaoyou flew up. , In the mid-air, I chose to shoot indiscriminately in the air, and countless bullets fell on the conceited body like raindrops.


   This is exactly the 75th level skill of the sharpshooter, slaughter like crazy!


   Crazy Slaughter has two attack methods after floating the surrounding enemies. The first one is the crazy design in the front. Although it is shooting forward, the attack is still relatively scattered. To maximize the attack power, you also need micro-manipulation similar to random shooting, changing the attack direction of each shot. The second round is a direct air combat random shooting, but like the previous one, he seems to be random shooting, but in the same Time is limited, but the number of attacks is twice that of random shots.


   This also makes it more difficult to control its output reverse. However, Tang Yin still firmly locked the gun line on Qiu Fei.


   After Qiu Fei's seventy-five level big moves one after another, once again amazed the world.


   But Qiu Fei, who was shot down by Tang Yin, still had no intention to retreat.


   Facing Qiu Fei's heroic dragon breaking the army, Tang Yin measured his body slightly, and the two spears in his hands began to rotate, continuously firing round the gun body around a round of light, which was a double eagle maneuver.


   This time, Tang Yin didn't even throw out the double guns. Instead, he directly relied on the extra micro-manipulations in the details, so that he followed his character's body measurement and turned around and circled the escape twice. Directly let the two revolvers of Shuangying turn into the third stage. The light wheel becomes brighter and brighter. He was ready to send a shot to Qiu Fei.


But at this moment, since Qiu Fei’s Dragon Breaking Army did not draw a straight line, it was turned into an arc in Qiu Fei’s hands. The Xingyao You, which had already avoided the Dragon Breaking Army route, was once again entered into the Dragon Breaking Army. The army’s dash orbit.

   Now Qiu Fei has rushed in front of him, even Tang Yin has been unable to retreat. Simply threw out the two double eagles directly. When the two eagles flew to the farthest distance, they just met Qiu Fei, and then the two revolvers flew back to Tang Yin's hands with Qiu Fei, which also made Qiu Fei take the damage of the two eagles' rotation all the way. In the end, when he was about to hit Tang Yin, Tang Yin's feet came and kicked instantly.


   But despite this, Shun Kick’s stun determination did not beat the impact of the Dragon Breaking the Army. In the end, the two eagles' maneuvers and the explosion of the Dragon Breaking Army directly knocked the two of them into flight. But that's it, Tang Yin still threw the excitation grenade at Qiu Fei, and Qiu Fei also shot several magic dazzling patterns at Tang Yin.


   The pattern change in this short period of time caused Huang Shaotian's commentary to not keep up for a while, but this scene was quite shocking. This is the battle for the current generation of Glory rookies. The intensity of this battle is no less than the battle between the great gods.


   Then Tang Yin's hand speed began to slam, and the power of his spear technique was completely exploded. And Qiu Fei also started to move fast, and with the help of Mo Fan Xuanwen's attribute blessing, he directly joined Tang Yinzhan.


   "Khan Kao Ka, since Xiao Yin has started to speed his hands. Isn't this a kid who clarifies the atmosphere?" Huang Shaotian said.


   "Uh...Shaotian, pay attention, Xiaoyin also debuted this year, so it doesn't count in theory. And in terms of blood volume, the final result is not easy to say." Yu Wenzhou said.


   And as Yu Wenzhou said, although Tang Yin had lowered Qiu Fei's bloodline before, it is only 20% now, but Qiu Fei still has 39. In the end of this wave, it is not certain who wins and who loses.


   But as time goes by, Qiu Fei has been suppressed more and more obviously, because Tang Yin's hand speed has soared to more than 700, this number once again shocked the whole process, and the two sides were attacked by ordinary attacks. The blood volume of both parties began to be continuously compressed by Tang Yin~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, Tang Yin completely showed his strength. As Tang Yin's hand speed soared, Qiu Fei's disadvantage became more obvious, and he could still have it at the beginning. Ability to resist Tang Yin’s frozen grenade, instant kick and other hidden effects, but when Tang Yin’s hand speed broke through to 715, he was kicked by Tang Yin’s instant kick, which also declared his defeat. Tang Yin accurately controlled the time of his abnormal state. Frozen grenade, ice bomb, flash mine, sniper rifle, instant kick and other skills formed a chain of control.


   In the end of the city ruins, Qiu Fei's fighting style finally fell, and at this time, the escape, there was still seven percent of the blood left.


At this moment, I didn’t know what to say for a while, reaching a hand speed of 715. What kind of concept was this? Moreover, Tang Yin continued to complete nearly half of the game at this hand speed. This is really human ability. Achieved?


   But just when the audience was still surprised and thought that this was Tang Yin's limit, Huang Shaotian and the others knew that this was not Tang Yin's limit!


   (In the original book, Ye Xiu beat Qiu Fei and it took about half of the blood. The protagonist and Ye Xiu are five-five. This result is not an exaggeration, or there is something that devalues ​​Qiu Fei's strength.)




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