Full-time Occupation

Chapter 945: God of war

Ye Xiu and Sun Xiang didn’t rashly attacked for a while. Now Ye Xiu’s Lord Grim still has 75% of his health, but One Autumn Leaf was caught off guard by Ye Xiu, so his health was so large. Sixty percent.


  The blood volume of the two sides has moved forward and retreated from the original almost the same, but now there is a significant gap.


   And the One Autumn Leaf he chose did not have the initial sway, and now he is at a disadvantage, and his quality is very low, and he did not rush up to attack like the opening. And such a move is completely different from Sun Xiang's previous style. After all, if Sun Xiang in the past didn't care about this, and went up to a battle with Ye Xiu as usual, how could he be as cautious as he is now.


And now the most complicated thing in his heart belonged to Tang Yin who was in the audience. He knew that in the original work, this game would be the time when Sun Xiang was transformed. At that time, he did not expect that since the original work is still there, I remember the original work. Sun Xiang would let go of his pride in this way, and examine his own shortcomings while calmly analyzing the situation. It was when Ye Xiu was only 30% in the end. After all, Ye Xiu's Lord Grim had only 0.3% of his HP in the final match. It was too classic.


   Not only Tang Yin, the professional players present all noticed Sun Xiang's change, and Yu Wenzhou and Huang Shaotian also explained the current situation and Sun Xiang's unusualness to everyone for the first time.


   While everyone was listening to Yu Wenzhou's explanation, the characters of both sides still moved on the scene, but they did not go up, but moved laterally. Both sides were a little bit apart from each other.


   Even if Lord Grim has a lot of long-range methods, but now he is not in a hurry to attack, but moves backwards to this one just like Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf, and even the movement rhythms of both parties are exactly the same.


   "It seems that both sides are very cautious now, and they didn't rashly launch an offensive." Li Yibo said when he saw this situation.


"Eh, what Ye Xiu and Sun Xiang look like now, I'm inexplicably like this is the way the masters in the martial arts novel look when they are fighting each other. Both sides have to occupy each other and prepare for each other. Whoever attacks first will reveal the flaws." Li Yibo felt that the current atmosphere was a bit solemn, and said in a joking tone.


"Hey, why do you really feel this way. But now at this time, both sides know that the other side is prepared. It is really not appropriate to attack immediately. After all, this game is very important to both of them, although it is not. Decide the outcome, but it will have an important impact on the next team match, so none of them can't afford to lose." Yu Wenzhou said.


   "Will Sun Xiang break out to counterattack again after adjustment?" Li Yibo asked curiously.


"It's difficult. No one of us has used those skills in that Thousand Chance Umbrella that is really much. He still hasn't shown all of them. This aspect is too sudden, even if Sun Xiang is obviously doing it. It is estimated that it is still difficult to deal with the training of Sanren's play style. The main reason is that Lao Ye's San Ren play style is indeed a bit elusive, and his even moves will not even appear in the same profession. This has caused his play style to change too much. That's too much." Huang Shaotian said. After all, he fought Lord Grim. He knew the difficulty of Ye Xiu's separation.


   As expected by Huang Shaotian, after careful positioning, the two sides fought together again, but now Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf is still suppressed by Ye Xiu's Lord Grim.


   "I really want to say that Shaotian, Sun Xiang does not seem to have any countermeasures!" Li Yibo said when he saw the game as if it was about to return to the situation just now.

"No, it's too early!" Zhou Zekai said abruptly again, and Li Yibo didn't know how to answer the call for a while. This glorious first person, one did not speak, and he would come to you abruptly when you forget him. In a word, this is embarrassing.


   But the facts are exactly what Zhou Zekai said, and he has not returned to the original old road, and this is the most direct feeling in Ye Xiu who is fighting Sun Xiang.


In the previous battle, he spied out many points that did not fit well between the sequence and One Autumn Leaf. After all, One Autumn Leaf had undergone a major change, and Sun Xiang didn’t want him to practice with Tang Yin, a partner of the same strength, directly with One Autumn Leaf. There are always some flaws in the fit, and now Sun Xiang is using Lord Grim to check his own deficiencies!


   If Sun Xiang had been beaten repeatedly, had a blank mind, and was distracted, of course he would not find the problem between himself and One Autumn Leaf. But now it's different. Now he is focusing on these details and starting to review his own problems repeatedly.


   As long as Ye Xiu made a loophole, he would fill it.


At the same time, the cost is that One Autumn Leaf’s life value has been consumed by One Autumn Leaf, and Excellent Era’s blockade seeing this scene is becoming more anxious and irritable, but contrary to them, Sun Xiang is now very calm and calm. Find your own problems one by one, and then perfect them one by one.


   With his weaknesses and loopholes pointed out by Lord Grim one by one, Sun Xiang was surprised as well.


He only learned today that there are so many loopholes behind the character he thought he had perfectly fit, but Ye Xiu on the opposite side saw it very clearly, and all of this was seen in the game just now. .......


   This opponent, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is really terrible!


   At this moment, Sun Xiang finally realized Ye Xiu's fear, although he had directly or indirectly fought Ye Xiu together, from the initial copy record to the main force in the realm of Gods to encircle and suppress, and even the final team friendly match. Although they all lost, in fact he didn't care, and they all felt a little bit close. As long as he can be singled out with the opponent, then he will be able to crush the opponent and win.


But now, Sun Xiang has completely awakened. The One Autumn Leaf he is currently using does not belong to him at all. The name One Autumn Leaf is just one wearing a divine costume and placed on the stage. The role of the action is nothing. And the title of Fighting God is played out step by step by the controller behind this character!


   At this time, Sun Xiang felt that it was actually very wrong to assign the God of Fighting to the character. The real player who won this title should be the player after the character, like the magician Wang Jiexi. After all, the various glory seen by outsiders is actually given to this role by players like God of Fighting, but when the controller leaves, the remaining role is just a role...


   And now, he has truly experienced the terrible generation of God of War!




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