Full-time Occupation

Chapter 952: Grievous stream of sharpshooter

Excellent Era's last player to play is Wang Ze, who is a sharpshooter by profession. In the seventh season, he made his debut for Team Excellent Era and was a substitute player of Team Excellent Era. Like Shen Jian, he was also taken to the position during this Excellent Era's main change, and he is now positioned as the sixth man in Team Excellent Era.


   Although he may be a bit weaker than Shen Jian in terms of personal strength, he is very self-aware. No one did not directly face Tang Rougang at the beginning, but directly fired from the air and started with flying spears.


   The map they used in this game is a town covered with ice and snow, and Wang Ze's goal is very obvious, relying on the buildings in the town to carry out the trivial play with a high base.


   Although this style of play is a bit unsightly, but now their score is a bit closer.


  After a few flying guns, he reached a "superior sniper position", which was a real sniper position, because now he was looking for Tang Rou with a sniper rifle.


Although the sharpshooter is said to have the least long-range skills in the gunner system, this is also in the gunner system, which is a professional system where basic attacks are all long-range attacks. Under certain circumstances, this is even the norm.


  Especially if the opponent is a simple attacking player like Tang Rou, this kind of maneuvering and restraining the play is the most irritating, and the result is that the opponent can reveal the flaws faster.


  The current Wang Zezhijie is lying directly on the ground, but when the character uses the sniper rifle on his face, the sniper rifle or Barrett sniper rifle will put down a bracket, this bracket can make the sniper rifle aim without shaking.


   As we all know, the physics engine of Honor is truly terrifying, even the sniper rifle, if you are not instant shot, as long as you are aiming, the muzzle moves slowly, and the rate is the same as that of a real person’s breathing. Although it is slow, of course the captain at close range has no effect. After all, the arc of shaking is very small, but now playing long range like this, such arc is very deadly.


   After all, Wang Ze didn't want a great **** like Tang Yin or Zhou Zekai, so he simply let the character lie on his stomach, although he didn't move his face. But he is now at a high point on this map, and the opponent is not so easy to hit him.


"We saw that Wang Ze had selected a sniper spot. The sniper rifle's lens directly aimed at the only way for the opponent to reach the middle of the map. This is to start a sneak attack. This distance is based on the attack speed of the sniper rifle. It's hard to avoid one." Li Yibo said when he saw Wang Ze's actions.


   As soon as Li Yibo's words fell, he heard a gunshot. When everyone thought that Tang Rou was shot, Han Yanrou's blood volume actually didn't drop. This made everyone a little surprised. After the director got the replay, she found that Tang Rou had already had a test action at the moment the sniper rifle rang. While avoiding the opponent's sniper rifle, he also discovered the opponent's location.


   "Wow, sister Tang Rou can dodge this way. And she can find the position of the opponent's attack in the first time. This insight is great!" Huang Shaotian sighed.


   "Little Tang is great! Don't lose it is Xiao Tang!" Chen Guo in the audience has already begun to cheer for her girlfriend.


   "This reaction ability is really extraordinary. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a subconscious reaction. It seems that someone has opened a small stove for Xiao Tang?" Wei Chen looked at Tang Yin with a playful expression. After all, there is Tang Yin, my boyfriend who is highly sought-after for the ceiling, plus Tang Rou's first goal of playing Glory, he doesn't believe that he didn't study the sharpshooter to kill Wei Chen.


   "What you said, when did you take the initiative to ask me to pk and I refused? And it's not just my credit." Tang Yin said.


   "Huh? Where else?" Zhang Jiale also asked curiously.


   "It's Xiao Tang's precise capture of the sound. Even with the sound of a sniper rifle, she can accurately determine the location of the opponent." Ye Xiu returned after smoking a cigarette.

   "Accurate capture of the sound?" Bao Zi scratched his head, obviously this word is a bit super-class for him. It's not that he doesn't understand the meaning, but that he can't understand how to do it.


"Don't forget, Xiao Tang thought she was a piano master, she thought she was gifted on the piano. She created her superb hand speed and sharper hearing than ordinary people. It is also this keen sound capture that allows her to find the other party's position in the first time. "Ye Xiu said.


   "Correct answer!" Tang Yin snapped his fingers and said.


   Tang Yin and the others were talking about Tang Rou's talent, the battle was still going on. Although he was found in the location, he was an independent tower. Tang Rou wanted to get up so easily. Therefore, Wang Ze directly took out the Barrett sniper rifle and shot it against Tang Rou. When he took the Barrett sniper rifle and opened the mirror, he saw a dragon that was compatible with magic and vindictiveness flying towards him.


   It is the battle mage's ultimate move to fly the dragon into the sky, facing the flying dragon, Wang Ze is just a shot.


   The sniper rifle passed by the dragon in mid-air, and the dragon blew him directly off the steps. Tang Rou was also concentrated by Barrett’s sniper rifle because of Fulong’s stiffness.


   Although there was no headshot, the exchange of this attack's ultimatum directly caused huge damage to the opponent.


   But Wang Ze's attack did not end. After finishing his stiffness in the air, he opened and fired in the direction of Tang Rou. Although he is not a very fast player, he is also a professional player. He can still squint a certain number of blocks just by talking about his hand speed.


   Now he is interspersed with all kinds of bag advice in the basic attack, fatal blow, air bomb, and various shooting skills of the three-shot career. Facing the cold smoke softly covered it and went away. It's completely because of the lack of long-range skills to bully the other party.


And in the next game, Wang Ze also used the play style of restraint to the extreme. Although it is said that he was a little panicked when he was just blasted from the sniper position by Tang Rou, he was a professional player after all. It was adjusted quickly. The team continuously poisoned Tang Rou's style of play to the extreme.


With Tang Rou running around on the city streets, she still relied on various long-range consumption. Although she was caught up by Tang Rou several times in the middle, she did not deal much effective damage. During the attack and parry, Tang Rou also entered and refused to give Tang. Soft eats the non-attribute dazzling pattern that increases the speed of the dragon's teeth.


   Although Tang Rou's situation is not to the point of being played by the opponent, she is still very unoptimistic.


"The sharpshooter is too ridiculous. It can fly kites remotely and has melee combat capabilities. Such a rogue career is something a person with a dark heart can play!" Chen Guo looked at the opponent's rogue-like style of play and began to embarrass her girlfriends. .


   This sharpshooter was a round of long-range consumption. When Tang Rou finally approached, he used spear fighting technique while waiting for the air shooting to cool down, and when the air shooting was cooled down, the flying gun opened the distance again. Then keep looping, this style of play is simply not too disgusting.


   "Yes, it's how dark the mind is to play Sharpshooter!" Everyone at Happy agreed with their boss's point of view.


   Tang Yin: "......"




   This is the third update today.


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