Full-time Occupation

Chapter 955: I would also like!

During that time, Yu Wenzhou's mood was also very complicated, which also caused him to feel guilty about Wei Chen from his heart. When he saw Wei Chen here in his career, he almost subconsciously called out what he called Wei Chen.


   Seeing Wei Chen sitting down, Yu Wenzhou also came to the seat opposite him and sat down. But for a while, he didn't know how to face his captain. At this moment, Wei Chen's voice sounded.


"Which year Sok'sar changed a new weapon and took on the curse of the **** of destruction to fight Tyranny. He won the game with 85 percent of his remaining HP. Stunning the audience! This time the upper limit of level is opened, Soksar The equipment has been fully upgraded. Soksar's 70th-level ultimatum has been upgraded by two levels again. Especially in the final where Blue Rain won the championship, he played particularly beautifully! The scene was also..." Chen said that he stopped here. I don't know if I don't want Yu Wenzhou to know that he is also there, or what reason...


Saying that Wei Chen took another pitiful sip. When he put down the Coke, he seemed to have put down a lot of other things, and said with a sigh of relief: "In short, the games played in the past few years have been good! The title of the first warlock, Not for nothing!"


   Hearing Wei Chen's words, Yu Wenzhou was a little touched. This is the affirmation he has been expecting to get, and it is the affirmation of his own glory to lead the way. For a while, Yu Wenzhou felt a lot more relaxed. Looking at the senior in front of him, Yu Wenzhou said, "You gave me Sok'sar, and you taught me how to play."


   Yu Wenzhou’s words surprised Wei Chen. He looked at Yu Wenzhou and said, “What I gave you is just an account. It is you who made Soksar ring through the entire alliance.”


   said that Wei Chen paused for a while, and continued: "Speaking of teaching, it doesn't seem to be right?"


Seeing Wei Chen's appearance, Yu Wenzhou talked about the past: "I still remember that it was in the training room. You played a coaching match with Shaotian. The sound of night rain was firmly held by Soksar's six-star light. Locked up."


Thinking of the situation at that time, Yu Wenzhou chuckled and continued: "Remember that you said to Shaotian at the time: You are hiding behind a rock. Although I can't see it, I can guess what your next move is. Also. Can work out where you will move and how long it takes. This is prediction, a skill that a warlock must practice hard and firmly master!"


   Hearing what Yu Wenzhou said, Wei Chen also sounded this scene: "It seems to be what I said."


   "Because of your meticulous attention to other students, I have the courage to raise my hand and fight with you." Yu Wenzhou said.


   Only then did Wei Chen realize that it was me who pitted me? But Wei Chen didn't regret it, and some said relievedly: "Let me just say it, I have never taught you... it's all yourself, with high savvy!"


"Although I won you in the game that day, I learned all my methods from you. Without you, there would be no me who I am now. You inspired me. Give me a hand, even if my hand speed is only two hundred, I can still do it. Glory method and starting point! It’s just that after so many years, I haven’t been able to tell you a good word..." Yu Wenzhou stood up solemnly, standing in front of Wei Chen as he did when he was still in the training camp. Wei Chen bowed slightly and said again: "Captain, thank you!"


   Hearing what Yu Wenzhou said, Wei Chen also got up. Solemnly said to Yu Wenzhou: "Yu Wenzhou."


   Yu Wenzhou heard Wei Chen's voice raising his head, and saw Wei Chen continue to say: "I have never regretted giving Lan Yu and Soksar to you!"


   The two looked at each other and both smiled similarly.

   "By the way, where is that kid Shaotian? I still want him to settle the account? Since my wings are hard, I dare to arrange Laozi!" Wei Chen asked. He can still remember that Huang Shaotian arranged him before.


   Hearing Wei Chen's words, Yu Wenzhou also smiled: "He is buying Coke on the other side and he is about to plead for you."


Sure enough, Huang Shaotian's voice sounded: "Captain! Are you ready for the Coke? I have to apologize to Wei Lao Dadao, otherwise I may not be able to get out of the hall today. This is the special venue. Lao Ye also knows that I can’t run away from Ben..."


   I saw Shaotian, who was holding a pile of various flavors, staggered and ran over. And halfway through talking, I saw Wei Chen standing opposite his captain.


   At this moment, Huang Shaotian immediately changed his face. Bringing all kinds of coke, he called the boss Wei to run over again and again.


"Boss Wei, in order to prevent you from making another excuse to play and disappear, I specially bought you a Coke this time. And it's a family portrait! Look, there are ginger, vanilla, net red and blue, and the wind red that suits you best. Cherry flavor, Boss Wei, but I have prepared so comprehensively, so please forgive me..." Finally, Huang Shaotian started to sell cute.


   "You are so embarrassed to say!" Wei Chen raised his hand and prepared to fight, this is Huang Shaotian. But in the end, Wei Chen still couldn't make it, so he snatched the Coke in Huang Shaotian's hand.


   Seeing that Wei Chen had taken a Coke, Huang Shaotian knew that Wei Chen had forgiven him, and asked weakly, "Then Boss Wei, will you leave this time?" This is the question Huang Shaotian wants to ask Wei Chen.


   After all, if you want to talk about feelings, his feelings for Wei Chen will only be higher than that of Yu Wenzhou. Yu Wenzhou is just self-study. But at the beginning, Wei Chen almost gave Huang Shaotian all his heart, and he also took care of all kinds of things in life. In Huang Shaotiantian's mind, Wei Chen was like a big brother, but suddenly announced his retirement in one day, and then there was no news...


   So Huang Shaotian worried that Wei Chen suddenly disappeared again~www.readwn.com~ Wei Chen looked at Shaotian’s expectant eyes, then looked at the Coke in his hand and said lightly, “This time, I’m not leaving!”




   "Huh? What's the matter today? Wei Chen, you turned to sex? When Xiaoyin wanted you to buy Raiders, how generous was he without seeing you?" Baozi asked, looking at the pile of Coke that Wei Chen had brought back.


"Drink, not drink! Please, why do you have so much talk with Coke." Wei Chen said irritably, but despite what Wei Chen said, everyone could see that Wei Chen was in a good mood... ...


   In the preparation room, the two teams are still confirming the next tactics. And Huang Shaotian and the others also returned to the reception room.


   "Captain, did you see how Boss Wei played before? It's still so unconventional. But I like it, hehe." Huang Shaotian said.


   "Really?" Yu Wenzhou asked Huang Shaotian with a smile, and Huang Shaotian, who was frightened by the squinting study again, would change his words.


   But when Shaotian was about to change his mouth, Yu Wenzhou said, "I like it too!"




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