Full-time Occupation

Chapter 956: Back to the alliance! Enjoy the game!

Chapter 980 Return to the Alliance! Enjoy the game! (Seeking subscription, seeking recommendation)

With the appearance of Tang Yin and the others, the three commentators of this game also began to introduce everyone. This time, in addition to Li Yibo, Han Wenqing and Wang Jiexi will explain with him.

This is Li Yibo's first introduction to Happy's lineup. With every name given by Li Yibo, a photo of Happy team members appears on the big screen. Ye Xiu, Tang Yin, Zhang Jiale, Wu Chen, An Wenyi, and Qiao Yifan appeared one after another.

But when I heard about Xingxin's lineup, I would say that someone was surprised again, because since they didn't see Sun Zheping among the players, but Sun Zheping was not in the ring?

Isn't Happy this time planning to use the bloated blood scene that has always been the advantage these days?

And Excellent Era's people were even more shocked. They didn't make much equipment about the Bloody Scenery these days, but the other party didn't even plan to use it. This is what Xiao Shiqin thought they would let Sun Xiang pick five during this period of time.

At this moment, he understood that they can use the game to give each other a set. Oh my god, the other party can do it naturally, but what kind of play do they have, since they don't hesitate to use the **** scenery as bait? This was only when Xiao Shiqin discovered that they had already entered the dangerous situation of the opponent's game since the start of the new rules of the game.

At this moment, even Xiao Shiqin was a little flustered, and now they were really not prepared for this situation, plus the new play that the opponent might use. This is Excellent Era's people all looked at Xiao Shiqin, and wanted to ask him what he could do now.

"Change the focus of the battle and give priority to killing the opponent Wu Chen, who is newly arranged in the team this time. According to my understanding, Wu Chen may not have Wei Chengao in terms of strength, but the opponent has let him go instead of Wei Chen. There is something tricky about the pitfalls. As for the others, I can only adapt to circumstances." Xiao Shiqin said, after all, this is the first time Xingxin has used this lineup, and he doesn't know the opponent's play style or strategy.

And Wu Chen’s appearance was not only for Excellent Era, but even the audience was stunned when they saw the name. There is no way. Although Wu Chen came with the team, he never played. Everyone must forget him. Now, if it hadn't been for Happy to activate him again, the audience would have forgotten that Happy still had such a gunner.

But this did not make them the most surprising, the most surprising was that in the data, his strength was average. The age is not too young, so why would Happy rather not be brave enough to be so strong, and Ye would use him instead? And it's still in such a crucial game. It's not an exaggeration to know that this game is to determine their respective futures. But Happy is willing to do such a dangerous thing, what exactly is their support?

Li Yibo also asked Wang Jiexi, Han Wenqing and Zhang Xinjie who came with Han Wenqing the same question.

"I think this may be the same as Excellent Era's change of lineup before. It was originally Sun Xiang's starting lineup, but today's changed order of play is to catch Xingxin by surprise, and Xingxin should also have the same purpose. The difficulty is recognized in the professional circle, even Xiao Shiqin has to study and exercise a lot of time in order to deal with this style of play. And this time can only, it is destined that they can not do other tactical training. And this is Xing. Xin's purpose." Wang Jiexi said.

"Yes, in fact, Happy was already in the set when Sun Zheping played in the first game. Sun Zheping only played one game in each match. This is either in the ring match or the team match. This is something for everyone. This kind of subconsciousness, because of Sun Zheping's hand injury, he can only play one game. And in this ring game without his voice, then naturally everyone thinks that he is in the team game. And now The announcement of their lineup can catch Excellent Era off guard!" Zhang Xinjie analyzed, what Xiao Shiqin can see, he, who is also one of the four major tactical masters, naturally has no problem.

"But our roster was fixed before the game. Happy can completely let Sun Zheping play in the arena. Isn't this another high level of combat power?" Li Yibo was still a little puzzled.

"Because the current Excellent Era has Xiao Shiqin!" Han Wenqing said the truth.

This is Li Yibo's reaction. There is a short break between the two games. During this time, God knows what kind of arrangements Xiao Shiqin will make? And Happy and the others didn't even give Xiao Shiqin a chance to modify their tactics before the battle.

"So... how do you put it? As expected, Ye Xiu, who is also the four masters of tactics, is really careful." Li Yibo sighed.

But Han Wenqing, who had dealt with Ye Xiu for so long, knew that this was not Ye Xiu's style. Ye Xiu's tactics were directly reflected in the game, and this kind of torturing tactics before the start of the game was definitely different.

In the next moment, a voice that is not too short of a human being appears in their minds...

This seems to be his style...

"But with this advantage, is it really worth it to replace the flowery and **** scenery?" Li Yibo asked.

"Whether it's worth it depends on Happy's tactics. Since they will do this, there must be some reasons, but the reason is a special tactic, or a unique style of play. It depends on the next game." Wang Jiexi said. .

All the time, there were speculations about Wu Chen everywhere.

Some people say that Happy's use of Wu Chen is a helpless act. It is estimated that Excellent Era has found a way to deal with the **** scene. They are afraid, so they can only let Wu Chen play in the end.

It was also said that these were Happy's plans, since using Wu Chen at this time must have his unique meaning.

But these words had no effect on Wu Chen himself. He walked in the team silently like this, as if he had no idea that he was now the core of everyone's discussion. The ecological behavior is very calm.

To know that he is not an obvious player, this may be the last time he pays attention and value. But even under such circumstances~www.readwn.com~ he still maintains his composure,

There is no reason, because he, like everyone else, has a goal to accomplish everything, and he has been preparing for this game for a long time. It was all for this moment when he came to Team Xingxin and started from the stables and began to receive Tang Yin's targeted training!

Go through the challenge and return to the league!

In this way, the two teams entered various captain rooms under the discussion of the audience and the commentator.

After seeing that the members of their own team are ready, two different voices sounded in the battle room on both sides:

"Return to the alliance!" Sun Xiang said.

"Enjoy the game!" Ye Xiu said.


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(End of this chapter)

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