Full-time Occupation

Chapter 958: Plan B!

Chapter 983: Plan B! (Seeking subscription, seeking recommendation)

Xiao Shiqin has a headache now, and now only Xiaoyaoyou clearly reveals his figure. Another firepower point, you don't need to guess that it is Ye Xiu and Wu Chen who only played today. Now the problem is here.

Tang Yin has a gunner's air combat skills that are more powerful than Mucheng, relying on heavy firearms to move quickly in the sky while also attacking them. This makes it difficult for them to catch up with him. And if you give up Tang Yin, the one that chooses the other two firepower points, huh? Because there were still two attacks from Happy that did not appear.

This caused them not to rashly split their attacks. After all, if they were to split their attacks, no matter how split they were, two people would follow Ye Xiu's analysis. Wouldn't it be that they were dragged down by the two of them alone.

And if it were a one-on-one pursuit, they still didn't know Ye Xiu over there. It is impossible to achieve one-on-one pursuit at all. After all, if you want to achieve that style of play, you have to send one to solo with Tang Yin. Among them, the only one who is capable of soloing with Tang Yin is Sun Xiang. If he goes, what is the command of the team? manage? After all, as far as command is concerned, Sun Xiang still has a long way to go.

As long as Sun Xiang is competent, how do you divide the remaining four?

Xiao Shiqin knew that Ye Xiu must be alone, and Zhang Jiale must be with Wu Chen and Pastor.

Ye Xiu had no problem dragging out two people, after all, he could run. But if scattered people run, it is really difficult for them to catch up. Not to mention killing, and the other two can be each other's three people from Happy? And these three also have a pastor...

"Xiao Shiqin, what can you do now?" Sun Xiang asked.

Hearing Sun Xiang's words, Xiao Shiqin explained the opponent's play tactics that had just been analyzed.

And after hearing Xiao Shiqin's analysis, everyone in Excellent Era also understood why Xiao Shiqin kept silent. After all, after being beaten, Xiao Shiqin stopped talking after saying that the other party's target was the pastor's.

And after he said that, the opponent's firepower was concentrated on him. It can be seen that the other party simply beat their cloth armor with crispy skin.

"Since it doesn't work, let's fight for it, and everyone is aiming in the opposite direction. Tang Yin's air combat ability is too strong, but other people can still catch up if we die." Sun Xiang said.

"But if it were Ye Xiu, even if we caught up with the loss, it would be great..." Xiao Shiqin said worriedly.

"That's better than being suppressed like this. As long as Zhang Jiaxing is protected, we still have a chance, right!" Sun Xiang said. At this moment he once again showed his arrogance and high spirits.

"Indeed..." The current form is clearly in crisis, but since Xiao Shiqin still has time to push his sunglasses. Xiao Shiqin discovered that he was indeed too careful. Because of his origins in the Thunder, his teammates are very limited, and they have to plan everything carefully. Make the most of what is possible. Think about any plan and then think about it, how can the damage be minimized.

But such a careful character does lack decisiveness. Now their situation is just like Sun Xiang said. Instead of continuing to think of ways here, they would take the initiative to look for opportunities to break the game, even if it will pay a certain price, but it is better than this. .

"Since I was taught a lesson by my own captain..." Xiao Shiqin thought with emotion.

After that, he didn't hesitate, and said to Sun Xiang: "The captain, give the order. Let's go crazy with you!"

"Okay!" This was Wu Chen's anti-tank gun, as if they blasted it, since it was immediately avoided. Directly facing the direction of the anti-tank gun just now, Sun Xiang shot the dragon and broke the army. And what he meant was very clear, just this one!

At this moment, everyone in Excellent Era was at a loss before they were gone. They all seemed to have a target and a backbone. Every time they walked, avoiding the next attack from Ye Xiu and Tang Yin, and chasing them in one direction with Sun Xiang.

"We saw Excellent Era using a new action. This seems to be a counterattack under the leadership of Sun Xiang, attacking Wu Chen and the others together. Xiaoyaoyou and Lord Grim are still trying to thwart each other, but now Jia World As if it had been decided, they were chasing Wu Chen and the others. But would they not be afraid of being consumed like this and such a small amount of time? By keeping their backs in this way, the skills they can avoid are very limited, right?" Guidance Li said .

"But this is the only way. I didn't expect Excellent Era's players to be bloody." Wang Jiexi said.

"Team Wang is right. Although they are still being consumed by Xingxin, there is a considerable distance between Xingyao You and Lord Grim. If this allows them to catch up, it will be five to three. The situation. As long as it succeeds and can take away one of the opponents, the battle will be reversed. But this bet is a bit big, if they choose Ye Xiu. Then it will be difficult for them to catch up. It seems Excellent Era and the others today Good luck today." Zhang Xinjie also said.

To be honest, they are also very emotional when they see here. Although they believe that Tang Yin is not the kind of person who likes to rely on luck to win the game, but now such an important game, since Tang and Tang can also persist without luck, this persistence is indeed true. Great.

Because of this kind of luck to choose one of the two problems, if it were not for the competition, Tang Yin's luck would be the best thing for Excellent Era to chase after Ye Xiu, and Ye Xiu as a looser shouldn’t have too many displacement skills. Then, even if they don’t have it. When people die, their blood volume is almost consumed.

But now their second choice is to chase Zhang Jiale and the others directly, which shows that Tang Yin really didn't have the luck of cheating on him in the game. Even Han Wenqing has some admiration for this.

Just like that sentence, luck is also a part of strength, and this is also recognized by everyone, but Tang Yin does not need to ~www.readwn.com when he is capable, and this character and temperament alone is worthy of admiration.

At the same time, they also thought of another point. If Excellent Era had just chosen to pursue Ye Xiu, would they think that Tang Yin's luck was causing trouble, and then subconsciously ignored the other party's efforts, and instead gave the other party a label of relying on luck?

They shook their heads and shook their minds. After all, they are still playing, and many of these are what they think about now.

During the game, Tang Yin saw that the opponent wanted Zhang Jiale to chase in the opposite direction, and immediately notified them to evacuate and prepare to implement Plan B!

Yes, Tang Yin's tactics are certainly not that simple. They directly made a three-point plan this week, which is to deal with Excellent Era chasing any of them. After all, I'm not a person anymore, so let's not be a person to the end!


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(End of this chapter)

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