Full-time Occupation

Chapter 967: No one in sight

At the end of the game, the next step is a process-style press conference after the game. But this time it was not Excellent Era's stage after all, and Excellent Era's players were not in the mood to answer questions, and the reporter wanted to quickly interview the winning Team Happy. Therefore, under the tacit understanding of the two sides, Excellent Era's people quickly ended the interview. Then the reporter waited for Happy, and...there was no more...

Because Happy and his party inherited the excellent tradition of taking the lead in running away, they walked through the back door and left, and went straight back to the hotel to rest. No one wants to stay to deal with reporters.

As a result, everyone in Happy let all the reporters freely in such a willful manner, which caused all kinds of embarrassment on the Alliance side for a while. After all, they had never happened before.

After all, the press conference is a very good propaganda platform, not to mention that they are still the winners, and when the team has just been established, they should spare no effort to promote themselves at this time, so that they can better attract sponsorship.

But now the other party has left directly ahead of schedule, which directly makes the alliance impossible.

But it's not that Tang Yin and the others are really floating. The main thing is that they are tired. You must know that they have been preparing for this game a year ago. There is also high-intensity training during this period. This is not just this week. Yes, since the offline game, they have played against professional teams one after another, and their teams are all newcomers. They want to grow up as fast as possible, only high-intensity training.

You know, the Excellent Era team led by Sun Xiang, Xiao Shiqin, and Qiu Fei is actually similar in terms of overall strength. Happy's upper limit is high but the lower limit is also very low. Although Excellent Era's player upper limit was not as high as Happy, the lower limit was all above Happy's average line.

And the reason why Tang Yin and the others can win so smoothly, apart from the various improper plans of Tang Yin, the most important thing is their training. Although Excellent Era also values ​​Happy, their main training goal this year is to return to the league a year later. Only in the last week of a decisive battle with Happy will targeted training sessions be conducted.

But what about Happy? For this game, they have been preparing and planning since a year ago. All of these efforts are aimed at this game. The difference between this year and one week was the reason for Happy's victory.

And now the game is over, now they just want to rest. For this reason, Tang Yin even threw a hard pen directly, if someone calls to disturb them...

The alliance press officer looked at the mobile phone that had been smoked while the sir had smoked, and was weak, and now he didn't even have the means to contact the other party. After all, he wouldn't memorize Xingxin's phone number. I want people under my hand to find someone to check, and the artificial intelligence of their mobile phone also starts to smoke...

In the end, the Glory press officer who had no choice could only say: "I'm sorry everyone, it seems that today's press conference can only go to now."

"What?" Where did this reporter agree, they didn't feel embarrassed about Excellent Era, just to let Excellent Era leave quickly, so that they could interview Happy, but now Happy didn't show up directly? How can they go back to confess this?

"Yeah. Where's Happy's players? Didn't they come after the game?" some reporters asked.

"Um.... To be precise, everyone at Happy has already left..." the alliance newsman said embarrassingly. I thought it was a little messy now, and their staff were all sorting out the scene. After all, professional players know that the next press conference will pass by themselves, so they don’t care, the result...

Everyone in Happy walked away swaggeringly like this, without even saying hello. No one even noticed that so many of their staff were in the meeting place. No one could have imagined that someone would leave without attending the press conference after the game...Wait, there seems to be such a person, and now this person is still their captain...

So Team Happy really left. As for the alliance, it was not until the press conference was ready that they found out that there was only Excellent Era on the side of the people who were going to attend. Happy is missing.

The staff was looking for crazy. Look everywhere, no. Then he asked about the news. I finally heard news from somewhere that there were a lot of people shouting that we were the champions, and they just left.

Is it from Happy? Or a fan of Happy?

Originally, the Alliance wanted to struggle, and there was no way to contact them. As a result, there was a short call in the reporter hall in the next moment. And it's the kind that the circuit burns directly...I ask the psychological shadow area of ​​the alliance news officer...

The chairman of the alliance also knew about this at this time, and Feng Xianjun's heart was cold when he heard about it. After all, it means that Ye Xiu will not be interviewed or come to the press conference. But now he directly leads a team and does not participate in the press conference collectively. This...this is too foul...

Feng Xianjun absolutely does not allow this kind of ethos. If other teams also learn from this positive attitude, what about their alliance's propaganda?

"No matter how we have found them, figure out what the situation is!" Chairman Feng issued the order for the first time, but it was a pity that this was destined to be useless.

And how could the reporters who participated in the press conference of this car simply let them go so easily. You must know that this is heavy news, and they are prepared for all kinds of issues. How many flips of their income during this period of time can be based on this interview.

And the various media behind them are even more reluctant to miss this opportunity. After all, this report is good, but it is a great tool for them to attract readers. After all, the attention of this competition is here, and the competition is still so frequent and the level is not good. so tall. How could they easily let go of Happy's group of people.

So the major media started to move the next day, UU reading www. uukanshu.com directly began to dispatch troops to the H city. Directly, they go to the Happy Internet Cafe to guard them, and see if they can make any news.

Obviously this is useful. Soon they began to understand from the cashier girl in Happy Internet Cafe, why Ye Xiu, a professional god, came back to them as a network manager? You know that Ye Xiu retired halfway, and the great **** retired to come to this Internet cafe? No matter how you think about it, there is something tricky in it.

But the facts are exactly like this. The cashier girl didn’t hide anything. Originally, she wanted to come online with them, but as soon as she walked in, she met Tang Yin, a non-staff member of their Internet cafe, and was inexplicably pulled by Tang Yin as a network manager. .

So the front page headlines of the major media the next day were: Surprise! The Glory God... Since he has been dragged to serve as a network administrator after he announced his retirement!


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