Full-time Summoner

Chapter 999 Refused 【How to write a love letter for the rudder master】 】Add more

Hearing Zhaohua's words, the ancient king slowly turned his head to look at Zhaohua who was sitting opposite him, his eyes narrowed slightly, those eyes shone fiercely, and the faint light was fleeting, as if his eyes could see through everything in the world, through The past, the present and the future are general.

The ancient king's eyes don't have any other special abilities. He just relies on his own experience and wisdom to see through others. Of course, there is also the powerful perception ability of the ancient king himself.

The ancient king is worthy of being an emperor through the ages, the man known as the ancient emperor, his eyes are extremely sharp, as if he wants to see through Zhaohua completely.

And all this happened in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Hua said with a slight smile: "Isn't it just a game? Don't be so cautious, isn't it that the dark plane wants to play games in the world? I heard that as long as you use special tributes, you can summon the Lord of Darkness to play games and get prizes together." .”

The ancient king smiled and said, "That's just a chance for me to stay in that world, and it's also a trivial thing I did for the magic world."

The ancient king withdrew his gaze and said: "I was curious just now, even if there is a dark contract with me, according to the content of the contract, I will not hurt you, but you still enter the dark plane so boldly."

"I see that you have the breath of the final emperor dragon."

Zhaohua did not deny it.

Zhaohua is not a fool, no matter how binding a dark contract is, it is only a matter of punishment, just like a life-and-death contract, Zhaohua does not believe that Fengling and Hongyan are unable to lift it.

It's just the risk and price of relief.

And the ancient king is naturally the same, and the contract with the ancient king is just the most common contract. If the ancient king really wants to kill Zhaohua, it is as simple as crushing an ant.

The reason why Zhaohua is not afraid is also very simple, he has life-saving tricks.

Zhaohua is used to making all the preparations before doing things. Originally, Zhaohua wanted Fengling to protect him for a while, but he didn't expect that it would be Hongyu's father in the end.

When Zhaohua was in Atlantis, she knew that Rainbow Fish had been keeping an eye on her.

When Zhaohua rushed into the coffin of the Hongsha Skeleton Emperor to snatch things, he noticed that Rainbow Fish quietly kept watching Zhaohua without closing the door of summoning.

But Gu Guwang saw through Zhaohua's cards at a glance, proving that Gu Guwang was really powerful.

Zhaohua said: "The ancient king will not be resentful about the matter of the ancient capital."

The ancient king shook his head and said flatly: "Although I was once the lord of the country, I am no longer a human being. The divine right belongs to you. What you want to do is your business."


Zhaohua looked at the ancient king, this but is not a good word.

The ancient king's eyes were no longer so sharp, but put away all his domineering, and said flatly like an ordinary old man: "But, I don't know how to play games with you."

Zhaohua couldn't help frowning, it was different from what he thought. It is said to be playing games, but in fact Zhaohua is the same as Mo Fan in Egypt when he used the dark contract to challenge the dark sword master. Zhaohua came here to challenge.

He followed the ancient king's contract and came to decide the outcome with the ancient king, because Kunlong's game was considered a tie for everyone.

At the very beginning, the ancient king and the Shanshan clan in the ancient city of Loulan decided to win the game. The bets were dragon corpses, dark contracts, dragon cores, and life. As a result, when the Shanshan clan was about to lose in the end, Kabug ended the game infinitely. Then it was Zhaohua and Jiang Tiansheng who finally won the game of the ancient king, but in the end they got nothing, and it was a two-on-one win, and the ancient king didn't even appear.

So it can't be counted as a win, Zhaohua is now alone, looking for the ancient king to decide the outcome.

Now the ancient king says he can't play anymore, this. . . Some kind of meaning is to avoid war, Zhaohua can't guess how, the ancient king, this emperor through the ages actually avoids war!

Zhaohua blinked slightly, looked at the ancient king and said: "As far as I know, the dark contract of the dark sword master is actually a challenger contract agreement from the dark plane. The creatures in the dark plane are different from the magic world. There is a special rule in it, the lower creatures of the dark creatures have the right to challenge the higher-ranked creatures, and offer chips from both sides for a duel, and the higher-ranked creatures cannot refuse."

"Although I am not a dark creature, I have your dark contract, so I should have the right to challenge you."

"Or do you think I can't come up with the corresponding chips?"

Zhaohua came to challenge, so if he loses, he will naturally give something to the ancient king. Zhaohua prepared the chips early in the morning, but what surprised Zhaohua was that the ancient king refused without even looking at the chips. Ask Zhaohua what he needs.

The ancient king shook his head with a smile and said, "No, not at all. Others can, of course, but you can't."

The ancient king continued: "I know what you want, I can tell you everything about the ninth dark theocracy, including what happened in the Great Extinction World War, why she was divided into two, why did she know another You in a world."

"However, you can't use the game to decide. I need you to do one thing."

Zhaohua's eyes flashed, and he looked at the ancient king. After a moment of silence, he said slowly: "As far as I know, this is not in compliance with the rules. Even if you violate the rules set by this world, you will not be pleased."

The dark plane has the rules of survival of the dark plane. The so-called contracts and rules are not stipulated by a certain dark king, nor are they made together, but a kind of law established by the plane itself since the birth of the plane. Everyone must abide by things like the laws of the plane.

For example, in the magic world, the magic world is a place to compete in cultivation. All creatures in the magic world can cultivate. It’s like a competition to see who can reach the highest point faster and better. It’s very free and left to the creatures in the world to decide.

The Summoning Plane is similar, except that the Summoning Plane is more wild. It is a truly primitive world, where the strong are respected and the law of the jungle prevails. There is no shelter or no shelter, just do it.

In the holy plane, the power of the gods is concentrated, and there is no cultivation in the holy plane. They are called vow power there.

It is concentration and charity.

Birth in the holy plane determines everything. In the holy plane, what the gods say is absolute. Birth determines the future. What occupation you do after birth is determined by the oracle, which directly determines your future after birth.

A simple analogy is that after birth, there is something called talent check, soul awakening, etc. This kind of thing can check what you are most suitable for, and give the so-called god's guidance to awaken your relative talent, and then you just have to do it. Be able to obediently follow the guidance of this God to act.

A bit like genetic testing in the scientific world.

Only creatures that are said to be suitable for cultivation by the oracle can practice, and other people are so-called ordinary people, the so-called "food for practitioners", they need to pray and contribute their own power, just like the Parthenon Temple, Pray and let the superior get the wish to become stronger.

In the holy plane, faith has the final say.

The dark plane also has its rules, and it is completely opposite to the holy plane. The dark plane encourages the lower to overcome the upper. The lower ranks can unconditionally challenge the upper ranks, and can obtain stronger dark power according to the dark contract and rules formulated by the dark plane.

It is possible to turn over and become the master once.

Thanks to the rudder owner and starting point monthly ticket funder [How to write a love letter. ]'s rewards, the old rules!

I still owe the hall master 【Brother Chang Geng】.

As well as all the book friends who have continued to reward and support, big and small, I will add up and add one more.

Thousand chapters. Before I knew it, it was almost a year.

Thanks to the lord [Pengcheng Wanli K] for the five thousand rewards congratulated by Qian Zhang.

Thanks to the rudder master [Slow sheep without a cane] Qianzhang congratulated the 1,500 rewards.

Thanks to the rudder master [Ju Vibrating Bag Reality] Qianzhang for the thousand rewards.

There are other supportive book friends. A thousand chapters! ! !

Oh, that's a thousand and one. \u003c( ̄︶ ̄)\u003e

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