Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1001 The Truth About Ji Shaoan

After the dark contract was drawn up, Zhaohua stretched out his hand, and the contract merged into the contract between Zhaohua and the King of Darkness along the palm of his hand.

The information in it entered Zhaohua's mind like flowing water.

I don't know how long it has been before Zhaohua came back to his senses, sighed and said, "You are more exaggerated than a certain point of cultivating immortals."

If the information given by the ancient king is correct, then the final battle in ancient times, the one that exterminated countless species, was much more tragic than what Zhaohua learned from ancient books and the report of the Bee Project.

Why does the spirit of Parthenon stay in the magic world, and why does the Holy City stay in the magic world. Because of the First World War that year, the four-party scuffle broke out between the three major planes and the local monsters of the magic world was very tragic.

At that time, because the three major planes were connected to the magic world, and when the war broke out, although the magic world was the middle battlefield, the battlefield was not only in the magic world, creatures from other planes would also rush into other positions noodle.

Not only the magical world was devastated at this stop, but even the three major planes of the mainland were greatly affected.

For example, the holy plane, the holy plane, like the dark plane, has nine spirits, which represent different powers, and the spirit that represented resurrection and healing at that time belonged to the angel family, which is now the Parthenon spirit.

In the First World War that year, the Holy Plane was invaded by several dark masters with dark theocracy. When a war broke out, a corner of the Holy Plane was cut off, and a soul of the Holy Plane was stripped away. In that battle, even the mainland collapsed.

And it affects far more than just angels. Holy Silver's Holy Winged Species and other higher races are also affected. For example, the huge white-feathered Sacred Willow of the Holy Winged Species was robbed of its seeds and fell into the magical world. That is, the seed of the white-feathered willow that Zhaohua got now.

You must know that the purification spirit of the holy winged species is hidden in the white-feathered holy willow, or the huge white-feather holy willow and the purification spirit are originally one.

That's why gods like the Parthenon's soul are in the magical world. The power of the Parthenon's soul has obviously surpassed that of the forbidden curse.

The dead revived, isn't this violating the laws of the magical world itself? Normally, this is possible! The law of the magical world must be the greatest, but the spirit of Parthenon disobeyed it easily.

The same is true for Ji Shaoan. According to the image data of the ancient king, Ji Shaoan is not a human being or a creature of darkness. She is a dark theocracy herself.

Her being the ninth Dark Theocracy at the time was special because she was the last. This is equal to the will of the dark plane itself. It is the dark plane that prevents the dark master from rebelling and keeps a hand.

When the magic world was invaded back then, Ji Shaoan came as the will of the dark plane. Generally speaking, he was the supervising army when marching and fighting, and Ji Shaoan was the supervising army.

And during the final battle, how could the dark plane not be attacked? Just like the holy plane, the dark plane also suffered a devastating blow. As the will of the dark plane, Ji Shaohan, like the soul of Parthenon, was captured The god king of the holy plane is stripped.

But Ji Shaoan is different from the Parthenon spirit, Ji Shaoan is not an ordinary theocracy, she is not an object, she has a certain consciousness.

At the last moment, when the magical world was fully mature and separated from the scientific world, and when it was time to regenerate the barriers of the planes, Ji Shaoan divided himself into two, and the half representing the undead, curse, and poison stayed in the magical world to lurk. The half with memory and pure dark power went to the scientific world along the separation of the scientific world and the magical world.

At the beginning, Ji Shaohan represented the will of the dark plane, equivalent to a clone, but he is not as silly and cute as he is now. He is a ruthless, murderous devil.

The purpose of Ji Shaoan to go to the world of science is to conquer the world with darkness, devour the world and then come back again.

In the end, it obviously failed, and I lost my memory without knowing why. The most amazing thing is that the last two souls have their own independent personalities, and both have a relationship with Zhaohua.

This is why Ghost Face said that Zhaohua changed his destiny, because according to the original trajectory, the scientific world would be swallowed by darkness, and then when the first god was born in the magical world, the scientific world swallowed by darkness, together with the dark plane and magic The self of the world, inside and outside, will fight back.

Why did it become like this, the ancient king doesn't know, the most likely is when it was divided into two, because of the power of chaos, the memory disappeared and a new personality was born.

After all, the Chaos System has reached the end, which is the ultimate power that can control even time. If the Chaos System can control time, it can naturally travel through the past and even the future.

No one knows how Ji Shaoan became like this, but the result is that the dark plane will eventually take back this power.

Even from this point of view, after the fusion of the two, the worst result is that both personalities may disappear, and the brutal dark consciousness will return.

Needless to say, summoning the plane, there are too many things about the totem. However, the summoning plane is the best. Although many divine beasts stayed in the magic world and even died, none of the divine blood was lost.

Of course, how can the most important Ji Shaoan not merge and be taken back by the dark plane. The ancient king did not tell Zhaohua that this is the biggest secret, and Zhaohua will only know it after he "returns the property to its original owner".

bad news. . . more and more.

"Humanity became the biggest winner in that battle, but it may not be a good thing." The ancient king said.

After that battle, human beings turned from being enslaved to become the strongest of all races in the magical world. No matter what kind of snake race, liger or tiger, any race that was twisted out would not be an opponent of the human race.

So now it's all about the confrontation between demons and human mages. Back then, the human race was like pigs.

Naturally, when the next war of planes breaks out, the whole world, the three major planes and the monsters will take revenge, killing all human beings in an instant regardless of everything else.

That is the real end of the world for mankind, and the peace now is like the calm before the storm.

"Perhaps the end of the world that the Mayans said is the moment when the plane condensate appears." Zhao Hua said.

The ancient king stood up, stomped his feet lightly, and the dark gate of hell rose from the ground, appearing in front of Zhaohua. The old king is about to see off his guests, since the contract has been completed, there is no need to stay here.

Zhaohua saw the ghost gate appear, smiled slightly, looked at Gu Wang and said, "Gu Wang, do you want to avoid the battle for the second time?"

With a bang, the ancient king showed killing intent in his eyes, all the surrounding trees, flowers and plants withered, and even the ghost gate disappeared in fright. Crazy!

Zhaohua said: "The game...you can still play a game."

The ancient king showed a domineering look in his eyes, and said with a smile: "The bargaining chip."

Zhaohua took out an item, the ancient king shrank his eyes, and couldn't help frowning and said, "You actually have this kind of thing."

"Are there enough chips?"


What Zhaohua took out was nothing but the accompanying stone obtained from Hongsha Skull!

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