Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1004 The person who really brought about the destruction of the world

At this time, Mo Fan was twisting Leng Jue, who was severely injured by him and was on the verge of death. Reasonably, no one in the whole world can capture the red-clothed leader of the Black Vatican alive. If the money is exchanged for the hunter's bounty, then Mo Fan can afford it.

But at this time Mo Fan was not that interested at all, because now he was frightened, and even had the urge to scold his mother.

Because Emperor Xiekai intends to lead Shayuan's army directly into the underworld, and the territory to enter is either other than the territory of Khufu.

And this was a good thing, but Mo Fan was tricked. Because you want to enter the underworld and the place where the passage is opened is the territory where Khufu is located, then you need to go to Egypt, open the space passage, let Shayuan use the power of space magic, follow the space passage to the location of the Khufu Pyramid in Egypt, and then go to Egypt. The Pyramid of Khufu brought Shayuan into the underworld of the dark plane and captured the land.

That is to say, Mo Fan wants to go into the Pyramid of Khufu like Zhaohua, to be a little ghost, and open the door for the evil emperor to enter. This is different from Zhaohua, this time there is everything in the Pyramid of Khufu, and Mo Fan transforms into a devil to give away food!

"Can I quit?" Mo Fan asked in a low voice.

The evil armored emperor Zhan Kong looked at Mo Fan and said, "You don't have to do it."

Mo Fan breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, just let the others go.

Emperor Xiekai said lightly: "Then I will no longer restrain the undead of the ancient capital, let them continue to attack humans, suck human flesh and blood, and release their ferocity."

Jiuyouhou said with a smile: "Not all the undead in the ancient capital are the undead from Shayuan, and there are also some undead tribes that do not belong to Shayuan. These tribes are suppressed by the power of our king, and they dare not be presumptuous. But the undead are naturally ferocious and bloodthirsty. , if you don’t kill them, sooner or later you will be unable to suppress them. In fact, it is already a bit difficult to suppress.”

Mo Fan smiled bitterly: "But...but I'm just a small high-ranking person. What's the difference between entering the Khufu Pyramid with my small body and delivering food?"

Jiuyouhou covered her mouth and snickered, "I saw you were so brave just now, you have to stand up to the undead in the Pyramid of Khufu alone, and singled out so many undead, thinking that you are not afraid of death."

Mo Fan touched the back of his head, and said awkwardly: "It's too late, I won't dare next time."

Empress Jiuyou said: "Don't worry, when the time comes, I will turn into a ghost and possess you, and I will protect you. Unless you meet Khufu head-on, otherwise it won't be able to perceive that it is you even in the pyramid. I just thought it was an ordinary tomb hunter."

"But don't worry, we'll go after we've cultivated well, choose a good day and auspicious day, and order troops."

Mo Fan has black lines all over his head. This is really a war. We need to choose a good day and auspicious day for ordering troops.

However, Mo Fan has no choice. The ancient capital suffered too many casualties. If the undead were not much quieter, those investors would not dare to invest in the ancient capital. Now the real estate developers are still building and are slowly recovering. If the undead become active again, it may not be as strong as the ancient capital before.

With the mentality of helping people to the end and sending Buddha to the West, Mo Fan reluctantly agreed, with a face of reluctance. The most important thing is to help for free! He's bloody!

At this time, in the Pudong New City of Shanghai, Pudong New City is the new urban area of ​​Shanghai. It was more than 20 years ago when Hua Zhanhong led the southern army and desperately killed an Asian emperor in the South China Sea. The Kraken Empire, after a shock, planned to renovate, and a new airport was built, so it was called a new city.

Because the location of Pudong New City is basically by the sea, and once the magic capital, like Japan, also had a sea battlefield, and that sea battlefield was Pudong New City.

It's just that now because the naval mages of the Eastern Military Region and the Southern Military Region are powerful, and a siren empire has been disintegrated, the siren tribes in the South China Sea and the East China Sea have no time to pay attention to the competition for territory, so there is no need to set up a sea battlefield, and it is solved directly in the sea. Those weak sea monsters who came to attack.

But now, the sea-monster ruthlessly woke up the complacent humans.

After several days of fighting with the Kraken, Pudong New City is now completely submerged in sea water.

When Mo Fan and others were fighting with the Pyramid of Khufu in Beiyuan, the emperor-level Dragon King of the East China Sea led his East China Sea Dragon Kingdom, plus the giant whale monster kingdom controlled by the sub-imperial-level fortress killer whale and the sub-imperial-level madness The Mad Fish Demon Nation controlled by Yudi, and the three demon kingdoms joined forces to flood Pudong New City.

The two emperors of the Giant Whale Demon Kingdom and the Crazy Fish Demon Kingdom took over the new overlord Demon Kingdom in the South China Sea after years of disputes because the old demon kingdom in the South China Sea was disintegrated.

Although these two demon kingdoms can barely be called demon kingdoms, there are only seven or eight sea monsters at the level of great monarchs in the two demon kingdoms, which is equivalent to the number of dead kings in all directions, but the East China Sea Dragon Kingdom is not.

That is the real Siren Empire. The Dragon King of the East China Sea is an orthodox emperor who has occupied the East China Sea since ancient times until now.

It is a real pure-blood sea dragon, even stronger than the black dragon on Tyrant Mountain.

That's why the country even mobilized the troops of Zhenbeilou in an emergency, and even Nalanlong, the commander of the Eastern Military Region of the three lines of forbidden curses, and the Forbidden Curses Society of Magic Capital mobilized all the forbidden curse mages to resist.

But in the end, Pudong New City was still not defended, and the entire pattern of the magic city was changed by this battle. The flooding of Chentangguan in ancient times was repeated, and it became the flooding of Pudong City.

The only fortunate thing is that human beings have not failed. Because of the perseverance and perseverance of the military mage, he withstood the attacks of the three demon kingdoms for several days, and Nalan Long, the commander of the Eastern Military Region, fought against the Sea Dragon King for three days and three nights alone.

Only then did all ordinary people in Pudong New Town and the vicinity retreat smoothly, and the flooded area was nothing more than a piece of land.

But these are things for later, Mo Fan knew about this matter more than a month later. Mo Fan is in the process of cultivating in the Parthenon Temple because of the demon system.

On the second day after the battle in Pudong New City, in the Parthenon Temple where Mo Fan and Ji Li fought, Tian Qingsong seemed to be waiting for someone, but this time it was different, his expression was full of expectation and worship, It was as if I was about to meet the God in my heart.

I don't know how long Tian Qingsong waited, a man in a black robe came from a distance.

When Tian Qingsong saw the person coming, he showed an obsessed expression. This expression was very familiar, just like Fang Shaoli and Hujin Deacon seeing Sa Lang and God!

"Ah~ I should have guessed at that time, that girl is not the one who brought about the destruction of the world as predicted in the prophecy, but you are! From the time when our Holy See was first prophesied in ancient times, it must be, it must be you! Prophecy The god carved on the stone slab, the one who established the kingdom of God and heaven, is you!"

Zhaohua opened the hood, ignored Tian Qingsong's insanity, and said flatly: "The door."

Tian Qingsong bent down, pointed to the square next to him and said, "The gate of ghosts is already waiting for you."

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