Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1010 Mo Fan understands better

Because of the rise in sea level, many high-level people in coastal cities, rich businessmen have begun to move their assets to the center of the country, away from the coast.

The Sichuan capital is the central area of ​​our country's territory, although most of XZ and XJ in the northwest are monster areas.

As soon as Ying Yan and the others got off the plane, they saw that the flow of people at the airport was quite exaggerated. They had been to the capital of Sichuan before, but the number of people was several times or even ten times that of before.

"It seems that the rising sea level has a great impact on the city." Ying Yan said with a frown.

Many people living in coastal cities came to inland cities to learn about the situation.

The Jiuzhaigou Wucai Tianchi in the capital city of Sichuan is the same as the Tianguan purple linden tree in Yantai. It is a treasure land, and it is one of the few places where humans and monsters can coexist. Can't attack demons either.

Someone once killed a monster in the Five Colors Path. After killing life, a faint colored light would appear on the hunter's body. This kind of colored light made him have nowhere to hide, and was eventually torn to pieces by the angry monster.

Experienced magic groups, real estate developers, and magic families have all sent their children to the capital of Sichuan. For the magic family, the treasure land of resources is what they value most, and it is also the foundation of their roots.

Just like Baiyun Mountain in Yaodu City, Yaodu City started to build human gathering places and gradually developed CD City because of Baiyun Mountain, Congcheng Hot Spring and other treasures.

It has been more than a year since the Devil City incident happened, and many magic families have already established roots here. Although Wucai Tianchi is a treasure, but now so many people come to share it, there may not even be a single magic stone on the Wucai Road.

However, Ying Yan and the others did not plan to enter the Colorful Heavenly Lake immediately. After all, it was their first time here, and the first step must be to find a guide.

Now Ying Yan is no longer in the Young Forbidden League, after all, he is no longer a teenager, and the oldest Ying Yan is already twenty-five or almost twenty-six years old. It was already more than two years ago that the finals of the national competition.

And Ying Yan also formed a phoenix hunting group. After all, Zhaohua is a civil servant, so it is definitely impossible for him to join the hunting group. He is not the kind of person like Mo Fan who needs to go to the demon area.

Lin Mo had already found a hunter guide named Golden Blade on the official website of the Hunter Union early in the morning. He had the highest survival rate and task completion rate among the hunter guides who led a group.

Generally speaking, hunting groups in their own area do not need a guide. For example, when Zhaohua and the others went to Baiyun Mountain to find advanced resources for Tianguan Zilin saplings, it was Lin Mo who was in charge of the guide.

"Hee hee hee, no one is cheating, this price, the real price, my golden blade route is unique, I have entered the Wucai Tianchi more than 900 times, and I am a local. I entered Wucai Tianchi when I was eighteen, and now I am forty-five." Jin Ren was a tall, thin, middle-aged man.

Ying Yan's white hair is very conspicuous, even sitting in the corner of a casual dining bar.

And this time, Zhaohua did what he said, he really came for a trip, he didn't care about these things at all, he didn't listen to them, and went to relax with Ji Shaohan.

Ying Yan said: "But you asked for 30 million on the official website of the Hunter Alliance, and now you have tripled it, and you want 90 million?"

Instead, Jin Ren froze for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't you come here for that matter?"

Ying Yan's eyes flashed white light when he heard this, and the others looked at each other, none of them understanding what the golden blade was referring to.

Jin Ren frowned and said: "Okay, you can know about it by just asking around, so I'll tell you a little bit. Not long ago, the salt lake of Wucai Tianchi reflected the sky of another world, and there were mysterious colorful imprints in the sky. The colorful luan is about to reappear in the world."

Liang Ri and the others showed the expressions of you teasing me, and asked in disbelief: "Isn't that right, isn't the colorful luan bird dead?! Isn't it dead?"

Jin Ren shook his head and said: "Dead, but there are rumors that a new colorful phoenix is ​​about to be born. I heard that the colorful Tianchi will give birth to a new colorful phoenix baby. Now everyone is going to the colorful Tianchi. Many summoners They all plan to try their luck."

Deng Le asked: "Then you can go to the Wucai Tianchi along the Wucai Road. Does it have anything to do with your fare increase?"

Jin Ren raised his eyebrows and said: "You don't know something about this, the colorful way is not fixed, a passage illuminated by the divine light of the colorful Tianchi is the colorful way, but the colorful way is not fixed, you need experience to know When will it appear, and where will it appear? Otherwise, how can we guides make money."

Gao Cen looked at Jin Ren and asked: "That only shows the value of your guides. This has nothing to do with your temporary price increase of three times, right? Is there anything else?"

Jin Ren showed a smug smile and said: "Of course, but the next thing is a commercial secret. If you need me, I will tell you all the information. I promise, I know everything The experience and top-secret information I summed up when I entered recently, there is absolutely no second person to know."

It seems that Lin Mo has found a guide who has something, and he can even sum up experience.

Hua Huahua, Ying Yan took out the check book, signed 90 million on it and handed it to Jin Ren, saying: "National Magic Bank 90 million check, you can look it up."

Jin Ren giggled, received the check and said: "It's trustworthy, no need to check, no need to check."

Liang Ri hurriedly asked: "Then you should say, don't make people hungry."

Jin Ren said quietly: "At the same time as the five-color mark appeared, there were bursts of war drums beating from the five-color salt lake in the five-color Tianchi, as if the overlord of another world ordered his troops. And the sound of these war drums, A large number of monsters have been attracted from other places, and according to the statistics of the Hunter Alliance, there are eight monarch creatures just seen."

"Right now, the colorful Tianchi Lake is several times more dangerous, no less than some red and purple monster areas. It is a time when crisis and opportunity coexist. It is definitely the wisest choice for you to hire me."

On the other side, Zhao Hua and Ji Shao, big and small, went to some small villages in Jiuzhaigou to buy things.

With a snap, Zhaohua picked up a hat and put it heavily on Ji Shaohan's head, Ji Shaohan raised his head innocently, with such force, he was going to be silly! !

Zhaohua said: "In ancient times, it was said that people worry about the sky, not about people worrying about the sky."

Ji Shaoan wrote in the small drawing book: 【However, just in case. . . Really what to do. 】

Zhaohua smiled and said: "Old Feng is already researching magic fusion, and then he can research the way to undo it, and Xiao Ji will wake up after sleeping."

"Don't worry, last time you big lazy pig slept for a year, I can't wake you up, and Xiao Ji is the same. This time I have experience, and I can do it faster. Believe it or not."

Ji Shao silently looked at Zhaohua's serious smiling face with sunshine, and his sincere eyes, finally there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

At this moment, the sound of quarreling came from Xiaozhai, and it was Xiao Ji who quarreled with others.

Zhaohua frowned and looked over, stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "This...is this the legendary 'slap in the face'?"

Ji Shaohan wrote in the small drawing book: [It seems to be, but I have never tried to slap someone in the face. 】

Zhao Hua frowned and said, "I've never encountered such a provocation before, and Mo Fan is familiar with it."

[Call him and ask? 】

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