Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1031 Connecting to the Shenmu Well

When Zhaohua and others came to the Wucai Tianchi, it was exactly as the hunter named Lao Li said, the entire Wucai Tianchi was no different from an ordinary pool, just a pool of clear water.

Zhaohua looked to the side, and some local hunters were using ice magic to freeze the lake.

Zhaohua asked: "Guard Golden Blade, what are they doing?"

Jin Ren sighed, and he resigned himself to his fate and said, "I'll talk about whether you can untie it."

Zhaohua snapped his fingers, and Zhaohua left a bit of wind silk on Jin Ren's body. You must know that wind silk is not a real thing, but a thing made of wind elements.

That is to say, within the scope of Zhaohua's perception of wind, within the scope of the field, he can condense into wind silk to bind the golden blade with one thought, and those who are not strong enough to break through the wind silk cannot escape at all.

Jin Ren looked around and saw that there were still some hunters around, and he was relieved that they didn't look too dangerous.

After all, those monarchs are all cheating ghosts with golden blades, just bragging that the colorful Tianchi Lake is more dangerous, making people need the "secret passage" of the guide, and raising the fee.

Jin Ren said: "Because the colorful Tianchi has a characteristic, even if it's winter, the surrounding trees are frozen, but the colorful Tianchi still won't freeze, even using ice magic can't freeze it."

Ying Yan and the others frowned, couldn't they freeze it with ice magic? What is the principle.

But Zhaohua understands one thing. To put it bluntly, the colorful phoenix contains the elemental attributes of fengshui, fire, thunder, and earth. It is not ordinary water, and these five attributes are fixed, and the cold ice is the element that has become diseased and mutated to obtain an alternative element. Therefore, it cannot be frozen.

"Hey, come and see, there is a mysterious secret place in the big pool in the middle of the Colorful Heavenly Lake!"

Suddenly a hunter said loudly, as if he had found something.

Zhaohua and the others looked at Jinren, and Jinren explained: "There is a huge Tianchi in the middle of the small pools of various colors in the Wucai Tianchi. This Wucai Tianchi is a mixture of five colors. In a sense, it is the real Wucai Tianchi. "

When Zhaohua and others followed the other hunters to the largest Tianchi Lake, Xiao Ji blurted out, "Wow, it's the realm of the sky."

Yes, the Realm of the Sky, this is a stunning landscape whose real name is Salar de Uyuni. The surface of the lake is like a mirror, reflecting the breathtakingly beautiful sky scenery that does not seem to be in the world, so it is named "Mirror of the Sky".

Originally, the three of Zhaohua and the others planned to go here in their original travel plan, but they came to the colorful Tianchi in the monster area only because Ji Shao had reached the third level of the dark poison system.

And now, although it is not as huge as the Uyuni Salt Flat, it is completely a mirror when viewed from the side, reflecting the scene in the sky.

This is unreasonable, because it should be just some clear water, and it is impossible for clear water to reflect.

Zhaohua's heart became more dignified at this time, because he knew that the Uyuni Salt Flat was located on a vast plateau in the Andes Mountains of South America, and Zhaohua and the others met when they went to Peru, South America for training in the national government. Geographical paintings were made by the ancient Indians who first established a civilization and magic empire in the Andes Mountains in ancient times.

And a part of Peru is next to the Andes Mountains. The most important thing is that Zhaohua has not forgotten that mysterious town in Peru. According to the records in the ancient books brought back by Nan Jue, the town was built by the ancient Indians.

As for why they built such a mysterious town that exists in a different space, Zhaohua does not know, but Zhaohua does know that the mysterious town is connected to a Gobi Desert ruins in Peru and to Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean. The ancient ruins are connected to a fire vein in Kunlun Mountains.

It was Mo Fan who discovered the connection to the Kunlun Mountain fire. Naturally, Mo Fan would not hide this important information, and would share it with the former national team members. Be careful if they enter.

And other people will also share some information, this is the so-called relationship network, Mo Fan's second summoning contract is also thanks to Jiang Yu's experience sharing to complete so quickly, after all Lingling only knows the cultivation method, but Lingling himself does not practiced, but Jiang Yu has already opened the second contract early.

The main reason for Zhaohua's heavy heart is that Zhaohua knows that the colorful Tianchi is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface, and that the colorful Tianchi is actually connected to another place, and that place is still a black forbidden place.

And that black forbidden place is the deepest part of the Amazon forest, and the colorful Tianchi is connected to the Shenmu well.

There are only two people in this world who know that the Wucai Tianchi is connected to the Shenmu Well. To be more precise, the other person besides Zhaohua is not a human being. It used to be not now.

old king.

There have been many mages who have been to the Amazon forest throughout the ages, and many have gone to the depths of the Amazon forest to reach the location of the Shenmu well. There are even forbidden curse mages who have obtained things from the Shenmu well.

For example, Mr. Sun a hundred years ago, for example, Duanmulin, the only plant-based forbidden curse in China who is still alive.

However, throughout the ages, the only one who dared to sneak into the Shenmu Well and come out alive was the once emperor and one person.

And this incident was also when Zhaohua entered the dark plane, and when he was playing games with the ancient king, he chatted with the ancient king as if chatting. After all, Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan got the ancient king's Shenmu emperor's coffin, so Zhaohua started talking about it with the ancient king.

And the ancient king didn't mind Zhaohua talking about himself, but started chatting like seniors and juniors introducing their glorious deeds during their lifetime.

And at that time, Zhaohua knew why the ancient king gave up his identity as a human, why he didn't become a dead emperor to protect mankind, but chose to give up everything, entered the dark plane and became a dark creature, and finally became a dark creature after rebuilding. king.

Because the ancient king saw his "future" in the Shenmu well.

In the Shenmu Well, the ancient king saw it. Millions of years later, at an unknown age, the ancient king ordered Shayuan's undead empire to destroy the ancient capital.

After countless years, the immortal Emperor finally couldn't bear the torture brought by longevity, and became a monster like Pharaoh Khufu, wanting to make the whole world submit to him again.

So the ancient king gave up becoming the dead emperor, abandoned everything and entered the dark plane, and agreed to the request of the old men in Huashan, and carried out the so-called twin soul plan. He was not protecting the country himself, but handing it over to future generations.

When Zhaohua told the ancient king that the ancient capital was attacked by the dead kings from all directions, Zhaohua could clearly feel that the ancient king sighed. It seems that the prophecy has not been changed. The ancient capital became riddled with holes because of that time, and it is still being rebuilt.

The ancient king came out of the Shenmu well not from the entrance of the Shenmu well, but from the Wucai Tianchi. In other words, the ancient king escaped from the exit of the Wucai Tianchi.

Because there is a big monster living in the Shenmu Well, this is a creature that even the ancient kings now call the big monster.

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