Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1037 Teleportation

"Army leader!!!"

Lu Juntong's voice was so loud that other military mages in the base could hear it. Generally speaking, there are four war zones in our country, namely, southeast, northwest, but no matter which war zone the military capital can be called the existence of the God of War.

The most recent battle was in the Pudong New Town of the Magic City. Nalan Dragon, who was guarding the east, fought against the Sea Dragon King of the East Sea by himself.

The wind magic is superb, facing the huge waves of thousands of meters, the demon emperor's skills can resist it with the wind spell.

"Yes... yes... received!"

After saluting, Lu Juntong hung up the phone, looked at Zhaohua with a surprised expression, and said, "All the military mages in Jiuzhaigou obey the orders."

This is the biggest difference between Zhaohua and Mo Fan, or the opposite.

Mo Fan is a free mage, and there is basically nothing related to power in Mo Fan. Mo Fan's biggest position is an honorary member of a small city, and it's just a name with no real power.

But Zhaohua is completely the opposite. In a sense, he can be said to be one of the most powerful mages in the country, with monstrous power.

Zhao Hao used to be the most important, the head of the central military mage who guarded the imperial capital, even if he has no body and retreats now, but now there are only four others. No one is on top.

Not to mention the Judgment Council, he is not only the head of the highest plan of the Judgment Council, the Bee Project, but also has a very big position on the surface, with the backing of Chief Tian Qingbai.

But it happened that only the Hunter Alliance, Zhaohua had no way to command and move, so Zhaohua asked Ying Yan, who had already reached the seven-star hunter master, to deal with it.

The Hunter Alliance was originally the most free and loosest organization, relying entirely on the hunter's own wishes and not being dispatched.

Zhaohua shook his head and said: "I won't command you, you just need to follow the evacuation steps of the purple alert now. You can follow the general Ai Jiangtu in the north from now on."

"C... Lieutenant General!?"

"Oh my god, Ai Jiangtu, isn't that from the Ai family..."

"Great, we're saved."

Zhaohua looked at some military mages who might be a few years younger than him and said, "Juntong Lu, try to arrange for young people to lead the civilians to retreat."

Lu Juntong took a deep breath. He understood what Zhaohua meant. Zhaohua still pulled down the purple alert even though he knew that there was such a foreign aid.

They were not actually saved.

And after a few hours, Zhaohua cursed the ancient king a hundred times in his heart! A full hundred times!


On the sentry tower outside the city of Jiuzhaigou and at the post station in the sub-safety zone, some local hunters expressed their dissatisfaction.

Because the purple alert has been sounded for several hours, not to mention the attack of the monarch and monsters, there is not even a feather on the bird.

And the hunters here are all local hunters, and they stay here with the heart of protecting their homeland rather than ruining it.

In general, the most accurate judgment must be made based on intelligence, the current situation, and the number of enemy troops. If something is really found, the blood red alert is already very serious, and you need to enter the basement or shelter to escape.

Just like that time in Congcheng, Congcheng was attacked by the worm king Funi, and everyone hid in the shelter.

But Purple just wants to leave regardless of external threats, such as the ancient capital, which cannot be left even if it wants to.

At the beginning, Zhenbei Pass was only a blood-red alert.

All kinds of voices quickly reached Zhaohua's ears, but he was still unmoved. Even an existence like the ancient king was so amazed at Shenmujing, so he understood what kind of place Shenmujing was. Its mystery and power were absolutely It's not something a mere mage can question.

"This old man is really crazy. He actually believed in the so-called prophecies of a kid in his twenties and a guide who only cheated money!"

King Wen Hunter brought his own hunting group to look for opportunities to break through the forbidden spell.

As a result, I saw the purple alert as soon as I got off the plane, but after understanding it, it turned out to be because of a 'prophecy that foretells the future'!

He is a majestic hunting king, a veteran hunting king who has reached the super level of the four series. He has seen all kinds of troubles, but he has never heard of anyone who can predict the future! If this can predict the future, there will be no disasters from demons.

"I don't care about it. It's okay if there is a tribe of monarchs. What if it's just because someone wants to monopolize the unique opportunity of Wucai Tianchi...Huh!" Another master of the seven-star hunter named Wang Li looked at Zhaohua with a strange look.

Wang Li is also a super-level mage, but he is not as powerful as the Wen Hunter King, but only two-line super-level, but he has already planned to participate in this year's Hunter King Competition and become one of the hunter kings this year.

Zhaohua didn't say anything, because this is the essence of hunters, what they yearn for is freedom. It was obvious from the national team back then that Mo Fan was the one who didn't listen to his mentor the most.

Mo Fan is a born hunter mage.

But including the Magic Association, neither the Tribunal nor the military mage had any objection to Zhao Hua.

Zhaohua asked, "How did the analysis go?"

Zhaohua naturally asked about the green feathers, and Feng Zhoulong was starting to analyze the data from Yaodu.

A young researcher from the Magic Association said: "There is no result yet, Professor Feng is already analyzing it."

Zhaohua nodded and did not speak. On the balcony, Ying Yan and the others were also there, and everyone quietly looked at the colorful Tianchi. His eyes stared motionlessly at the ground.

After contacting Wucai Tianchi, they also think that Wucai Tianchi has become quite weird now, and most importantly, just now Ying Yan told Zhaohua that its phoenix fire suddenly became excited.

According to Ying Yan's feeling, it's what Phoenix Tinder longs for, and it's coming this way!

"I'm really sloppy. I wasted dozens of minutes for nothing. I just blew some predictions to these little brats. If the real Nima can predict, you should predict when I will die."

"Old Wen, let me tell you, although we had an agreement at the beginning to go with the people from the Magic Association, but now they are not going, you can just say a word if you go or not, if you don't go, I will bring my own hunting group Let's go first."

Wang Li has the most irritable temper. After all, he wants to become the hunting king this year. This time, the mutation of the colorful Tianchi may make him a lot of money. If he buys the third Xinghai Tianmai and breaks through to become a three-line super mage, then he will He has more confidence to win the title of Hunter King.


At this moment, the sound of war drums suddenly came from the direction of Wucai Tianchi. At this time, Zhaohua greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancient king's ancestors, why didn't you say it earlier!

Because at this moment, Zhaohua knew where the ancient king's inspiration for creating Shayuan came from, and he also deeply understood that the country had listed the Shayuan Undead Empire as the most threatening demon empire, and even shortened the country's borders to mobilize military leaders. How far-sighted it is to attack the Shayuan Undead Empire.


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