Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1040 The Territory Division of the Demon Kingdom

"A new emperor will be born."

Although hunters like Wang Li have been wandering around the demonic area all year round, it is impossible for them to go to the depths of the demonic empire to say hello to the emperor. But Zhaohua is different, he understands one thing. Then the division of regional resources in this world is actually determined by decimals.

There is a law called the 28th law, which means that 80% of the world's wealth is controlled by 20% of the people. The remaining 80 percent distribute the remaining 20 percent of the wealth.

If the entire magical world is considered as a whole, then in fact, the resources or territories in the world are allocated by the curse mages and the emperor monsters respectively.

Those small countries and monarch tribes without Forbidden Curse Mage can only go to the remaining 20% ​​of the barren land to distribute resources with weak opponents. This world is reasonable, and existence is reasonable.

It's not that emperors don't destroy human beings, but the area that emperors can control is also limited.

Demons and mages, emperors and curses.

Everyone restrains each other, and as powerful as they are, they will occupy as many resources and land as possible. Although there are many cities in our country, compared with monster areas such as mountains, lakes, rivers, mountains, plains, and deserts, the land area occupied by human cities is pitifully small.

This is because there are more emperors of land monsters, and human curse mages can barely maintain a certain circle of life.

Humans are indeed much weaker than demons, but humans have the ability to fight back, which can injure or even kill emperors. Because of this counterattack ability, demon emperors are unwilling to start a big war and choose to nibble a little bit.

But now, if a new emperor is born, it means reshuffle and territory expansion.

Why there are several cities in the capital of Sichuan, because Jincheng has Forbidden Curse Mage, and the area covered by the Forbidden Curse Mage's protection area is human life. These small cities are like the subordinate tribes of the Demon Empire.

In a sense, this is the same as the catastrophe of the ancient capital. The catastrophe of the ancient capital was due to the cooperation of Sa Lang and the dead kings of all directions. They wanted to take back the former royal city and open the dark passage to welcome the return of the ancient king. This is actually the expansion of the demon country's territory in a certain sense.

It's just that in the ancient capital catastrophe, because of Zhan Kong's reason, the undead were restrained in the end.

But this time is different, this time nothing will happen again. If Zhaohua guessed correctly, the colorful feathers represent the former subordinates and heirs of the invincible emperor.

Zhaohua checked the ancient books. In the totem era, the holy totem had the power to protect his subordinate totems, and could make the subordinate totem beasts stronger.

Although the colorful luan is dead now, the colorful Tianchi must have the power of the colorful luan. And these five feathers are likely to be the key to unlock, or something like an admission ticket.

If the demons really collect all five feathers and open the real treasure leading to the colorful Tianchi, then at least one emperor will be born, and a new demon empire will be formed.

At that time, all cities in the capital of Sichuan will be the targets of the demon empire's territorial expansion, and a brand new demon empire will replace all existing cities and demon regions, and begin to redistribute.

It will not stop until this demon empire can no longer expand, for example, when it expands to the territory of other demon empires or is blocked by human curses and cannot win.

Not only Zhaohua, but even Wen Liewang understands that if a new monster empire appears, it will definitely have a war with Jincheng, the strongest base city in Sichuan.

In fact, a big city like Jincheng, a city with forbidden curse mages, is actually a demon empire for humans to demons.

It is impossible for Wang Li to be a mediocre person to become a super mage of two lines. Few of the hunters who can become a super mage are mentally handicapped. He can also understand that the birth of a new emperor represents a reshuffling of a region.

Jiuzhaigou is not his home, he can give it up, but what about Jincheng, can he give it up? That is where his foundation is located, and all his assets are in Jincheng.

"All the military mages are ready to attack! All the judges of the Trial Council, three people started to clean up and eliminate the demons! The Magic Association immediately opened the protection of the Golden Brilliant Barrier, delaying the time for the people to leave! All the hunters of the Hunter Alliance and the magic family All mages form their own monster hunting formations!"

Zhaohua never took his eyes off the five monarch creatures, but he already had all the plans in his heart.

The Military Mage, the Judgment Council, and the Magic Association naturally listened to Zhaohua, and with a Weng bang, a golden barrier enveloped the city. Dozens of mages in several mage towers in the sub-safe zone began to use magic.

Those mage towers are large-scale magical equipment formations, which allow the mages inside to use battle formations without having to understand advanced formation coordination, so that magic can be strengthened.

The red light illuminates, and a magic circle quickly condenses above the mage tower. High-level third-level magic, Tianyan Funeral—Thousand-petal Fireworks.

Dozens of middle-level fire mages can use high-level third-level magic together.

Battle array magic is the most useful in monster wars, especially this kind of magic that uses pre-built mage towers to accelerate and strengthen magic. After all, super-level mages and high-level mages are very few in the overall proportion of mages.

And the mage tower battle formation can allow a large number of novice mages and intermediate mages to form a bombing effect, even if there is no magic energy, they can still be supplemented and strengthened by resources such as magic stones.

After all, Jiuzhaigou is different from a large base city like the ancient capital. It doesn't even have an outer city, and the sub-safe zone is only guarded by a few mage towers.

The high-level third-level magic is indeed very powerful, and the servant-level monsters will be wiped out as soon as they come into contact with the aftermath. But it can be clearly seen from the watchtower where Zhaohua and others are, that it is just a drop in the bucket.

The monsters died one after another, but they came one after another as if they were not interrupted.

In particular, the two kinds of monsters in the sky are the most difficult to deal with. They are too fast, and magic is quite difficult to hit.

There are at least 300,000 slave-level monsters in the monarch tribe, and the total number of monsters in the five monarch-level tribes exceeds two million. All the local mages and military mages in Jiuzhaigou, plus the hunters attracted by the colorful Tianchi There are not even 50,000 mages in total.

There is a huge disparity in combat power.

"Run... run away... this is impossible to overcome."

"Head of the regiment...the gap in strength is too great! It is impossible for us to defeat."

"It's impossible for us to drag everyone out!"

Some members of the hunting group began to panic, because they were not locals, and they did not have the responsibility to guard their homes.

But including Wang Li, some hunting group leaders who understood the dangers of the birth of the New Demon Kingdom fell silent. It is impossible to run with feathers, and it is impossible to run past Gale Eagle. When the time comes to escape from the city and lose the protection of the Jin Yao enchantment, they will only be defeated one by one.

But do not escape. . . It's just a death in vain.

King Wen Hunter looked at Zhaohua who was always looking at the battlefield, and after thinking for a moment, he asked, "Brother Zhaohua, what is your plan? With Jiuzhaigou's Jinyao barrier and defensive power, it is impossible for all the people to retreat. "

Zhaohua glanced at King Wen Lie and said, "You don't need to support until all the people retreat, just wait until the supporting military mage arrives."

King Wen Hunter couldn't help frowning, military mages from other military regions? It will take at least half a day, how can it be possible to wait! Just like Bo City, within half a day, the city was gone.

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