"Demon Gate Call!"

It didn't take long for Jiang Yu to break through the ultra-level, and the speed was naturally not fast. He was almost thinking about what the star palace of the summoning system looked like, and then controlled the stars to slowly arrange them one by one, and slowly built a huge one. The star palace came out.

Of course, Zhaohua is also familiar with the super-level magic of the summoning system. Zhaohua knows the appearance of the star palace and the next steps.

Generally, after opening the magic gate and connecting to the location of the Elf Tower of Thousand Clans, the summoner will have a soul enter the summoning plane, and then choose a monarch and make a temporary summoning contract with him. If he agrees, he will Come out from the magic gate by yourself.

The Thousand Clan Elf Demon Gate does not belong to any monarch, but belongs to the Thousand Clan Elf Tower. All the monarchs in the Thousand Clan Elf Tower can summon the Elf Demon Gate by themselves, and then enter the Demon Gate as if opening the door, and then appear.

To put it bluntly, it is exactly the same as the door of a certain blue Doraemon.

However, Jiang Yu had just prepared his spiritual body to pass through the Thousand Clan Elf Demon Gate and enter the range of the Thousand Clan Elf Tower in the Summoning Plane to choose a suitable Elf Lord to help.

result. . .

"Huh? I'll go!!! You are teasing me!!"

Jiang Yu was not ready to go in yet. He suddenly found that an elf monarch had sent him a signal that he was willing to accept the summon, and most importantly, it didn't want anything and was willing to help you.

This made Jiang Yu frantically press F5 to refresh his three views and common sense of magic.

The reason why his master Pang Lai has not reached the Forbidden Curse is not that his cultivation is not enough, he is fully qualified to obtain an Earth Core and then advance.

It's just that the cores of the earth are only elemental and dimensional, and the cores of the earth of the summoning system do not exist. The reason is simple, the Earth Core of the summoning system must be summoning the plane, how could it be in the magical world.

The country even offered to take out the most precious earth core of dimensional magic—the earth core of the space system, hoping that Pang Lai could give up the goal of becoming a curse of the summoning system, and let the space system, which is a minor major, become a major and arrive first. Forbidden spell, but was still rejected by Pang Lai.

The reason is that Pang Lai has a goal in his heart, he wants to summon a very powerful emperor from the subjugated beast mound. A spell that Pang Lai got by chance when he was young was about an invincible emperor who was said to be in the Beast Tomb of a Subjugated Country.

Summoning the Beast Tomb of the Subjugated Kingdom not only requires tributes such as mana, but the most important thing is the 'story' or knowing its truth and legend.

In any piece of land, there is a period of legendary creatures. Some of them are forgotten, some are buried in the thick soil of the years, and some are revered in the catalogs of books so far. Summoning mages call this book, which has only the catalog but no content, the Tomb of Beasts of the Subjugated Kingdom, so you need to know the [content] to summon it!

But Pang Lai only knew a little bit, not fully, and his cultivation was very limited, so Pang Lai kept offering delicious food and drink, hoping that one day the emperor could respond to him.

And now, Jiang Yu wants to tell his master Pang Lai, master seems to have gone the wrong way, why is it so simple to skip the summoning? ?

With a loud bang, a giant foot stepped out from the gate of the thousand clan elves, and just one leg was bigger than ten bears. This is definitely a monarch characterized by its huge size.

When seeing this giant foot appear, even King Wen Hunter was surprised, because this monarch is really huge. Although the strength feels like only an ordinary monarch, not as good as the little monarch's Flame Butterfly Demon Lord, but his body is so big!

turtle! This is an extremely huge turtle beast. The size of this turtle-shaped elf of thousands of clans shocked everyone. When it walked out of the magic gate with its whole body, the whole city was trampled under its feet. Just like the legendary story of Nu Wa mending the sky, these four feet can completely wrap and protect the entire Jinyao barrier in all directions, and its tortoise shell seems to cover the entire inner city.

Although this is only the inner city of a small city, it is already extremely exaggerated.

Although this giant tortoise moves clumsily, its teeth look extremely sharp and very sharp. If you fly in the air and look at it, you can see a huge lake like a reservoir on the back of the giant tortoise.

Jiang Yu knew that this was definitely Zhaohua's fault, looked at Zhaohua and said, "You...how did you do it, I didn't even give it a tribute or a contract, it is theoretically impossible for it to come out."

Zhaohua spread his hands and said, "I have given the temporary cooperation contract, and I have also paid the tribute."

Jiang Yu asked suspiciously: "Can you use super-level magic?"

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "No, I don't have a super-level. But didn't I use to summon half of the magic gate during the national competition?"

Jiang Yu's eyes protruded, and he said in surprise: "You can connect to the Thousand Clans Elf Tower when you are at a high level?! That fire beast is in the Thousand Clans Elf Tower!!! of!"

Xi Xi Xi! Xiaofengcan danced beside Zhaohua, piercing her waist and calling out. I, the elf, play money.

Even if Jiang Yu couldn't understand it, he could guess what it meant, because Xiao Fengcan came from the Elf Pagoda of Thousand Clans! !

"Your Dimensional Summoning can link to the Thousand Clans Elf Tower and you have a contract... The Wind Elf? I'll go... This little thing comes from the Thousand Clans Elf Tower..." Jiang Yu always thought that the little wind silkworm was the summoning plane, but he didn't know which plane The wind elemental creature in the corner, he never thought that the little wind silkworm came from the Elf Tower of Thousand Clans.

Wang Li said in surprise: "That's the holy place for summoning the plane! How is it possible to summon the dimension..."

Those present, including Deng Le and others, were the first to know Zhaohua's life experience until now. Isn't this Nima the "Saint of the Holy Land" in the fantasy novel!

Zhaohua responded to Yan and said: "Tianchi Turtle is only the strength of an ordinary monarch. It is a water-attribute elf. Although the water-attribute restrains the fire-attribute Flame Butterfly Lord, there is still a big gap in strength, let alone killing it. It still depends on your means.”

Ying Yan glanced at the huge Tianchi turtle, then looked at Zhaohua and said, "You seem to be hiding other things."

Zhaohua said with a smile: "Secrets make men more attractive."

Xiao Ji immediately retorted: "The original words were about women!"

Ji Shaohan hurriedly wrote in protest on the small drawing book: [That is, the original words are: secrets make women more beautiful. A secret makes a woman woman ( ̄— ̄*)】

Zhaohua smiled and did not continue this topic, but looked at the four-headed brontosaurus and other monarchs who had already felt threatened. Zhaohua spread his twelve wings behind him and said, "I'll go to the far left and try to distract Galewind Eagle Lord as much as possible."

"Lead away?" Ai Jiangtu asked.

Zhaohua took out the green feather and said: "The analysis has been completed, and all the data has been passed to Feng Zhoulong. Now wait for him to analyze the results. I have the feather, and Gale Eagle will definitely chase me. The other military mages and The hunter took the opportunity to take all the civilians away, without the fastest Gale Eagle and Gale Cobalt Eagle, the survival rate would be greatly increased."

"You follow to protect the civilians, just let the death knight follow me, and you take Gu Suoyu with you."

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