Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1060 See you from the city

They are exactly the same, as if looking in the mirror, there is no difference between the two, even the height and hairstyle are the same.


Xiaofengcan and Lanxinghu's eyes were wide open, staring at the black-robed Zhaohua, they were exactly the same, probably even the amount of hair was the same, this was scarier than looking in a mirror.

Hurrah! ! ! Blue Star Fox called out loudly. It means that it saw a TV series, saying that in this world, there is another self, just that you, at the same time, in different places, doing different things. Suddenly one day, you meet another self, but it means the beginning of death.

Zhaohua looked at Lan Xinghu standing on his shoulder and said: "This is fake, he can't be me. After all, I in another world is dead."

The black robe Zhaohua smiled, and said flatly: "Although I don't think I can kill you now, I have to try."

Ho ho ho! ! ! ! A dark blue sea dragon flew out of the pool.

This long sea dragon is dark blue all over its body, whether its sharp claws, scales or even longan eyes are dark blue, it is like the deep blue of the deepest sea, every inch of the dragon scale seems to be loaded with the ocean, which makes people feel It looks like it will be swallowed by the deep sea at a glance, and it inexplicably produces deep-sea phobia.

There is no doubt that this is the sea dragon, the powerful sea dragon species that Zhaohua was so excited at the beginning.

This sea abyss evil dragon is huge in size, and its length has even surpassed the holy silver that is the supreme commander. The sea abyss evil dragon is on the ground with two feet, and the dragon legs are quite strong, which can support its huge body.

Those legs look like two sea-fixing needles. The body of the sea dragon is like a snake, with a pair of sharp four claws. The dragon's head has no horns, sharp teeth, and a long tail. With fins like fish tails, it seems that the Abyss Dragon is a speed-type beast in the water.

The Dragon Eye of the Sea Abyss stared at Zhaohua viciously.

In addition to the sea dragon, a liger with three eyes appeared from the dense forest. This liger is not big in size, similar to Mo Fan's glacier wolf, and it is an agile beast. Eyes are not just as simple as increasing the field of vision.

Zhaohua had investigated at the beginning, the third eye of the three-eyed liger was the pupil of petrification, not only its combat power was terrifying, but the third eye could cast the curse of petrification, the soul of the petrified target sealed the magic power of the mage, quite Difficult.

Naturally, Zhaohua and the black-robed Zhaohua have been fighting for so long just now, and the red-haired, six-armed sea serpent and the most powerful sub-monarch-level sea frontier mammoth have also surrounded Zhaohua.

The golden-winged bird that snatched the feathers from Ying Yan was standing on the head of the Haijiang mammoth, with its wings spread out showing a vicious expression, it should have been blamed for the grudge against Ying Yan.

There was a buzzing sound, and an extremely large number of konjacs flew out from a huge tree shining with stars not far away. These konjacs were different from the traditional locusts, they were blue-red all over, and the number was ridiculous.

What Zhaohua cares about is not these konjacs, but the big tree shining with new light.

That is the giant star language tree that gave birth to the Little Flame Fairy family. Not long ago, Zhaohua thought about going to Dunhuang to see if he could let Tianguan Zilin saplings and White Feather Sacred Willow absorb a little essence of the star language giant tree to help evolve.

After all, although the giant star language tree is dead and cannot give birth to Little Flame Fairy, it can still be regarded as a kind of divine tree. If it can absorb the energy of the giant star language tree or find some special soil, it will be beneficial to the heavenly tree that is also a tree type. Crowned Tilia saplings are definitely a great help.

But it is a pity that when Zhaohua and the two Ji Shaoan went to Dunhuang to play and search, they found that the giant tree of Xingyu was missing and had been dug away.

At that time, Zhaohua was quite surprised. After all, even if the giant tree of Xingyu could not give birth to Little Flame Fairy, it was still a kind of sacred tree. Who could uproot it? Now it seems that it is the handwriting of the Tianguan Purple Tilia Sacred Tree.

If it is the crowned purple linden sacred tree of the supreme monarch, it is indeed possible to devour the giant star language tree.

No wonder the Tianguan Zilin God Tree recovered so quickly. It turned out that it had swallowed the giant tree of Xingyu and grafted it onto itself.

Haijiang Mammoth, Haiyuan Dragon, Sea Serpent, Three-eyed Liger, Green Fire Grasshopper, Garuda, Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree, in a sense, he is more like a beast tamer than Zhaohua.

Xiaofengcan and Lanxinghu looked at this group of ferocious beasts with expressions of anger and vigilance.

Zhaohua touched the two cuties and said, "Go back first, you don't have much monster power anymore."



Zhaohua opened the summoning space and summoned Xiaofengcan and Lanxinghu back. The first department doesn't have much demon energy, including all of their own demon energy, and now they can't release a few basic magic.

Even Zhaohua's Sanwei and Tianguan Zilin saplings hiding in the shadows were also put back into the space magic stone by Zhaohua. Contrary to the opponent, Zhaohua has no combat power around him now.

Only Guigui was beside him, holding his fingers in his mouth, looking at the black robe Zhaohua and then turning his head to look at his own father.

"Like... twins, dad's younger brother? Same as mom!" Guigui muttered to himself.

Zhaohua flicked Guigui's little head and said, "What are you thinking, you are questioning the broken relationship between your grandparents."

Ho ho! ! The sea abyss dragon roared, it was notoriously vicious, and was not interested in these emotional matters.

With a bang, the evil dragon of the sea abyss rushed towards it with endless waves, and its bloody mouth was full of fangs and sharp teeth.

Zhaohua smiled lightly and said, "Since you know you can't kill him, don't waste your efforts."

The black robe Zhaohua said: "Then you have to try anyway, just in case you fool me."

Boom boom boom! ! ! Suddenly, ripples appeared in the shadow behind Zhaohua, and a coffin of black wood appeared from Zhaohua's shadow.

With a clicking sound, the coffin opened. Zhaohua made a curtain call ceremony and jumped into the coffin.

"The curtain call of black magic."

The coffin was closed with a bang, and a huge black cloth appeared out of nowhere with a ghostly whirring sound, whirring and whirling, and covering the coffin of Emperor Shenmu and himself.

Roar, clang. The Haiyuan evil dragon bit into nothing, as if by magic, there was nothing under the black curtain, and Zhaohua was taken away.

The black-robed Zhaohua turned his head to look at the position of the outer city of Jiuzhaigou. He sensed Zhaohua's position. The movement distance was not very far, and it could be pursued by the Supreme Sovereign's Tianguan Zilin God Tree. But this means giving up the fight for feathers and letting go of the four brontosaurus.

"We will meet again...in Yaodu Congcheng."

The black robe Zhaohua withdrew his gaze, the most important thing now is the feathers, the Tianguan Zilin God Tree knows how to use it, which is very important to it. As for the others, it will be fine to recover it from the city when the time comes.

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