Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1071 Violent Solution

"Tianyan's Funeral - Flame Rain!!"

The flames poured down on the dark cloud like rain, but the rain didn't even have the ability to shake the dark cloud. Every huge flame bombardment didn't even stop the dark cloud from advancing.

The military commander in Lu Zhen couldn't help cursing: "Damn, those black locusts in the army don't even stop high-level magic."

"Luo Juntong, let's go, everyone is already in the car." A military mage reminded.

Luo Juntong, a senior mage, is the supreme commander of this remote army mage base.

Luo Juntong looked at the army black locust who had eaten up the crops and resource crops and then surrounded Lu Town again, showing a puzzled expression and muttering to himself: "It's strange, why is the army black locust advancing so slowly? The speed of the locusts, I thought we would not be able to retreat."

"This is a good thing, military commander, let's go quickly, we are already the last batch."

There are even fewer people in remote places like Lu Town. These small villages rely on military bases to serve military mages for a living. So to take everyone to retreat from the city, as long as there are enough magic cars, it is enough.

Luo Jun fought on the roof of the military magic car, looking around with great vigilance. The Zerg was more troublesome than the undead, orc, and siren, because they were numerous and could fly.

The only advantage is that Zerg monsters are the weakest monsters among so many monsters. Weak Zerg monsters like green worms, fish worms, taro worms, etc., can't even win against bone skeletons. Adult men have a chance to kill them with weapons .

"Strange...why don't black locusts chase humans?"

Originally thought that they would be chased all the way, but Luo Juntong and other military mages at the back of the palace found that the army black locusts stopped in the villages and towns. The villages and towns should have nothing to give them, all resources and magic stones have been taken away.

Those medicine gardens are not enough for them to fit between their teeth, why are they staying?

At this time, if someone is in the small village on the edge of the city, they will find that these black locusts with a height of one meter are eating the mage tower for military defense, eating formations, and even the houses and beams of the village. was eaten!

Not to mention those medicine gardens, even if a big family has arranged a hidden formation, it will not work. These black locusts are particularly sensitive to energy perception and can perceive the abundant energy there.

These black locusts. . . Evolved!

The black locusts, which were originally only relatively large, had a thin layer of coating on their bodies. These earthy coatings protected their bodies very well.

Zhaohua was in the military base of Yaodu at this time, and through the special magic tool Zhaohua saw that those black locusts were actually devouring stones.

Feng Zhoulong's voice came from the magic communication tool: "From the analysis of the habits of those black locusts, they should have the ability to decompose solids with earth attributes, so that these things composed of earth elements can be converted into earth elements for themselves to absorb. "

Mo Ze, who was sent to support him, showed a surprised expression and asked, "Can the soil be absorbed?!"

Feng Zhoulong said heavily: "Theoretically, it is impossible, otherwise the earth mage would not need to absorb the resources of the earth attribute, but just eat the soil directly. Now there is no creature that can do this directly, because no creature has such a decomposition ability .”

Zhaohua looked at the pictures that came over, and said solemnly: "No, they don't eat all kinds of earth-type things, they only eat buildings made by earth-type mages. Look at some old houses in the village, They didn't eat it, and neither did the soil on the ground."

After Zhaohua's reminder, everyone noticed that in the army of black locusts, some houses were indeed washed down instead of eaten. Only those newer houses and military bases are not bitten.

Feng Zhoulong said in surprise: "It turns out that these black locusts have the ability to disassemble the earth magic. The earth mage uses the earth magic to combine the building materials with mana into specific building materials, and then shape them .”

With the improvement of human magical strength, the construction in the city is no longer what it used to be, digging soil and burning bricks to build a house, but directly preparing the materials, using soil magic to mix and then making the required wall in one go , brick, roof, etc.

This is like a jigsaw puzzle, first complete the jigsaw puzzle, and then put it together.

Ying Kangcheng's military commander suddenly realized something, and said in horror: "Oops, wouldn't the base's city walls and the stacking mage tower be unable to withstand it!"

Land battlefields, Japan has sea battlefields because they are facing sea monsters, but for a city of the level of Monster Capital, the outskirts of the city, the entire city is a land battlefield for military mages to deal with monsters.

The planning and construction of the city was originally designed to allow military mages to deal with monsters more advantageously.

For example, these tall buildings, the outer city walls were quite strong when they were built, the purpose is to prevent the impact of monsters. Hiding in the house can take advantage of the terrain more effectively. After all, monsters are generally larger than humans, so it is more advantageous to be in places like corridors.

That's why Tian Qingbai said that Zhaohua made the right choice.

Although Congcheng is his hometown, the mission entrusted by Congcheng from the very beginning is to serve as a battlefield and a fortress. The entire construction of Congcheng is actually a huge fortress, which is used to deal with the insect kingdom.

Zhaohua also knew about this, but he didn't make an irrational decision because Congcheng was his hometown.

And on the edge of the safe zone, there are mage towers, which are specially used to protect mages, and make it easier for mages to jointly cast magic and expand the construction of magic power.

These buildings are all to fight against demons, so there is no doubt that they are all carefully built by earth mages using special materials.

"They came prepared, specifically for city defense."

Zhaohua's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice, "Come on, let's go to the front line."

Feng Zhoulong was startled, and quickly dissuaded him: "You also know that their target is you! Now that you have consumed the magic energy, what will you do after that?"

Zhaohua smiled and said, "Have you ever seen a Summoner mage charge by himself?"

Feng Zhoulong was taken aback for a moment, and he understood instantly. The earth-based coating on the black locusts has the effect of reducing magic damage, similar to the effect of dragon scales, but the black locusts themselves are still bugs, which are quite fragile.

Their evolution direction is to prevent the mage's magic attack, so their bodies will become extremely fragile and cannot bear the blow!

Zhaohua intends to use the violence of summoned creatures instead of magic to deal with those black locusts!

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