Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1088 The Grudge

This is black magic. Black magic has always happened in an ordinary way, appearing quietly.

Just like the undead system, the undead mage just waved his hand in the impression, thousands of undead appeared, and the mighty army and horses bulldozed everything.

But in fact, the birth of undead always happens at night. In the dead of night, when people absorb resentment and death, they suddenly become undead. The bones buried in the mud, you don't know when it will come back to life.

The birth of the undead is silent.

Not to mention the poison system, shadow system, and curse system. These three systems are the three systems that the killers in the killer palace like to awaken most, and they are secret. The magic of these three departments are all secret.

Thousand-mile poisoning, curse killing, shadow assassination, black magic represents hiding and ambush from the root. Real black magicians are liars, good at deceiving people to divert their attention, and making people fall for it without knowing it.

Elemental magic is on the contrary, like thunder swift and violent, like raging waves and torrents, like raging fire, like radiance, like ice and snow filling the sky, like a gust of wind, like the earth shaking and mountains shaking.

Each elemental magic is straightforward and simple, full of destructive power.

But black magic is completely opposite. Black magic is very circuitous and requires specific conditions to exert its maximum power. Like the undead magic that Ji Shaohan used at the beginning, if it is used in peacetime, the undead green energy is the same as dry ice. It can be used to create an atmosphere, and even a single undead cannot be summoned.

But now, in this war environment full of death, undead magic can exert such terrifying power.

The same is true for Ji Shaohan's curse magic.

Had she really not collected enough energy all along? Is it true what she told Zhaohua at the beginning that it would take twenty minutes? Maybe that's a lie.

After all, Ji Shaoyin himself has a famous saying: lies make women more attractive.

Cursed magic, deadly trap!

Regardless of whether it is from elementary, middle, or high levels, the activation of curse magic requires preparation in advance, pre-setting, curse magic is the magic system that brings the art of traps to the extreme.

That evil palace looming behind Ji Shaohan.

is deceiving.

The moment Ji Shaohan stood up, the moment he showed evil eyes full of murderous intent, the evil temple that seemed to be almost completed, and the evil temple that the birds and demons rushed in to stop suddenly disappeared.

It was a bait, a bait for fishing.

With Weng's sound, some blood-like red threads suddenly appeared on the ground, as if blood flowed along special lines. If there is a mage who is familiar with the Jinyao enchantment, it can be seen at a glance that the lines spreading from these red threads are the enchantment formation lines of the Jinyao enchantment that were buried in the core area and arranged early.

It was already shattered, and the golden and dazzling barrier was activated again, but this time it was not a golden protective barrier, but a blood-red cursed barrier.

The coverage area of ​​Ji Shaoan's super-level curse-type magic grudge--the Wannian Curse is much smaller than that of the super-level undead-type disaster-gathering witchcraft. Only the watchtower is the center and the Jinyao enchantment protects it. It's only within a radius of one or two kilometers.

This is a very small range for ultra-level magic. Ultra-level water magic can roll up a kilometer of huge waves, super-level light system can cut down a thousand-meter lightsaber, and ice magic doesn't need to go out of the ice for an unknown number of kilometers.

And this is the only way Ji Shaoan can use the ultra-level curse system to have such a range. If it is a normal curse-type ultra-level mage, it will be difficult to even reach 500 meters.

Weng let out a sound, and a blood-red hemisphere enchantment appeared. No one knows how many monsters this hemisphere has enveloped, thousands? Ten thousand? Or one hundred thousand? I don't know, no one has been counted.

I just know that because Blast Eagle broke the Jinyao barrier, he summoned all Blast Eagle and Zerg monsters for meritorious service. The monsters are like madmen trying to kill Ji Shaohan, breaking her undead super-level magic and the curse that has not yet formed Department of super magic'.

The four of Mo Ze were startled and immediately flew out of the Cursed Dead Realm. It's also fortunate that Ji Shaoan didn't curse them, otherwise they wouldn't be able to fly out.

"Big pig, wake up."

Cursing that his eyes were blood red, he just came into contact with a little breath, Zhu Da, who is a demon, showed signs of going crazy, but fortunately, Zhu Da was strong enough, Liang Ri used the summoning magic energy to appease him in time, so he was safe.

Not to mention these high-level mages, even the Judgment Light Spirit in the sky flew up for a certain distance, far away from this cursed dead world.

Even it feels the danger, so there is no need to elaborate on how terrifying this trap is. Gale Wind Eagle wanted to rush in, but he didn't dare to approach.

Curse-type magic is a trap, and it is quite simple to break through, just don't get close. Curse-type magic cannot actively attack.

Moreover, things like traps have huge benefits in themselves. If you fall into a trap, there is basically no way to save it. If it fails, super-level curse magic is just as useless as waste magic.

Invincible power is exchanged for the lower limit.

What happens in the blood-red curse dead world cannot be seen from the outside at all, but one can imagine that it must be more terrifying than the 18th floor of hell.

The only thing we can know is that if the super magic of the curse system is really hit, then it cannot be described as powerful, it can only be described as terrifying, invisible and invisible.

After reaching the super level, the curse system can really show its vicious side. The curse magic makes people don't know how to guard against it, because the attack of the curse magic comes from the heart of the cursed creature.

But Ji Shaoan didn't come out, she needed to keep cursing the dead world.

The moment the Cursed Death Realm appeared, all the monsters were startled, even the Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree was frightened by the terrifying aura, and did not dare to swing out the vines to attack.

The black-robed worm even took his eyes off Zhaohua for the first time.

"She's not human."

"She's human."

With a whoosh, Zhaohua let out a breath, and a green light began to appear on his body. Zhaohua's hair began to glow faintly, and a whirlwind of emerald green enveloped him.

Now that Ji Shaohan has activated the super-level magic, the city will be able to persist for a while, so he can let go of his hands and feet.

The little wind silkworm next to it was the same, behind the little wind silkworm appeared the phantom of the wind language tree, and the wind language tree was shaking.

In Zhaohua's spiritual world, the massive amount of mana in the first star sea is being transformed, and the little wind silkworm has become the monarch, and Zhaohua has also surpassed the rank. This is the first time they use this trick with the strength of a super-order and a monarch,

Behind Zhaohua grew the same sword wings as the little wind silkworm, and this time it was not a pair, but like the little wind silkworm, it had three pairs. This kind is inlaid on the crown on Zhaohua's head like gems.

Black Pearl's Asian pupils turned emerald green, Fanfengyi turned into a robe to protect Zhaohua, surrounded by thunder and lightning storms.

A circle appeared behind Zhaohua, and this circle had something more than before.

Elvish writing, the ring finally has a complete texture, those are the writing and carvings of the elves.

"Forbidden technique! Ultra-level summoning magic—elf assimilation—ancient spirit."

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