Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1095 Raising Gu

With a cry, when Zhang Ning really broke out her strongest strength, everyone who knew her knew that the former No. 1 killer in the Hall of Assassins not only lived up to her reputation, she was really humble.

With a swish sound, when the sword of darkness that appeared in the Dark Sword Palace emitted that sword light, some servants and monsters at the level of warriors around saw the light, and immediately spurted blood all over their bodies, as if they had been killed by thousands of knives. It's like a cut, as if your heart has been pierced.

At this time, not only the demons were affected, but even a strand of hair from Tian Qingbai, who was monitored by the magic of the sound system far away on the tower of the demon capital, seemed to be cut off by something sharp, and a few strands of white hair fell slowly. hair.

Tian Qingbai showed a surprised expression and said: "The power of darkness is so strong, combined with the sword array composed of four heaven-level magic-slaying equipment, the lethality is even more amazing than the heaven-level suit. And... this cultivation base... That was just a hair's breadth away."

Zhang Ning owns four heaven-level magic-killing tools. She is different from other mages. Others focus on life-saving suits, but she almost abandoned defense and replaced the suit with four heaven-level magic-killing tools to reduce the damage Pull to the top.

Some general-level military mages who were defending against demons on the edge of Baicheng looked up, and they all knew that the sword was definitely a murder weapon!

Zhang Ning was waiting for this opportunity, waiting for the moment when the black-robed worms had no protection from other creatures, and the Tianguan purple linden tree was restrained by Kunlong. What she was looking for was the moment when Zhang Ning made a false grip of the sword. pose.

The sword in the dark sword array was pulled out from the dark sword palace, and Zhang Ning swung the sword violently, aiming at the black-robed worm, or at the Tianguan purple linden tree.

With the sound of clang, Zhang Ning's sword is extremely powerful. With one sword, thousands of creatures can be killed. With one sword, even forbidden curses can be split. Although Zhang Ning only has half forbidden curses, she said that It is not an exaggeration to say that the cultivation base of the semi-forbidden curse has a lethality that exceeds that of the forbidden curse. Even a real emperor may be severely injured or even beheaded if he is not careful in the face of this sword.

This sword is cut out, as if under this sword, there is nothing in this world that can resist it. This sword that has reached the power of the forbidden curse will destroy the world.

Zhang Ning's sword has reached the point of returning to the basics. She has no fancy moves at all, just a sword, pure power itself, there is no trick to win.

But Zhang Ning appeared behind Zhaohua, which meant that there was no one to restrain the insects in that space.

The space worm appeared next to the black-robed worm. Its most powerful thing is not itself, but its ability to endlessly produce black locusts.

The reason why it can use space magic is because it has a huge space reserve in its body, which contains tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of black locust eggs.

Buzz buzz! ! ! The space worm opened its mouth, and immediately overwhelming black locusts flew out, and all the black locusts turned into a torrent of pests. It also knew the power of this sword, and planned to weaken it with numbers.

Thousands of locusts rushed forward and rushed towards the sword desperately.

The black locust was cut into pieces without even approaching, and the blood turned into blood beads.

There was a crackling sound, and the black locusts exploded in mid-air like firecrackers.

In the end, the space bugman even turned into a giant locust, intending to resist the sword.

But this sword cut on the huge locust transformed into a space locust, like a hot knife cutting butter. This bugman still thinks too highly of himself. The semi-forbidden spell mage itself has the power to contend with the supreme monarch.

In addition, Zhang Ning's strength is second to none among the semi-forbidden curse mages. Back then, even the shadow curse Essendel was beaten and fled. You must know that Zhang Ning hadn't drawn his sword at that time.

But this time, Zhang Ning not only spent a huge amount of shadow-type mana, but also used the dark sword palace of super-level five magic of the shadow-type, and added four heaven-level magic-killing tools. How can such destructive power be the supreme monarch Can withstand it.

There was a bang, insects screamed and screamed, Zhang Ning cut the emperor and immortal with his sword, the entire huge locust collapsed directly, and even the purple linden tree with the sky crown was split in half.

Part of the right side of the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree seemed to have been pruned by a gardener, and countless branches and leaves were cut off and scattered everywhere.

Zhang Ning is the trump card of the demon capital, because Zhang Ning belongs to the super-level and is not a forbidden curse, just like the invincible monarch is not an emperor, he can participate in the battle between the super-level and the monarch, and will not attract the emperor.

But Zhang Ning has the terrifying fighting power to kill the supreme monarch, so the country will not hesitate to offend the Holy Inquisition and keep Zhang Ning.

At the same time, the duel between Mu Yan and Kun Long was also decided.

Both lose.

The white light flickered, and the energy generated by the collision of the two forces covered the entire monster area.

Fortunately, the army of monsters has already attacked the city wall of Baicheng, so the impact has wiped out many monsters who approached.

The powerful explosion shattered the two pairs of unicorns of Baiyi, and Kunlong was also hit by the aftermath of the impact, and his body was already shattered. Zhaohua understood that the energy given by the ancient king was running out.

Zhang Ning's four heavenly-level magic-slaying swords hung on the ground like ordinary swords, and Zhang Ning was panting while holding one of the swords. This sword almost exhausted all of her shadow system mana, and even the mana of the magic equipment was exhausted.

Chirp! ! Suddenly, at the moment when the white light just disappeared, Gale Eagle Lord sneaked up from the air. Its eagle eyes were not affected by the energy white light, and it sensed that Zhang Ning was now in a state of fatigue. If it could swallow a semi-forbidden spell mage In the spiritual world, you can take a step forward.

But Zhang Ning didn't panic at all, because she was in a very particular position, between Kunlong and Ji Shaohan's cursed dead world, she naturally knew that she would lose her strength after using the Dark Sword Palace with all her strength - Tu Xian's sword, so she chose Well secured location.

If Gale Eagle Lord hadn't just watched Zhang Ning lose his strength and wanted to devour the spiritual world of the semi-forbidden spell mage, it should be able to find out. At some point, the aura of undead covering half of the city disappeared.

All undead breath is absorbed by the cursed dead world.

With the disappearance of the white light, the cursed dead world also disappeared. Lost the shield of the dead world, the things inside appeared.

All those monsters shrouded in the cursed death world died, and their wounds were all kinds of strange, some were poisoned, some were scratched to death, and some were stabbed to death.

In the cursed world of the dead, these monsters are actually killing each other! But the strange thing is that there is no blood or residual soul on these corpses.

On the watchtower, Ji Shaohan stood in the center and stared at Zhaohua intently, with a very intoxicated expression, while the Shenmu emperor's coffin stood erect on the ground beside Ji Shaohan.

All the blood, spirit, and remnant souls have been absorbed by the Shenmu Emperor's Coffin, and the cursed dead world is like a huge Gu vessel, and all the nutrients are used to support the creatures in the Shenmu Emperor's Coffin.

The moment Gale Wind Eagle rushed to attack, the coffin of Emperor Shenmu opened. Gu Suoyu came out from inside.

Gu Suoyu is no longer a little lolita, but a blonde vampire.

Gu Suoyu gathered a shadow trident in his right hand, with a fierce look in his eyes, and slammed a shot at Gale Wind Eagle.

Gu Suoyu is the monarch!

Thanks [Jianlong] [Empty~] [Fantasy] [Little King's Landing] [Pengcheng Wanli K] [Futian] [She is silent] [160508230935978] [I just smile and don't talk jbb] [20190310130946306] *2 [ Empty court dream half body drunk] *2 [peacecful] *2 [difficult to warm] *2 [meet you] *2 [20200404203453471] *2 [monthly promise] *4 [terry Chen] *5 [how to write a love letter. 】*8 monthly pass.

b( ̄▽ ̄)d It’s almost the end of the month, don’t waste the monthly pass, come to the bowl quickly.

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