Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1105 Origin Magic

A dimensional crack appeared behind Tianyan, and Tianyan stopped fighting the sea dragon.

Although Tianyan and Haiyuan Evil Dragon are both of the same level and have the strength of ordinary monarchs, even if Haiyuan Evil Dragon is a sub-sea dragon with a very noble and powerful bloodline, but for the innate elves, Haiyuan Evil Dragon is only one Level, at least a pureblood of true dragon blood is required to be qualified to wrestle with Tianyan.

In addition, here is land now. Although the sea abyss evil dragon can live amphibiously on land and water, the surrounding area has been burned once by the flame of extinction. The water element can be said to be zero, and the dragon scales on the sea abyss evil dragon have been burned. Rotten.

Blue blood protruded from the corners of the sea dragon's mouth and body.

On the other hand, Tian Yan, apart from the bite wound on the back of his right hand with deep visible bones, only a few scratches on his body, the judgment of the strength of the two sides is judged.

Ho ho! ! ! The Sea Abyss Evil Dragon deserves to be the most ferocious sea dragon among the subsea dragon species. Even if he is doomed to lose, he will not allow his opponent to escape. Roaring at Tianyan, to decide the winner, it cannot accept such a result!

Tian Yan snorted, and a wisp of white mist spewed out from his nostrils, are you worthy of ordering me? You should be thankful that I didn't kill you.

Tianyan showed a humane expression, and was sent back to the summoning plane by Zhaohua, because Zhaohua needed Tianyan's power. So in this way, Tianyan can't use the power of elves to transform the summoning system while fighting the sea dragon, and when he returns to the summoning plane, Tianyan can enter his residence and speed up the recovery of consumed demon energy.

In a house in Yaodu, the mages who sent Zhaohua's summoning magic power through Mr. Sun's bracelet have exhausted all the summoning magic power, even the only super-level summoning mage. halfway through.

With a click, the door was opened, and Li Weize, who was already the deputy presiding judge of the Zhucheng Judgment in the inner city of Yihuan City, came out of breath. things.

Ten of them were all gray-haired, and they looked like old mages who followed Li Weize into the room.

These ten old mages are all the same, all of them major in the summoning system, and they are all ultra-level summoning system mages. Among them are Jiang Heping, the teacher of Zhaohua's Summoning Department, and Luo Deyou, the director of the Dimensional Magic Court and one of the mentors of the National Competition.

Li Weize nodded solemnly and said: "Everyone, whether we, Yaodu or Zongguo will win this battle depends on whether Zhaohua can win or not. He needs a huge summoning magic power to support him. You are all super-level players in Yaodu." The above summoning system mage."

Mo Fan has a demon system, and every time he transforms, he borrows a huge amount of mana from the ancestor of the vampire, and finally returns it with interest.

But Zhaohua can't do this, he has no divine right and no power. The theocracy of the dark plane disappeared early in the morning.

However, Zhaohua has the right. Powers, magical powers.

Zhaohua is a high-level executive in the Demon City. He really can't borrow power from the Dark Plane and the Holy Plane, and he can't borrow power from the Summoning Plane, but he can borrow power from the magic world and our country!

If Mo Fan has the power to borrow power from the dark plane, then Zhaohua has the power to borrow power from the magical world!

Ten! Ten super-level mages majoring in the summoning system, and three of them even have reached the third-level super-level summoning system mages.

All ten people, without exception, used the super-level summoning star palace, and all the magic energy of the star palace was input into Mr. Sun's bracelet.

The function of this bracelet is a bit like the experience of the national government. When Zhao Manyan entered the city of storms in Peru for the first time, Zhao Manyan’s magic power was not enough. Everyone worked together to input the magic power into the converter, and gave Zhao Manyan the effect of the magic weapon that can resist the storm. .

And on the battlefield, Zhaohua also revealed his trump card.

From the age of sixteen to now, Zhaohua's biggest life-saving card is also the reason why he didn't die at the age of sixteen.

"Summon - Origin Directory."

Weng let out a cry, and a moon-white light formed above Zhaohua's head like a piece of sky, which was a piece of sky.

Zhaohua fully summoned the Origin Directory, and borrowed its power just once.

When he was in the ancient capital, Zhaohua got a little bit of plane power left in the dark plane by himself in the scientific world, which can only be used when the dark theocracy is activated.

To summon the Origin Directory, at the very least, it needs to match the strength at that time.

According to Zhaohua's calculations, the power at that time was even comparable to the phantoms of the Fallen Saint King and the Ancient King, although they were just shadows and projections, still blurred projections, isolated from the magical world, and incomparable with the real body at all.

But Zhaolang told Zhaohua that even if it was just a projection, it would not be weaker than the semi-forbidden curse. Adding the two together, at least a real forbidden spell is required.

Therefore, Zhaohua needs the magical energy of the forbidden curse level to fully summon the origin directory.

Mo Fan had the strength of an invincible monarch when he was in the Parthenon Temple, and now this counterfeit has definitely surpassed Mo Fan at that time, and he can even give up the body.

Buzz buzz! ! ! From that patch of sky, a moon-white book descended from the sky and appeared in front of Zhaohua. Zhaohua completely summoned the origin catalog from his own spiritual world.

It is estimated that he is the only one who summons things from his own spiritual world throughout the ages.

The bracelet on Zhaohua's right hand shone brightly, and the magic energy of the summoning system poured in frantically.

With a sound of boarding, Zhaohua flew out seven stars, summoned by the dimension, and Xiaofengcan stood behind Zhaohua, and a green contract appeared behind Xiaofengcan, which was the life-and-death contract between Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan, Represents the promise of the lives of both parties.

There was another sound, forty-nine stars, and the Blue Star Fox appeared, just like Xiao Fengcan, the life-death contract appeared, the difference was that the Blue Star Fox was aqua blue.

Two more clicks, Tianyan and Guigui appeared, the pure white Tianyan's life and death contract and the pure black Guigui's contract.

Afterwards, the holy silver with six wings, the crowned linden sapling with purple holy light exuding its beautiful appearance, and the rainbow fish with colorful colors. The silver-white contract, the bright purple contract, and the contract written on the seven colors of the rainbow.

There are seven in total. The seven summoned beasts who have signed a life-and-death contract live and die together in accordance with the content of the contract.

Zhaohua put his left hand on the cover of the origin catalog, and said piously: "The catalog records the origin, the book records the contract, contains the latest contract, and shows the origin power of magic."

"Original magic - assimilation!"

Immediately, the catalog of origins erupted with dazzling moonlight and transparent light like a long-lost seriousness.

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