Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1112 The Benefits of Reading

In fact, Zhaohua was very cautious when entering the mysterious world of Mengdaoshu, because Mengdaoshu directly saw the whole world from the first perspective, and Zhaohua noticed it at that time, and Mengdaoshu combined the spiritual system Power, that is, it is basically reading memory and then proceeding.

But the power of Shenmujing is not to read memory, it is two kinds of power.

But reading memory is reading memory, not mind reading.

Reading the memory is tantamount to substituting oneself into Zhaohua's memory world and re-experiencing what he experienced.

Therefore, the actions, tone and attitude of Chongren Zhaohua are very similar to Zhaohua, but there is no similarity in character with Mo Fan.

Because the reason for the similar personalities is that the worms have read Zhaohua's memory, not only have his sample factors, but even the things they experienced are the same, so they will naturally be very similar.

If we only copy Zhaohua's strength and IQ, it is impossible to copy his personality, because his personality is slowly changed by what Zhaohua has experienced from birth to the present. In a sense, human personality is actually a product that emerges in order to quickly adapt to changes in the current environment.

So when Zhaohua saw that the bugman even imitated his own personality, he knew that the other party must have read his memory. And Zhaohua immediately understood that this opportunity can only be found in the world of Meng Dao Tree.

Moreover, Zerg Tianke plant department.

However, reading memories is different from reading minds.

Just like reading a book, everyone reads the same book, so the memory of reading the book is the same for everyone, but the feeling and impression after reading the book are different from person to person. The impression after reading is from the heart and has nothing to do with memory.

Even with the same memory, a thousand people have a thousand thoughts after reading a book.

Mr. Qian didn't leave any words. Even if the whole monster is turned upside down, it is impossible to find any origin of this contract. Because he just didn't leave any last words or anything like that, and he kept this thing buried in his heart until he brought it into the coffin without saying it.

And this contract is not from the rice grain black bug, but from Meng Daoshu.

Mr. Qian guessed it a hundred years ago, when he fought against the worm mother a hundred years ago, he knew that the worm mother had two purposes, one was to seize the top of heaven, and the other was to capture a large number of humans.

He predicted a hundred years ago that the alien race would want to replace humans and give birth to a new race. Therefore, the father of the nation a hundred years ago left the strongest method for future generations, setting a trap for the insects.

The dream tree is the biggest bait. The insects who invaded the dream tree would never have imagined that the dream tree itself is a contract of life and death. No, it is simply a slave contract, the most humble contract.

And Mr. Qian also knew that the worms who invaded the Dream Dao Tree would definitely know the memories he left behind during his lifetime, and could even read the high-level magic of the entire Demon City and monitor the entire Demon City if he took the time.

Therefore, Mr. Qian did not leave any words or plans. He is betting that someone will find out, and someone will find out his method from his life experience.

The founding father did not leave any words, but his life experience has already hinted that he did leave behind the means to deal with the alien race.

It is recorded in the history book of Yaodu [On January 10, 911, after Mr. Qian broke through the forbidden spell of the plant system, Yaodu officially launched a counterattack and began to retake the land occupied by the Zerg. ] (The foreshadowing laid down in the third chapter)

This section of the record about the most important achievement of Mr. Qian's life gives a hint.

The reason is simple, the best magic system to deal with the alien Zerg is the fire system, on the contrary, the worst is the plant system. There is no need to talk about the fact that Zerg monsters can defeat plant mages.

However, what is recorded in the history books is that in order to defeat the insect mother, Mr. Qian risked his life to go to Shenmujing to find the resources to break through the forbidden spell of plants.

This is totally unreasonable.

Why is it that the plant system, which is most restrained by the Zerg monsters, will become the key to defeating the Zerg mother? Whether it is the fire system, thunder system, or other systems, the forbidden spells are better than the plant system, and even plants will become a breeding ground for the Zerg race.

It is not difficult to see from the fact that the rice grain black worm can even invade the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree, the Zerg really can overcome the plant system, and the supreme monarch can be occupied by the rice grain black worm.

He was betting, betting that even if the bugman could monitor Yaodu all the time, read memories, and know the lives of many powerful mages through the Dream Dao Tree, they would not be able to see his hint.

At the same time, he is also betting that after his death, the demon capital or some human beings will be able to guess his thoughts through the history books.

The father of the nation left the demon capital with the power to fight back against the insect kingdom.

The power of man.

Because Qian Guofu knew from the time he faced the invasion of the worm mother that it is impossible for human beings to defeat the worm country, and it is impossible to defeat the worms who absorb human wisdom, magic power, and can continuously evolve.

Can only bet.

Obviously, the gamble that the founding father made a hundred years ago has won. There really was someone who could have guessed that he had left something behind and would be willing to risk his life on it.

And even if Zhaohua didn't know what was left behind, he chose to believe in the founding father Qian, who was also a human being, and believed in the wisdom of the founding father a hundred years ago.

Zhaohua and the alien worms fought until the last moment.

Ka, Zhaohua suddenly pinched the insect man's arm, it was obviously pierced through the heart, but it didn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

"Life sharing."

Zhaohua is losing vitality crazily, but at the same time, a contract was planted because of the invasion of the dream tree, and the contract's bracelet is in Zhaohua's hand, Zhaohua is absorbing the vitality of the bugman.

This is the so-called great opportunity, the Dream Dao Tree was not controlled, it was just invaded, and it still works. It is equivalent to a Trojan horse virus invading the computer, but the computer can still perform calculations, but it has been stolen and monitored.

Zhaohua grabbed the insect man violently, and threw him over his shoulder from a thousand meters above the sky.

"Don't underestimate humans! Just a bug!!"

With a bang, Zhaohua swooped down at a high speed, and punched the bugman's chest that was thrown to the ground. There was a bang explosion, and a big hole was blasted out of the ground by a powerful force.

Zhaohua doesn't need to care about his body at all now, because now his injury is equal to the injury of a worm. The bond of both is the most unequal bond of slavery. If the master is injured, the slave is also injured, and if the master dies, the slave will die too.

In the dark plane, those underworld trackers have this kind of contract, and they can only be slaves for a lifetime.

Yaaaa! ! ! The insect man couldn't even maintain Zhaohua's appearance anymore, and his voice changed back to the sound of insects.

Now Zhaohua's body has been seriously injured, and the rice grains of black worms have even begun to appear large areas of black worms have died.

It wants to cancel the contract, but this contract is a trap that Mr. Qian spent his whole life setting up, a trap contract left by a curse mage, let alone it, even the worm mother can't break it.

Because Mr. Qian's goal at the beginning was the worm mother! This is a gamble that belongs to Qian Guofu's life.

This gamble has almost zero winning rate, because so many possibilities have to happen at the same time, it is impossible to think about it.

However, human beings are such a weak race with infinite possibilities. He has always believed in humans.

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