Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1114 Hope is Gambling

In Yaodu Hospital, Zhaohua is lying on the hospital bed. Zhaohua’s injuries can’t be described as serious. He is in a state of near-death. The body is already dead, and only the soul is still preserved in the body, sealed by the rainbow bubble. with.

"Saint, how are you?"

To save Zhaohua, Ye Xinxia is naturally the first choice. After all, compared with Yi Zhisha, she has a soul and resurrected Yan Ji.

Ye Xinxia checked with healing magic and said, "He...he's not dead at all."

Feng Zhoulong was naturally there, and Feng Zhoulong also met Ye Xinxia once. When Leng Qing was assassinated, it was Ye Xinxia who jumped out of the plane to save others.

"not dead?"

Ye Xinxia nodded and said: "Not only his soul is not dead, but his body is also not dead, there is a vitality that maintains his body. It's just because his soul is sealed, as long as the wound is repaired and the seal of his soul is broken. can wake up."

Feng Zhoulong looked puzzled, this seal was made by himself! And if you are not dead, why do you seal yourself up!

The great sage next to Ye Xinxia, ​​who was dedicated to protecting and serving her, looked unhappy. If I don't understand this, I have to invite the goddess. I really think that the goddess is so easy to invite.

It's just such a small matter, you can handle it yourself.

But she didn't dare to say it, because there was a big person present, so she didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Hua Zhanhong, the chief of the Southern Military Region.

This is the famous patron saint of the country.

How is Hua Zhanhong the most famous among the military chiefs, not because of his strength, but because he is the youngest one. Hua Zhanhong is the military chief who has been promoted in the past ten years, that is, the contemporary one.

At the same time, Hua Zhanhong is also in line with his "young" approach. He is the most radical among so many military chiefs, as can be seen from his order to develop the demon system.

Hua Zhanhong looked at Zhaohua who was lying on the hospital bed, and his eyes flicked slightly.

According to what Ye Xinxia said, it means that there is no need for Zhaohua to seal himself into a state of suspended animation.

"Who are you acting for?" Hua Zhanhong muttered to himself.

In fact, Hua Zhanhong and Shao Zhengda appointed a plan about the totem very early on, intending to let a person inherit Jiang Shaojun's last wish and continue to search for the totem, hoping to gain a strong force to protect the country.

The candidates are Zhao Hua and Mo Fan. Mo Fan needless to say, because he has a great relationship with the totem, and he is the candidate for the twin soul project.

But in fact, the best candidate in their hearts is actually Zhaohua, the reason is very simple, because he is very similar to Jiang Shaojun. Just as smart, witty, and possessed of incomparable sense.

After hearing Ye Xinxia's words, Ji Shaoan also let go of his heart. Just now, it was really a close call. Ji Shaoan already felt that something was growing in his heart, and it was almost about to germinate.

Ye Xinxia said: "You just need to use healing magic to sew up his wound."

Ye Xinxia is also at a loss for doppelgängers, she is currently busy competing for the position of Goddess. This time he came to treat Zhaohua not only because Zhaohua was Mo Fan's former teammate, but also because he came to solicit votes.

If you want to say which country is the most influential in the Asian region, it is undoubtedly the one you are in. Especially now that the insect kingdom is attacking, the demon capital has resisted it, and the influence of this country has risen again.

This is quite beneficial for her to run for the position of Goddess.

After all, Yi Zhisha had a falling out when she was in power. If he can repair the relationship, it will definitely have a great influence on his fight for the position of Goddess.

And the Zong Kingdom naturally retreated in the end. Although it cannot be said to have won a complete victory, at least the demons have won.

Because of this battle, the area of ​​the demon capital has expanded.

The expansion from the original sub-safety area to the Congcheng Forest Park has now been included in the safe area.

Although the entire city was destroyed by the catastrophic fire, this fire also brought a chance for the city to be reborn from the ashes. The dead fire killed so many Zerg monsters. Now it can be said that it is everywhere. Moreover, those spirits and remnants were integrated into the land, becoming a very special dead fire.

It is the ones absorbed by Sin Flame Fairy. These dead flames are an excellent training resource for black magic, and now the country has sent many military mages and judges who major in black magic to collect them.

There are also land resources harvested after expansion. I believe that the city can be rebuilt in a short time, and it will even be more brilliant. Like a phoenix, it will be reborn from the ashes.

As for the Tianguan Purple Tilia Sacred Tree, let it run away.

The Tianguan Zilin sacred tree that was invaded now belonged to a conscious and independent individual, not the summoned beast of the bugman.

Zhaohua's operation was quite successful, it might as well be said that he was sewing and mending, and then let him heal naturally. Moreover, Zhaohua healed very quickly, because his body's vitality was very strong, Feng Zhoulong even complained that if he left it alone for a few days, he might heal himself completely.

Three days later, Zhaohua was still lying on the hospital bed.

Ji Shao was bored sitting next to the hospital bed with his mobile phone on, pouted his mouth and muttered worriedly, "I heard you need a kiss to wake up?"

Ji Shao curled Zhaohua's lips slightly.

"There is no such setting."

Zhaohua opened his eyes to look at Ji Shaohan, who was startled! Why is it different from what was said in the TV series? Didn’t people in a vegetative state first move their eyelashes twice, and then panickedly call the doctor! ?

Why did he suddenly wake up.

Zhaohua sat up, moved his skeleton, and made a rattling sound. He let out a long breath.

This battle was quite thrilling. Although he guessed that Sun Guofu's bracelet was not simple, he didn't know what it was. It was a gamble without knowing the cards.

Zhaohua looked out the window, the weather was fine, the sky was blue and white clouds, and a ray of hope came in.

In fact, hope is a kind of gamble. Whether the hope is big or small is just the probability of winning.

Losing a bet will be very painful, so some people will choose not to gamble or pursue it. And some people will choose to embrace hope, even if they lose miserably in the end.

Zhao Hua was silent to Ji Shao who was muttering to himself and crazily complaining. Pull it over and hug it tightly.

This is his biggest gamble, and the bugman is just practicing. He knows that he will have the biggest gamble in the future, and the winning rate is the smallest.

Ji Shao lay in Zhaohua nostalgic and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"It's been a long time since I hugged, give me a hug."

There was nothing serious about Zhaohua's body, and Feng Zhoulong didn't show any sequelae after checking. However, because Congcheng was destroyed and was being rebuilt, Zhaohua could only return to live in the house he bought next to Zhongshan University.

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