Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1116 Covering the Sky

Zhaohua sat down slowly, still sitting opposite.

The Mr. Sun that Zhaohua met in the past was just a phantom of Meng Dao Tree. In a sense, it was like a program, a pre-designed fictional product deduced from Mr. Sun's deeds and personality during his lifetime.

Sun Guofu's real soul is hidden in the second bracelet. Although there is only a little bit of remnant soul left, but Sun Guofu didn't think about being reborn, and maybe he just wanted to make sure his plan was successful. I want to know if the city and country I miss are still there.

Zhaohua didn't disturb Sun Guofu to feel the country's mountains and rivers. Zhaohua could feel that Sun Guofu was using the plant system ability of Mengdao tree to feel the people in the land of Yaodu.

The Mengdao tree is of the plant type, and it has some feelings connected with plants at the same time, and can transmit slight feelings, which is a bit similar to the wind perception of the little windworm.

I don't know how long it took before Sun Guofu slowly opened his eyes, looked at Zhaohua and said, "Okay, very good, the motherland is still there, and it has not been invaded by monsters. Good."

Sun Guofu said three good words in a row, and it can be seen that he is still very satisfied.

Zhaohua quietly listened to the old man talking to himself.

After a while, Sun Guofu looked at Zhaohua squarely and asked, "Son, what's your name?"


Sun Guofu obviously didn't have the ability to detect memory by using the dream tree, which is quite bad.

"Hua... a very good name."

Sun Guofu slowly untied the bracelet tied on his hand, and now the bracelet is really just an ordinary magic tool, a magic tool for transmitting and storing magic energy.

Sun Guofu handed the ring to Zhaohua and said, "You are here to say that the plan to cover the sky has succeeded?"

Covering the sky, Sun Guofu named this plan as covering the sky a hundred years ago, which means to cover the natural eyes and hide it deeply.

Zhaohua nodded. Sun Guofu could know everything about Mengdaoshu, and he naturally knew that Mengdaoshu had been invaded, and Zhaohua was here, which proved that Zhetian had indeed succeeded.

but. . . It's only half the battle, because the one in heaven hasn't solved it yet.

Cover the sky, who is the sky? above heaven.

Sun Guofu's goal is the worm mother, the worm mother will never die, and the monsters will never have peace.

There is no need to say how terrible the Zong Kingdom is. This cannot be solved by monsters alone. The three worm emperors are in the worm kingdom, and these three worm emperors do not include the worm mother. This black forbidden land is even more terrifying than Shayuan.

This is the real forbidden area for humans, the real black death forbidden area.

Zhaohua picked up a chess piece and made a random move. Sun Guofu smiled lightly, and also picked up a chess piece, and the two began to play chess, just like playing chess with the grandfather next door in the park.

While playing chess, while chatting. It's just that what they talked about was not just about national affairs.

Zhaohua actually knows how to decipher the prophecy of the colorful luan bird, it is better to say that Zhaohua knows that someone has deciphered it.

old king.

Although Zhaohua didn't know what the ancient king's prophecy was and what kind of death prophecy it was, there is no doubt that the ancient king succeeded.

And it is quite simple to decipher the prophecy of Shenmujing, as long as you are not in the magical world. Or creatures that aren't magical worlds are self-defeating.

Shenmujing can only predict things in the magic world, and it does not have this ability in other planes.

However, in the magical world, there is another place that Shenmujing cannot detect.

Another world within the dream tree.

The Dream Tree and the Shenmu Well have the same root and origin. Although they are not as terrifying and powerful as the Shenmu Well, they are still incomparably miraculous. Dream Dao Tree can also speculate and predict. It can also create a false world.

No one knew that Zhaohua had come to the back mountain of Sun Yat-sen Academy that night, and no one knew that he had entered the Mengdao Tree. Now the ultra-level Zhaohua uses the power of ghosts, and even Tianqingbai can't monitor it.

With a whoosh, Zhaohua appeared from the trees, Zhaohua still had a bracelet on his hand.

What Zhaohua and Sun Guofu talked about, only the two of them know.

Zhaohua summoned ghosts and took out the Shenmu Emperor's Coffin. Zhang Ning had already come out of the Shenmu Emperor's Coffin. She recovered faster than Zhaohua. After all, Zhang Ning just ran out of mana.

The Shenmu emperor's coffin sank to the ground with a rumble.

I don't know how long it took before the Shenmu emperor's coffin stopped. The strange thing is that Zhaohua was able to get out after pushing away the coffin of Emperor Shenmu. There is actually a dark chaotic space under the back mountain.

Zhaohua smiled lightly, the summoning system magic was activated, the fourth series of summoning system stardust flew out forty-nine stars, the contract space was opened, and a worm like a grain of rice came out of the contract space.

After this indescribably small worm came out, there was a rustling sound in the entire chaotic space, and a large number of black rice worms began to pour in from all directions.

These rice black worms are all black worms that have invaded the Dream Dao Tree, and now all the black worms here are pushed out of the Dream Dao Tree. This chaotic space is actually the world under the roots of the Mengdao tree, but it is only occupied by the black rice worms.

The rice grain black worm slowly turned into a human form, which was undoubtedly Zhao Hua's appearance.

Why did Zhaohua seal himself in the first place, why did he commit suicide and feign death, it is obviously unnecessary, who is he doing this scene for?

Worm mother? no. The prophecy of the colorful luan bird? Nor is it.

In Zhaohua's scene, the one to be deceived is the upper echelon of magic. That is, the human side.

The contract is broken, but who said that the contract self-destructed because the bugman died? Although at first glance it seems that Zhaohua committed suicide, entered a state of suspended animation, and then used the moves of physical death and sealing the soul to make the insects die because of the backlash of the contract.

However, there is a possibility here, a possibility that everyone knows but is automatically ruled out.

That is, Zhaohua destroyed the contract by himself, and the Zerg pretended to be dead.

All the high-level magicians and even the worm mothers who watched this battle overlooked one thing, that is, worms are not as simple as monsters.

This is a creature that has evolved and is out of the category of monsters. What it thinks, what it desires, and what it will do, absolutely cannot be judged by the common sense of monsters.

For example, the bugman himself took the initiative to become a contracted summoned beast. This thing, which is absolutely impossible for any monster in the world, or any other plane creature, really happened.

A life-and-death contract appeared. In front of the two of them, the content of this contract was more like a will than a contract.

In addition to the same as the rainbow fish, which only lasts for a hundred years, there is an additional condition. After Zhaohua passed away a hundred years ago, everything including his spiritual world, corpse, and origin catalog belonged to the Zerg.

You know, what the worms copied was Zhaohua's memory and sample factors. What kind of person is Zhaohua, a true genius, and a person who is extremely rational in his actions. People who keep moving towards their goals, even a little unscrupulous.

Zhaohua looked at the worm who looked the same as himself, smiled slightly and said, "Let's start, Zhetian."

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