Full-time Summoner

Chapter 114 Little Witch

Zhaohua and Fengzhoulong left the awakening platform, closed the door and left Ji Shaodu alone inside, trying to give her a quiet environment.

The awakening of the second element of the intermediate level is the same as that of the elementary level. In fact, it is the same thing that was done in the first year of high school again in the spiritual world.

Moreover, because one of the middle-level mages has reached the middle-level, the stardust has turned into a nebula, so the spiritual world is no longer the appearance of a low-level mage, and their own spiritual power has reached another level.

The mind system, curse system, and dimensional magic are all related to spiritual power, and spiritual power is divided into nine realms. The first to third realms are called small realms, the fourth to sixth realms are called middle realms, and the seventh to ninth realms are called great realms. Magic related to spiritual power is all divided according to this standard.

If mages don't cultivate their spiritual power and rely solely on calculations, when a beginner mage awakens, he will be the weakest first level, an intermediate mage is the second level, a high-level mage is the third, and so on. Of course, there are also some mages who are born with higher spiritual power than ordinary people, this is just a normal standard.

Gu Suoyu can interrupt and interfere with mid-level mages, so Gu Suoyu is at least above the second level.

Zhaohua took a look at the awakening room. The door was closed and Ji Shaohan could not be seen. He turned his head and asked Feng Zhoulong, who was fiddling with data and preparing to examine the dead wood scorpion: "Old Feng, the awakening stone you made can control it 100% Do you want to wake up?"

Feng Zhoulong was dissatisfied with this, and said, "What old Feng, am I very old?"

Zhaohua straightened his attitude immediately, and asked sincerely: "Old Feng, can the awakening stone you obtained control 100% of the department to be awakened?"

Feng Zhoulong nodded. He was very satisfied with the new title of Mr. Feng. He felt a sense of superiority, and replied: "Ahem, you asked a good question. To answer this question, we must first start with the origin of life."

Zhaohua people are stupid, is there a problem with my question? How did it involve the origin of life! But Ji Shaohan won't be able to come out for a while, so let's just listen to it if you're not in a hurry, and hope it won't be a discussion about which came first, the chicken or the egg.

"We need to know that the essence of awakening magic is to activate the specific magic energy in the human body, and then transform it into stardust. The reason why most of the human beings wake up at the beginning is elemental magic, because we have the most contact with it. It’s all the elements in nature.”

"For example, light, we live in the sun, and we are exposed to the sun almost every day before awakening, and the body will naturally contain light magic energy, not to mention water, 60 to 70% of the human body is water. The same is true for soil , The grains we eat every day contain a lot of earth magic energy. The same is true for wind, our life cannot be separated from the air we breathe. Therefore, the probability of awakening of these four elements is the highest, because the human body has the largest content."

"Then there are a little less ice, fire, and thunder. The essence of ice is actually cold, but it is called ice because water is the best expression. After reaching a very high level, ice mages can Freeze fire and thunder."

Zhaohua was a little surprised when he heard this, it was not written in this textbook, and asked curiously: "Then what is the source of the coldness in the human body?"



Feng Zhoulong nodded and continued: "To be precise, it is a disease, which produces elements. Ice magic is actually produced by a disease in the human body. It is a special kind of magic. Don't doctors often say that it is infected with wind and cold, and the wind and cold enter the body. something?"

"Mu's, the imperial capital, knows." Feng Zhoulong said.

Zhaohua nodded, Mu family, the imperial capital ice family, back then met a disciple of the Mu family named Mu Bai, and Ji Shao silently slapped him in the face for grabbing the material of ice shell scorpions with Ji Shao, Zhaohua still remembered.

Feng Zhoulong showed disdain, and then said: "The group of people are all sick."

? ? ? ? Zhaohua thought to himself, why are you swearing at people, but after thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with what you said.

"The same is true for Leihuo, but although Leihuo is quite common, it cannot be absorbed by the human body. After all, no one eats it."

"The so-called magic family is also the same. The parents themselves are mages majoring in this magic department. Naturally, they have the most magic energy in their bodies. The children born from the combination of the two will more or less have a little bit, and the natural probability of awakening is higher. .”

"Dimensional magic is the same. Although it can be touched, it is difficult to absorb."

"For example, the Thunder family of the Demon Capital, the Mu family of the Imperial City's Ice family, and the Fire family of the Demon Capital's Dongfang family. When looking for a partner, their core disciples will also require their partner to have the family's magic system."

Zhaohua said suspiciously: "No, my first department is the Summoning department, but my parents are Lei Huoshui."

Feng Zhoulong looked away: "This... You have to ask your parents about this. It may be inherited from another generation. It is a hidden magic gene."

Like a studious student, Zhaohua continued to ask, "What about white magic and black magic?"

"Oh, these magic schools are special cases, because these two magic schools do not belong to this world. A long time ago, these two magic schools were forbidden arts and were not allowed to be practiced. Especially black magic, it was only because of a magic revolution in the last century. Included in the magic department of normal cultivation."

"I've said so much, you should understand. There is no 100% sure which department is absolutely awakened. If you don't have that kind of magic energy in your body, you can't awaken it no matter what. Even I can't help it." .”

As soon as Feng Zhoulong finished speaking, the door of the awakening room was slowly pushed open. Ji Shaohan came from inside with a disappointed expression on his face.

Zhaohua will not be deceived, because Ji Shaohan has tried several times to pretend to be disappointed, but in fact there is no such thing, this kind of trick is too boring.

【Not awakened to the phonological system ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3】Ji Shaohan revealed the picture book he had already written with an aggrieved face.

Zhaohua looked at it, it seemed that this time it wasn't an act, he really didn't wake up. According to Feng Zhoulong's explanation just now, doesn't it mean that Ji Shaoan doesn't have the magical energy of the sound system in his body, and he can't awaken the sound system anyway. It is undoubtedly a big blow to miss the sound system in this life.

Zhaohua looked at Feng Zhoulong, his face was filled with the expression of "Is there any other way to awaken the phonology at a high level".

Feng Zhoulong was also dumbfounded. In fact, he was very confident that Ji Shaohan could awaken the sound system, because although the magic energy of dimensional magic is small, the human body must have absorbed such a little bit. The awakening stone is full of dimensional energy. Can't wake up! ?

Feng Zhoulong stammered and said: "Ah...Actually... there is no need to be too desperate, because... There have also been some examples that prove that mages can absorb some energy in subsequent practice, and then awaken themselves to the point where they want to The magic department. Well, yes, it can be done like this.”

This is only a theoretical possibility, Feng Zhoulong doesn't even know if it works in practice.

Zhaohua hurriedly changed the subject and asked, "By the way, what department did you awaken?"

This time Ji Shao was embarrassed, and very reluctantly wrote in the drawing book: [Curse type. 】

Feng Zhoulong and Zhaohua looked at each other, and they both saw surprise and helplessness from each other's expressions. Why is this girl always awakening some strange magic systems, first the undead system, and then the curse system. Really go all the way to the dark? To be a black magician girl?

Seeing the expressions of the two, Ji Shao cried and ran to the corner of the research room, crossing on the drawing book, she wanted to curse the person who invented the curse system.

The little fairy is now a little witch.

Thanks for the two monthly tickets of 20190625085004296! ! ! This is the accumulation of ten monthly tickets plus changes. It's five o'clock in the morning, I'm sleepy (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

I hope there are still tickets when I get up at noon today. ORZ

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