Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1139 Zu Xingyi

As long as the Holy Inquisition Court and the Abnormal Court are not fools, after checking Mo Fan's deeds, they will know that he is a very hot-tempered person. Dare to rush into the Parthenon Temple alone to save his sister, because Mu Ningxue was wronged and severely injured four teammates.

If it wasn't because Mo Fan saved many people, he is a human mage, and the country is willing to guarantee him, Mo Fan, the leader of the evil abyss, would not be as simple as a swayer, and he would directly be in the top ten of the Abnormal Court's must-kill list.

Zu Huanyao said as if laughing at Shao Zheng: "The sea monster is indeed a big problem, but do you know how much pressure our country has fallen into because of the undead war you created that time in the world? have no idea."

"You did save Cairo from being destroyed by the undead Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Khafra. But do you think those sons of a bitch will be grateful to us?"

"Now the most violent people in the international arena are those dogs in Egypt."

Zu Huanyao directly threw a handful of information about the Magic United Nations meeting to Shao Zheng, and said disdainfully: "When those guys were killed by the undead of Khufu, they lost their helmets and armor, and their corpses were scattered across the field. They have long forgotten those wailings. Now they are accusing us of bringing a stronger undead empire to Egypt."

Shao Zheng didn't read those materials, and he knew this. After all, this incident was very violent, and the whole of Egypt and almost the whole country were rioting.

This is the most serious issue of Shao Zheng's recent impeachment, which almost made him lose his position as a member of parliament.

The reason is very simple, that is the word [after].

Indeed, the two empires, the Shayuan Undead Empire and the Pyramid of Khufu, are now at war, bringing peace to Egypt, which has not been seen for a long time. But the problem is after.

What happens after you win.

Shao Zheng didn't have a specific answer, but international magic researchers can analyze and guess. The answer given by the International Association of Magic is that the victor will become extremely powerful, completely annexing everything of the loser and receiving everything, including the power of the undead.

Khufu won, needless to say, Shayuan will belong to Khufu, everything left by the ancient king will belong to Khufu, and it is very likely that it will be the next Pluto.

But the biggest problem is that the Xiekai Dead Emperor won, because it is the Dead Emperor of the wizarding world.

A brand new Shiyuan Dead Emperor will be born, and it may even be one of the three roof-level dead emperors.

Moreover, this undead empire of the dead emperor can fly at will, cross the borders of other countries at will, and enter the central capital of a country.

Shao Zheng believed in Zhankong, believed in his consciousness, and believed that the Shayuan Undead Empire would not attack his country.

But he can't guarantee overseas.

The nature of the undead is ferocious and bloodthirsty. If Shayuan or the Pyramid wins, the final result is that the whole of Egypt will become a land of the undead, and everyone will die.

The eight-directed dead king directly evolves into the eight-directed dead emperor, the undead of the Pyramid of Khufu will be swallowed by Shayuan, and an unprecedentedly large subjugated country will be born.

This is the fourth roof-level demon kingdom of the dead (dead land) that is not weaker than the kingdom of the ocean demon (ocean), the kingdom of the desert demon (desert), and the kingdom of extreme ice (glaciers).

Zu Huanyao sighed and said: "Let's not talk about the emergence of a new Roof Death Emperor, even if a new Shiyuan Demon Emperor appears, the balance of the world will be broken. Now the balance between humans and demons is on the verge. On the day when there is a real imbalance, when the monsters attack collectively and no longer fear the counterattack of humans, it will be the time when humans will perish."

Zu Huanyao seemed to be recalling something, and said flatly: "Shao Zheng, you ran to my office angrily like today to question my decision more than ten years ago, right? I remember that you were just a little boy at that time. Minister, Qin Yuer and Xing Yi are still in the palace."

Shao Zheng froze for a moment.

Zu Huanyao sighed and said: "That seems to be the last one... no, this one has already started, it is the previous one. Thirteen years have passed. Now you are on an equal footing with me , then you should know better, some things, once decided, there is no turning back, neither you nor I can snatch people from the Holy City, even if we are already Forbidden Curse Mage."

Shao Zheng was silent. He knew that he didn't come here just to question Zu Huanyao, but to ask him who is behind the scenes.

Zu Huanyao stood up and walked a few steps and said: "Xing Yi has always been my proudest grandson, and he has been my pride since he awakened magic, even if that happened, let him sever relations with me, Blame me for not saving Qin Yuer, he is still my pride, I believe he can do great things."

"As a result, he did not disappoint me. He saved the ancient capital and saved millions of people. He is a hero."

Zu Huanyao walked in front of Shao Zheng with slow steps, pointed at Shao Zheng with a toilet paper, his voice was resounding, sonorous and powerful, and said with a tear in his eyes: "Okay, very good, even if he sacrificed himself in the end, But he is still the greatest pride of our ancestors, and he is worthy of being the unicorn of our ancestors."

"I have always been grateful to you for giving him this opportunity. Seriously, I have never blamed you or him in this matter. I taught him since he was a child that the mission of our ancestors is to protect Our country protects people. The ancestors of our ancestors mean the motherland."

Zhan Kong, whose real name is Zu Xingyi, was a member of Mo Fan Zhaohua's previous national team. And Zhan Kong represents the ancestral family. At that time, Zhan Kong was just like Mo Fan, upright and extremely strong. He was also the trump card of the Guofu team.

Like Mo Fan, he fell in love with a white-haired girl, Qin Yuer.

Later, it was revealed that Qin Yuer was a victim of the disaster, and people from the Abnormal Court came to arrest him. Under the powerful power of a super-level mage, only the high-level Zhan Kong was naturally no match, so he asked his grandfather Zu Huanyao for help, and finally Zu Huanyao did not agree to make a move, and asked Zhan Kong to withdraw from the national team, and changed his name and surname to Bocheng.

It is both protection and a way to make him forget the sad things.

Shao Zheng knew Zhan Kong at that time, and he felt that the victims were a powerful force that should be protected, and should not be regarded as heresy by the Court of Inquisition, but Zu Huanyao, who was in power as a diplomat, did not agree, and finally Qin Yu The son was frozen in the Tianshan Mountains.

With a bang, Zu Huanyao poked the ground with his crutches and said, "So, no matter what, I will not let my grandson's soul be trapped in that inhuman body."

"No matter what!"

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