Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1141 Believe it or not

Zu Huanyao looked seriously at Mo Fan's transformed Zu Xiangtian, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you think... your second cousin Zu Xingyi, is he still alive?"

Zu Huanyao asked very seriously, with a serious expression and heavy eyes.

Mo Fan didn't think much about it, and said: "There may be some possibility of this. After all, I heard that the ancient capital undead did not invade any cities under his control. Moreover, during the Northern Plains War, he... the second cousin led The undead empire came to rescue the Zhenbei Tower, and we have heard about it in the holy city."

"I think the second cousin should still be alive, otherwise how would he come back to save the city?"

After hearing this, Zu Huanyao showed a gentle and kind smile, and Mo Fan couldn't tell whether he was laughing at himself or very pleased.

Zu Huanyao walked slowly to the chair, like an old man with bad legs, he sat down with difficulty while holding on to the handle of the chair.

Zu Huanyao showed a tired expression, looked at Mo Fan's transformed Zu Xiangtian and said, "Everyone can lie, let alone an emperor."

"Have you ever thought that whether the undead in the ancient capital did not invade any cities under his control, or saving the Zhenbei Tower, it was actually the plan of the undead emperor."

Mo Fan was startled, plan? !

"what's the plan?"

Zu Huanyao said: "It has just been revived, its strength has not fully recovered, and it does not want to start a war with the human curse, so control the undead, let the human mage take it lightly, and give it enough time to recover to its best state."

Mo Fan's heart froze, he hadn't thought about this question at all. Mo Fan is not from this world. In fact, he has only been in contact with monsters for eight or nine years to less than ten years, and even less in contact with emperors. In Mo Fan's heart, the emperor is a powerful king, and he will not mess with you if he does things straight.

They are natural disasters, and everywhere they go is death and destruction, and according to the description of Xiaohou and the others, Boss Zhankong did make a deal with Xiekai, giving it his body and letting it recover, on the condition that he leads the undead to retreat, Human beings must not be violated.

Zu Huanyao said: "The retreat of the undead was the last contribution your second brother made to our country during his lifetime, but in the follow-up, who is in charge and who is really sure."

"That's the emperor, the ancient king who once commanded the mainland of Kyushu and revived the country with his endless wisdom and courage. His wisdom is like the vast deep sea, and human's schemes and calculations may be just children's troubles in front of him."

"What if its ultimate goal is to reunify the mainland of Kyushu, or even to conquer the world, to make itself the strongest ruler of the magical world again, and to fulfill its wish that it failed to fulfill during its lifetime?"

Mo Fan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, because in the scientific world, why Qin Shihuang wanted to live forever was to accomplish a greater goal. If the ancient king of this world is Qin Shihuang, then his ambition may be huge.

Of course, neither Mo Fan nor Zu Huanyao knew that the ancient king did not die, but went to the dark plane to fulfill his ambition.

However, the evil armor also accompanied the ancient king all his life. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is its clone. It is not surprising that it has the memory and ambition of the ancient king.

Zu Huanyao continued: "Now that dead emperor has started a battle with Khufu, have you ever thought about it? The dead emperor wanted to keep a low profile to accumulate strength by preventing the undead from attacking Gu. When it came, it saw an opportunity. It came to drive away the Pyramid of Khufu, the purpose is to let humans open the way for it, so that it can go to Egypt in Africa, defeat Khufu and annex its pyramid undead, annex Khufu’s dark land power, to become the only and strongest dead emperor in the magic world, and then unfold its ambition to conquer the world."

Mo Fan didn't think about it.

In short, Mo Fan has always, from beginning to end, believed that Zhan Kong is still alive, and that the ancient and evil King Qin did not deprive him of his soul.

Mo Fan was not confused by these words, he still firmly believed in his inner thoughts, he firmly believed that Boss Zhan Kong would not deceive himself, and asked: "But what if his soul has not died? Wouldn't doing so mean killing him?" .Have you ever thought that if he will come to the holy city, it means that he still has memories and feelings?"

Zu Huanyao's gaze changed, as if he noticed something strange about Mo Fan.

Mo Fan immediately realized that he had gone too far, and immediately controlled his emotions, and immediately argued: "I don't want Third Grandpa to be sad, but I am just confused."

Zu Huanyao smiled faintly: "Then you still believe that Xing Yi is still alive?"

Mo Fan nodded and said, "I believe he is still alive."

"But I don't believe it."

Zu Huanyao added: "Michael doesn't believe it either."

"The contradictions in this world are nothing more than the contradictions between belief and disbelief, and it is the choice of high-level personnel to believe or not to believe. Neither you nor I have the means to decide anything. Xing Yi has to face one of the seven angels at the top of the world's strength. Michael, there's nothing we can do."

"Okay, but what about Qin Yu'er, after all, I think she is innocent after all." Mo Fan asked back.

Zu Huanyao said: "She just came to help, and Holy City didn't embarrass her. Ordinary people would go to the police station to assist in the investigation when they saw a murder. What's more, this is an imperial disaster. Holy City just invited her to come. plan to hurt her."

Qin Yu'er was innocent, but the problem was that he didn't want to harm her. In the event of a homicide, you are obliged to go to the police station to make a statement, not to mention that this is a plan to annihilate the emperor.

In the magical world, all human beings are obliged to assist mages to eliminate demons when it comes to matters related to demons. Mages will protect you with their lives. If you have power, you will have obligations.

In the magical world, the duty of all human beings is to eliminate demons.

It's just that this monster was once a human being and Qin Yu'er's lover, that's all.

"I still feel..." Mo Fan wanted to say a few more words.

"I've told you enough today. Xiangtian, after Xingyi was redeemed, you are the one who is more capable in our ancestral family. Although I am your third grandfather, I have always treated you as my grandson all these years." , I hope you will become more mature and be able to take on great responsibilities." Zu Huanyao patted Mo Fan on the shoulder and said.

Mo Fan will naturally not continue to say more, after all, he is Zu Xiangtian now, if he is cheated, the third grandfather Zu Xiangtian in front of him is probably a Forbidden Curse Mage, and he will not directly lock himself in the prison of the Holy City No wonder.

Mo Fan looked at Zu Huanyao, who had already lowered his head to process the documents, and Mo Fan opened the door and left.

After Mo Fan left, Zu Huanyao raised his head and looked towards the direction outside the door, his body appeared illusory, and a colorful light slowly deformed.

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