Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1144 This summoning mage is obviously strong but too cautious

"I have been sticking to my unwillingness to be wiped out because someone is waiting for me, and because this emperor will endanger the future of mankind. This time, I need a break."

Zhan Kong's voice was resolute, which let Mo Fan know that Zhan Kong's boss had already had the heart to die.

This also allowed Mo Fan to have a deeper understanding of the emotions of people in this world towards monsters.

People in this world are very different from him, and the difference brought about by the difference in living environment is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It's like in Tianlan Magic Academy and Pearl Academy, the principals of the two universities asked the mages to kill demons and protect human beings.

At that time, Mo Fan only listened to it as a school motto, and he also knew that monsters are very harmful, so he would do his best to eliminate monsters and protect human beings. So he did a lot of famous things.

But now, Mo Fan discovered that it is not as simple as the school motto. The idea of ​​destroying demons and defending human beings is completely ingrained. Human beings in this world accept such ideas from birth.

Monsters must be killed.

Even Boss Zhankong himself is the same, even if he becomes a monster, as long as he can still control and have fighting power, even if he commits suicide, he will kill more monsters.

So today he came.

Not only for Qin Yu'er, but also for himself. He saved millions of people in the ancient capital, and he didn't want to let hundreds of millions of people die one day because of saving millions of people. He didn't want his appearance to be infamous forever.

Mo Fan sighed, he knew. The one who saved the ancient capital, rescued Qin Yuer, and the Beiyuan War was not him at all, it should be said that it was not entirely him. The dead emperor only possessed Zhan Kong's consciousness and memory.

Just like those people with split personalities, the reason why Zhan Kong did that was because after various calculations, he felt that it was in line with his interests and character.

Because if Zhan Kong can really completely control this body, Mo Fan now thinks that Zhan Kong will directly explode himself, blowing up the entire evil resentment, and saving all the hundreds of millions of undead.

But obviously, some insignificant things such as saving people can be controlled by Zhan Kong, but self-destruction is impossible.

Mo Fan didn't know that Zhan Kong's power came from the evil armor, and the armor was the source of power, so now Zhan Kong could control the body but couldn't make the evil armor self-destruct.

Mo Fan sighed and sat down.

Either side he takes is wrong. Because this is not their own dispute. Waiting quietly for a result is the best respect for everyone.

A black armor robe, the face is completely cloudy, and even those eyes full of deterrence can't be seen many times.

Zhan Kong stepped into the Holy City Continent, a different world in the air, and stood in mid-air looking at Qin Yu'er in the tower.

There was a rare tenderness in his eyes.

Qin Yu'er knelt down on the ground sadly, tears welling up like a fountain. The world is unfair to them. They are not the protagonists and heroines of online cool articles, they are the protagonists and heroines of British tragedy stage plays.


At this time, a trace of black energy emerged from Zhaohua who was standing behind him, and Zhaohua calmly raised his head to look at Zhankong in the distance.

Mo Fan is very familiar with him, but that is Mo Fan, Zhaohua is not familiar with him, he just saw him at the last time in the ancient capital. At the beginning, Zhan Kong was wrapped in a shroud to cover his appearance, and he didn't even say much during the whole process.

It was after finally defeating Jiuyou that he untied the bandage and entered Shayuan through the secret passage of Endless Ghost City. Afterwards, Zhaohua never met him, let alone knew him well.

For Zhaohua, Zhan Kong is a stranger whom he met once.

Zhan Kong's voice came from Zhaohua's heart, and he said coldly and sharply: "I will make a decision myself, instead of being forced like this."

It was obvious that Zhan Kong was very angry. Qin Yu'er was already miserable, and now he was being forced to take him to the holy city. Although it is everyone's responsibility to eliminate demons, human beings should respect human rights. It is inhumane to ask her to draw herself out and watch her die in front of her.

Zhan Kong didn't know why he suddenly regained all his memory and consciousness, and even became him in control of his body, and the evil thoughts of the other six emperors and monsters disappeared for some reason.

Zhankong believed that this was Zhaohua's handwriting, and Zhankong knew from the battle in the ancient capital that this man possessed incredible power.

If Zhaohua can allow himself to control this body, then he should no longer use Qin Yu'er as a bait, and come back by himself. And Zhankong also knew why, Zhaohua was just too cautious in doing things, adding an insurance to the plan to kill Death Emperor.

Qin Yu'er is just an insurance, a guarantee. Make yourself 100% come to the holy city after regaining consciousness.

He doesn't trust.

Even if Zhan Kong was the hero who saved the ancient capital, even if Zhan Kong acted aboveboard all his life and hated monsters, even if Zhaohua knew that Zhan Kong would come to the Holy City or go to the Tribunal even if there was no Qin Yuer.

But Zhaohua is so sensible and cautious.

Zhaohua thinks that Zhan Kong may degenerate during the time he became the emperor, and may be blinded by the power of darkness. What if the ancient king misses, Zhan Kong's consciousness is not fully occupied. Although the possibility of this is very low, Zhaohua will not gamble, he has to kill Zhankong and get the last thing from the ancient king.

Qin Yu'er is indeed just insurance, it's almost the same with her or without her, but Zhaohua won't take even a 1% risk.

Zhaohua replied calmly in his heart: "I will act emotionally, but not to you and Qin Yuer. If it was Mo Fan, the result would be different."

"Thinking from the perspective of profit, whether or not to do this matter. Thinking from the perspective of risk, whether or not this matter can be won. Thinking from the perspective of strength, if you want to take her to flee the holy city, can you kill you? This is something I need to think about .”

"It's not you or anyone else coming to tell me. I'm right, or I'm wrong!"

Shengyin's holy and clean power erupted. If Zhaohua was facing the evil emperor, then of course he couldn't resist this anger, but Zhaohua is now in the holy city, and it is so far away.

The Holy Silver's holy power is constantly purifying this dark force, purifying this dark force with anger.

As Zhaohua said, he will be emotional, but not to the two of them.

Whether it's Qin Yu'er or Zhan Kong, to Zhaohua, one is a poor person and the other is a stranger. He is not Mo Fan, and he has no feelings for them at all.

Even from the standpoint of humanitarianism, Zhaohua should use all his strength to destroy an emperor monster, instead of pitying a person who was frozen for seven or eight years because of his natural ice soul species, and finally used himself to lure his beloved, see looking at the poor woman he died in front of him.

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