Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1147: Sealing the Demon Vatican

Just when Xiekai Emperor Zhankong started killing like a real undead emperor, venting his anger crazily. Michael has already started to move.

Since Zhaohua and Michael joined hands and confirmed early on that the evil emperor Zhan Kong would come, how could it be possible not to deploy the strongest killer.

This is a big killer that is 100% guaranteed to kill the emperor.

This is an invincible Forbidden Curse Formation arranged by gathering the greatest strength of the Holy City, combining the heritage of the Holy City and the support of many European countries.

This forbidden spell formation is extremely powerful, but it has two disadvantages. The first one is that it takes a long time to release it.

Ever since the evil armored emperor Zhankong entered the real holy city in another world, Michael has been preparing and performing it. Michael needs to be 100% sure that he can hit Zhankong.

The Golden Dragon, the Forbidden Spell of Light, and those angel legions are all just to consume the evil armor Emperor Zhankong, and to prevent the evil armor Emperor Zhankong from discovering any abnormalities.

But Michael didn't know that Zhan Kong actually wanted to seek death, and there was no need to do so. But it makes sense for Michael to be careful, if you suddenly don't want to die, isn't that funny.

Cyan marks are all over the floor tiles of the holy city. These cyan marks are the lines of the formation. This forbidden curse formation covers the entire holy city, and this forbidden curse formation is based on what was left in the holy city and belongs to the holy city. The power of the plane.

This is a formation at the level of a great forbidden curse.

This is something that even Michael and other forbidden spell mages cannot perform, and can only be performed by relying on the background of the Holy City itself, which means that this is actually a good location.

As the blue marks became brighter and brighter, people were shocked to find that a shocking trap had been set up on the Holy City Master's Cross Avenue at some point!

This is a trap-type forbidden spell. As we all know, the trap-type magic is much more powerful than the release-type magic.

The cyan lines of this forbidden spell formation use the criss-crossing streets of the entire holy city as the trajectory of mana transmission, and those towering buildings and towers as the magic gathering points. The dense cyan marks are like a city's ground painting, ancient and Mysterious, but also contains divine power that people have never known!

Just as the golden dragon and the evil armored emperor Zhankong were struggling, some jerky characters glowed a little bit. These words and symbols that did not belong to this world kept floating up. Each character was full of special magic power, making the city Those cyan imprints in the painting became brighter.

When all the lines were lit up, Mo Fan could clearly see that it was a flower.

"Huh? That flower looks a bit like the city flower of the Holy City—Van Kui."

Some people who lived in the underground holy city discovered the clue, and it was exactly the same as the pattern hanging on the flag of the holy city, which was the symbol of the holy city—Van Kui.

At the moment when all the lines were lit up, Michael opened his hands, and the four wings burst into a powerful light, and said loudly: "Feng Mo Fan Kui!"

This is a forbidden curse formation that is somewhat similar to a curse. The target locked in the formation will lose vitality and strength continuously, and the longer it stays, the greater the consumption.

Even the black evil armor on the body of the evil armor emperor Zhan Kong began to show a little rust, which meant that the power of the evil armor was being crazily sucked away, making it unable to maintain the brilliance of the evil armor.

If it is completely taken away, the evil armor will become a waste armor. Of course, it is still difficult to destroy.

"His strength is being weakened." Archangel Raphael said standing under the tower.

"Wait a little longer." Archangel Michael on the tower still maintained his calmness.

Michael knew that the ceremony this time was very important. For him, protecting the peace of mankind and destroying the emperor were secondary. His goal was to complete the ceremony. He was a battle angel, and what he longed for was battle and strength. It is the essence of the angelic soul, and it is also because Michael himself is the same, so the angelic soul finally chose him among thousands of people wandering the world.

It was because he resembled the Holy Spirit of Michael that he was chosen.

As for Michael's own name, he has long forgotten, even his own parents have forgotten, this is also the price of accepting the angel's holy soul.

He will be a saint through and through, and saints are ruthless.

Seeing that the evil armored emperor Zhankong not only did not run away, but continued to walk forward, constantly killing Qin Yuer's pavilion, Michael felt relieved.

If this is the case, it is impossible to let go of the evil armored emperor Zhankong no matter what. Qin Yu'er has such a role, used to restrain the evil armored emperor Zhan Kong.

Michael is thanking, he is thanking Zhaohua, he has brought such a good plan. This allows him to complete his ritual.

The holy city has prepared many tricks for the evil armored emperor Zhankong. In addition to the golden dragon on the holy plane, there are also many forbidden spell-level formations to deal with the evil armored emperor Zhankong.

It's not that there are no curse mages, but the biggest problem with the curse mages is that the time to release the curse mages is actually too slow. But the formation method is different. The formation method is to put the time of display in front and prepare in advance.

After feeling that the evil armored emperor Zhan Kong would not leave, and knowing that he would never leave, Michael finally made a move.

Because the Golden Dragon and Reynolds of the Light Forbidden Curse had been severely injured and lost their fighting power, the remaining Angel Legion was leaderless, their combat power had declined, and they even had the timid idea of ​​retreating.

Michael knew that he had to make a move.

With a whoosh, Michael put on his magic armor. Although it is not as powerful as the evil armor that accompanied the ancient king in battle, his magic armor is also a collection of magic armor made by top European magic craftsmen. Tool.

Tsing Yi Sheng Yu, this is a top-level heaven-level magic armor.

Although the Emperor and the Forbidden Curse are at the same level, just like the four classes of elementary, middle, high, and super ranks correspond to servants, generals, commanders, and monarchs, generally speaking, several of them are needed to defeat those of the same level. demon.

To single out or even single kill, the required conditions are too harsh, only the invincible genius among geniuses is possible.

And like Reynolds, although he is indeed a Forbidden Curse Mage, he is only a series of Forbidden Curse Mage, and the gap between him and the evil armored emperor Zhan Kong is infinite. Even Zhan Kong, whose combat power has been weakened, is only an ordinary emperor, and it is possible to fight together with the peak of the two-line forbidden curse or the three-line forbidden curse mage.

And there are mages of this strength in the Holy City, but they cannot participate in the battle, because killing Zhankong is second. The real important thing is to let Michael complete the collection of war wishes and complete the return ceremony.

"Are you the only one?" Zhan Kong looked at Michael.

"Not enough?" Michael asked.

"The seven of you together are not enough!" Zhan Kong said.

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