Zhaohua shook his head and didn't continue to read, because the rest of the ending has already been doomed, and the next thing is the most important thing, which is related to the survival of human beings.

Qin Yuer undid the handcuffs, and Zhan Kong could naturally see Zhaohua give Qin Yuer the key.

And Zhankong actually understands that he is doomed to die, and even the evil armor can't stop the erosion of the Vanquish's forbidden spell formation. The original black and bright evil armor is now rusty and has lost most of its power .

And the most powerful thing about the Vanquish Forbidden Curse Formation is that it not only absorbs power so easily, but also uses your power to attack you. Now the mark in Zhan Kong's body is enough to kill Zhan Kong.

It's just that to trigger this mark, you need to get out of the range of the Van Kui Forbidden Curse Formation, but Zhan Kong doesn't want to go out. There is actually no difference between dying in the holy city and dying in the wilderness.

Xiekai Dead Emperor Zhankong didn't even care about the attacks of Michael and other holy city mages, or even that Michael was accumulating energy and holding back his big move, preparing to kill himself completely.

For Zhaohua, Zhan Kong only needs to die, and it doesn't matter where he dies. But it was different for Michael.

Michael needs an absolute victory. What Michael needs is for people all over the world to worship him, agree with him, trust him and support him, so that he can get a huge battle will.

Because of this, Michael did not hesitate to spend a lot of resources to spread this battle, so that the whole of Europe, America, and even the whole world, the whole world knows that he, Michael, won, and it was [ Open and aboveboard], [unsurprisingly] won.

So Michael needs to die in front of everyone, instead of dying in the corner of the demon area. He wants everyone to see the death of a dark emperor.

Now Zhan Kong was so stupid that he walked in front of Qin Yuer and gave up resisting, and Qin Yuer also felt that Zhan Kong had exhausted all the power of darkness, and now he was at the end of his strength.

Qin Yu'er no longer intends to stay in this world alone.

Because Qin Yu'er is an orphan, why stay in this world full of pain? If they die together, maybe they will meet again in some national competition eighteen years later, and continue their relationship.

"Why did you leave then?" Qin Yu'er asked.

"I saw your face, it's as beautiful as when I first saw you. I think you can start over and live the life you've been looking forward to," Zhan Kong said.

"Although I am alive, the only thing I miss in this world is you, Xing Yi. If I don't see you, what is the difference between me and a dead shell of ice sculpture." Qin Yu'er said heavily.

Zhan Kong hugged Qin Yu'er tightly. Qin Yuer picked up Zhan Kong's cracked and wrinkled hands and put them on his face. Man is about to die.

It can be seen that they already have a will to die.

Qin Yu'er also taught Zhan Kong a lesson in this tone, and Zhan Kong grinned, as if everything had returned to the way it was in the national competition back then, back to that beautiful time of encounter. No matter what happens, they have decided to face it together.

Michael has also completed his strongest forbidden spell formation, which is to use the power of the holy city to make himself as powerful as the sixteen wings for a short time, and to be able to cast a full blow of the sixteen wings.

Xie Kai Dead Emperor Zhankong put his arms around Qin Yu'er, and looked at Michael who had already prepared to kill Xie Kai Dead Emperor Zhankong in mid-air.

"That emperor, Michael, you really didn't hear its whispers?" Zhan Kong said with a maniacal smile while holding Qin Yu'er in his arms, letting her melt into his armor bit by bit.

"You don't need to confuse people with evil words, you will disappear from this world today!" Michael said loudly.

"You heard it, but you are afraid, right? You should know that twenty years ago, in that return ceremony, you were actually used instead." Zhan Kong said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, the holy city protects mankind. But it is your holy city, the angel Uriel who returned twenty years ago, that just pushed mankind into the abyss."

"You have already noticed it, and you are afraid."

The person Xie Kai Dead Emperor Zhan Kong mentioned was undoubtedly Wen Tai.

Uriel is the first returning archangel of this generation. He completed the return ceremony 20 years ago, and Uriel's return ceremony was the ceremony that punished Wentai.

Because at that time, the holy city discovered that the holy son Wentai, who was recognized by most people in the world, was not actually a human being!

At that time, Wentai's reputation was very high. When the Holy City found out that Wentai was not human, Uriel deliberately used this matter to win the world's wishes.

In the end, he teamed up with Wentai's sister Yi Zhisha to complete the ceremony, making Uriel the first archangel to return to the Holy City.

However, it is obvious that that time was actually a trap set by Wen Tai, which was not uncovered until today. Wen Tai used the power of the holy city to open up the dark plane and allow himself to enter the dark plane smoothly and safely.

They are taken advantage of.

In fact, if Michael wants to complete the return ceremony, the ones who need to be eliminated should be the devil and Pluto, that is, the opponent should be Wentai who deceived the world.

It’s just that Michael was afraid, more precisely, the entire Holy City was afraid, because Wentai was so powerful, and Wentai was likely to be able to ignore part of the barriers of the planes, which made Michael know that he could not defeat Wentai.

And Michael also knew that he was in the live broadcast, so he couldn't say too much, so he directly used his trump card to bombard Zhan Kong and Qin Yu'er.

Those blue-feathered birds of paradise collided, and the souls of the two tightly embracing disintegrated immediately, turning into black and ice-colored dust, which was particularly vivid under the light of blue light.

"Buzzing" on his chest, Mo Fan's small loach pendant made an unprecedented sound.

Mo Fan took him out of the collar and held it in the palm of his hand.

No one could see the soul dust falling from the sky, but Mo Fan saw it.

The fragments of their two annihilated souls flew to the Alps, but the two wisps of their souls flew to themselves, to the little loach pendant.

There was also the evil armor that had been pierced thousands of holes by the Qingguang Shengyu. After Zhan Kong and Qin Yuer's two strands of spirits floated in, it also fled to the little loach pendant like a refugee.

The evil armor originally belonged to the little loach, but it was supposed to purify and devour the evil thoughts in it, so that it could grow to its full form, and then prepare to be resurrected.

result. . . . Now that the evil armor is riddled with holes, the evil thoughts are gone, and it has been so powerfully purified by the holy city, the little loach wants to cry but has no tears!

It's food! ! !

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