Zhaohua looked at the blue bat, no, it should be called Lan Yingjie, because now the blue bat is dead, Wu Ku even saw her death with his own eyes, and even the inside of the trial committee has confirmed her death, she is still Nan Mu Bai, the chief mage of the Wing Mage Group, killed it, and Mu Bai dissected the body.

So the blue bat is really dead.

Zhaohua couldn't help smiling and said, "Aren't you underestimating our Trial Council and me too much?"

Lan Yingjie couldn't help frowning when she heard something in these words, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

Zhaohua picked up an apple, took out a knife, and began to peel the apple, saying flatly while peeling: "It doesn't mean anything, that is, you don't think that the undercover agents sent by our Judgment Council can be sent out, regardless of their life or death? "

Lan Yingjie said: "But this is my last mission, and if you don't let me die, it means that all previous efforts have been wasted."

Zhaohua said lightly: "This is the difference between our Judgment Council and the Black Vatican."

"The Judgment Council is not to police evil and punish rape. The purpose of our Trial Council is to let people live and work in peace, everyone has a job, and every family has food. Don't be afraid of some bullies who rely on their own magical powers to bully the market, don't be afraid of people like the Black Vatican. Don’t think that we are a government organization that will bully ordinary people and do nothing.”

Zhaohua peeled an apple and threw it to Lan Yingjie. I don't know if she disliked Zhaohua for not washing his hands or if she didn't want to eat it. Anyway, she didn't eat it and just put it on the table.

Lan Yingjie asked: "What's going on, is Feng's plan unknown to me?"

Zhaohua smiled faintly and said: "There is no plan, we will follow the original plan, and all the information will be handed over to Mo Fan. The strength he has now is enough to overthrow the entire Black Vatican, and Mo Fan does not need to borrow the power of the Tribunal. This information will not enter all the high-level members of the Judgment Council, and it can be done without anyone noticing, and he will continue to complete the final blow of the bee sting."

"But... will he believe it? After all, the information... is really incredible." Lan Yingjie said with some doubts.

Zhaohua said: "He will believe it because you are dead."

"That Sarang..."

"Sa Long will also believe that you are not a lurker of the Judgment Council. Her plan will not change, and she doesn't know that you are still alive. It is indeed difficult to deal with Sa Long, but don't underestimate the power that has been protecting the country."

"How are you so sure..." Lan Yingjie couldn't believe it. She had followed Sa Lang for so long. She knew how cautious and terrifying Sa Lang was. .

This is why Lan Jieying has to sacrifice herself to win the last chance of trust, even if she may die in vain.

Zhaohua pointed to the apple on the table and said, "I peeled it very hard, at least take a bite."

Lan Yingjie looked at the apple on the table, she picked it up after thinking for a while, opened her mouth and took a bite. But the expected click did not appear, instead there was a click, and Lan Yingjie bit the air.

Lan Yingjie looked down, and somehow black bugs the size of rice grains appeared on her hand, but the apple disappeared instead!

Lan Yingjie didn't lose her face in panic, instead she observed the black rice worms, she was quite sure that what she just held was an apple, how could it turn into a worm!

"Is this a hallucination?"

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "It's not an illusion."

Zhaohua snapped his fingers, and the black rice worms reappeared and began to assemble. Lan Yingjie actually saw it turned into an apple, and the skin had been peeled off.

Lan Yingjie squeezed the apple, smelled it, there was no doubt that it was an apple! But she dared not eat it.

Zhaohua said calmly: "From today onwards, all plans about the Black Holy See will be removed from the Bee Project. The Black Holy See can no longer threaten our country, and is no longer the target we need to deal with."

"The biggest difference between our Judgment Council and the Black Vatican is that we will not abandon our companions. Although you were not sent by me, it is impossible for me to let you sacrifice your life for the completion of the task. If you sacrifice your life for the completion of the task, Then what is the difference between us and the Black Vatican?"

"Let people live and work in peace and contentment. This not only refers to those ordinary people, but also refers to mages like you who have made contributions to the country."

Zhaohua stood up suddenly, with a serious expression, saluted Lan Yingjie, and said with correct etiquette and seriousness: "Member of the Bee Project, code-named Bee Sting, your mission has officially ended."

"On behalf of all the protected people in our country, I sincerely thank you for everything you have done for the country over the years. You have worked hard."

Tick-tock, Lan Yingjie's eyes suddenly gushed out big and big teardrops like spring water, and the tears slid down from the blue-eyed cheeks like broken pearls.

Lan Yingjie had joined the Black Vatican for so long, she had already forgotten when was the last time she shed tears. In the Black Vatican, she has to play a crazy woman all the time, she can only laugh crazily, and she has to be vigilant and careful all the time.

He didn't even dare to sleep too soundly, for fear that he might accidentally say something wrong.

She even forgot when she joined the Black Vatican, five years? ten years? or longer? I have long forgotten.

Today, when Zhaohua, as the brain of a bee, told her that the task was ending, the most tense string in Lan Yingjie's heart was finally broken, and she no longer had to worry about when this string that had been tensed for many years would stop. Little broken.

She was afraid, she was afraid that one day she would really be unable to bear it, and would really change from a lurker to a real member of the Black Church, from Lan Yingjie to a blue bat.

Even when she said to use her own death to convince Mo Fan that she would take the final blow, Lan Yingjie even felt a sense of relaxation and an urge to be relieved.

She finally doesn't have to play the blue bat anymore.


Lan Yingjie suddenly covered her face and cried bitterly. Her crying contained so many years of grievance and pain, which proved how heavy it was to fight against the Black Vatican in order to protect the country.

Today, she can finally be an ordinary person and herself. She is not the blue bat, the blue bat is dead, and now there is only Lan Yingjie in this world.

After an unknown amount of time, Lan Yingjie's eyes were red from crying, and she turned her head away not daring to look at Zhao Hua, she was afraid of losing face! This was an expression that the madwoman Blue Bat couldn't have had before.

Zhaohua took out some information and said: "Here is your identity information. I have already done it for you. You can still use the name Lan Yingjie. I will arrange for you to continue living in Yaodu. Don't worry, the claws of the Black Holy See are stretched out." Do not come in."

Lan Yingjie took the bag, which contained the things she could live with. She didn't lack money. She was a high-level mage, and she could earn millions and tens of millions at will.

Zhaohua smiled, and jokingly said: "You have disappeared for a long time, but I don't know if you have an excuse. There is a man who has been waiting for you for more than a year."

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