Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1159 Mo Fan's Home

When the bee nest is threatened, it will rush to attack the enemy with a bee sting, and the bee plan comes from this. When the motherland is threatened, they will recklessly attack those who pose a threat to the motherland.

"She is the judge's bee sting, and she is the only judge who might betray the entire court, but she will not." Zhu Meng said in an extremely heavy tone.

Just now Zhu Meng contacted the high level of the Judgment Council and confirmed this information to him.

Mo Fan involuntarily took two steps back, which made him feel stuck in the throat for a while, and was speechless for a while.

Zhu Meng said: "Do you still remember the mysterious gray-white man in the Guillotine Project in the ancient capital?"

Mo Fan nodded and said, "I remember."

"He is also a member of the bee, but I don't know what the code name is."

As one of the councilors, Zhu Meng is also in charge of the Tianbei Trial Council as the presiding judge and the executor of crisis management, but even such a high-level magic executive still doesn't know the existence of bee stings.

Mu Bai looked at the corpse in disbelief and said, "I... killed such a respectable judge by mistake?!"

Mo Fan shook his head and said: "She should also know that she is doomed, so she deliberately died at your hands, and she probably wanted to tell us something."

"And only after she dies, the Black Vatican will continue to believe her. She must have ambushed something in the Black Vatican. In order not to be abandoned by Sa Lang for this ambush, she chose to die to show her will."

In the end, Mo Fan and Mu Bai found a magical eyeball recording crystal on the blue bat's body, which recorded enough clues to destroy the entire Black Vatican. . . . .

In one of the ports in Italy, Zhaohua was standing in the port waiting for something.

A ship with a red flag is slowly approaching from the sea.

"Hi sir, I am Mu Guodong, an overseas judge." A young judge brought the other judges off the boat.

Zhaohua nodded. If the blue bat wants to return to China, it must not take a plane directly. After all, it is still abroad. Although Zhaohua can be 100% sure that the Black Vatican will not find that the blue bat is not dead, but be careful that you can sail for thousands of years.

The blue bat walked over tightly wrapped, and Zhaohua said: "This is an important witness of the trial, you escort her back to the country."

Mu Guodong saluted and said: "We understand that we will swear to protect the safety of witnesses!"

Zhaohua asked them not only to send the blue bat back, but also to recover the dead body of the fake blue bat. After Mu Bai finished the autopsy, he asked Zhu Meng to contact the trial committee to take the body back to the country and bury it in the martyrs' garden. Zhaohua naturally couldn't let them do this, so he stopped it directly.

Zhaohua walked into the boat, walked into a wooden coffin, gently pushed open the coffin, and there lay a corpse exactly like the blue bat.

Lan Yingjie, who was on the side, was dumbfounded, reached out to touch it, and then touched herself. exactly the same! Even the touch is the same.

The blue bat didn't care that Zhaohua would see his naked body, so he directly lifted the white cloth, checked the seal of the nine disciples, and found that the seal of the nine disciples could be copied perfectly!

"You... how did you do it. No one can bestow the mark of the nine disciples of the Black Vatican except Sa Lang." The blue bat looked at Zhaohua in surprise, it was amazing, how did it happen.

Zhaohua shook his head in embarrassment and said, "This is your own body after all, don't expose it like this."

The blue bat is speechless, even the cup level can be copied, maybe the body structure and the amount of hair are the same?

In fact, there is no so-called imprint in the Bee Project. The imprint that Mu Bai and Zhu Meng saw will be directly intercepted by the system when it is sent back to the Judgment Council.

The function of that mark is to intercept all the news to Zhaohua, without going through the high-level magic of the Judgment Council or the system.

You must know that the confidentiality of the Bee Project is the highest in the entire trial. Then how could the lurker leave a mark on his body? It doesn't mean that he did something illegal and videotaped himself to keep the evidence? Picture what? ? ?

Only one person knows the list of all the personnel of the Bee Project, and that is Bee Brain.

In other words, if the bee brain is dead, then the lurkers lurking in the Black Vatican have no way to prove that they can only be members of the Black Vatican, which is quite a high-risk thing.

Didn't the Judgment know that the Black Vatican had an undercover agent in the Judgment? How could the list of the Bee Project be kept in the Judgment's system, let alone let the lurkers leave their mark.

Not to mention it is imprinted in the bones, even Zhaohua thinks that Sa Lang can find it if it is imprinted in the brain. She is such a scary and cautious person.

With a rustling sound, Lan Yingjie's corpse suddenly emerged from the coffin as densely packed black worms of rice grains, and all of them returned to Zhaohua's contract space.

Only then did the blue bat understand, and suddenly realized: "This is the ability of your contract summoned beast? Can you copy things?"

Zhaohua nodded with a smile and said, "Well, so you don't have to worry. In the eyes of everyone, you are already dead, so feel free to live as Lan Yingjie."

Lan Yingjie walked to the splint of the boat, took a deep breath, stretched her waist and said, "It's finally over."

But unexpectedly, Zhaohua did not go back to Yaodu, but continued to stay in Italy. A few days later, Zhaolang and Zhang Ning came, and took Caferro to the Antarctic Continent. Place.

Not long after that, Mo Fan finally beheaded the head teacher Wu Ku in a federal civil war, barely fulfilling Blue Bat's last wish.

At this time, in Fanxue Mountain, Mu Ningxue was cooking, and the entire Fanxue Mountain was quite lively.

Yes, Mu Ningxue is cooking. . . .

Because Mo Fan came back today, and of course Mo Fan wanted to go home first.

Mo Fan has four homes, one is his hometown Bocheng, the second is Fanxue Mountain, the third is the Parthenon Temple, and the fourth is an apartment in the Pearl Academy of Shanghai.

Needless to say the first one, although Mo Dae lives back and forth between Fanxue Mountain and Bo City now, in fact, Mo Dae prefers to be in Bo City, even if it is not so safe there, Mo Fan often goes to Bo City to visit his father.

Not to mention the second one, the eldest wife’s home, in a sense, this is the home where Mo Fan started his family. Fan Xueshan also has Mo Fan’s share, it belongs to his property, and the place where Mo Fan spends most of his time Excluding the demon area, Fanxue Mountain has been around for the longest time.

The third Parthenon is where Ye Xinxia is. The main reason is that it is too troublesome to go abroad. Mo Fan will only go to the Parthenon when he misses Ye Xinxia or is seriously injured. Of course, in addition to Ye Xinxia in the Parthenon Temple, Mo Fan also raised a vixen, Astraea.

And the fourth one is Mo Fan's golden house, yes, it is used to hide Jiao, Mù Nujiao's Jiao. Mo Fan had already bought the apartment where Mo Fan lived with Mù Nujiao and Ai Tutu when he was at Pearl Academy, and Mù Nujiao did not move out, after all, her current work place is very close to there and she also lives there.

Mo Fan can have any bad intentions, he just wants to give every girl who has no home a home.

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