Full-time Summoner

Chapter 118 Rebellion

[Many prizes. 】 Ji Shaohan showed a look of surprise.

The two came to the teacher's office. At first, Zhaohua and the others felt that the school was a bit too exaggerated and luxurious, and the whole floor was dedicated to teachers. They didn't realize until the elevator door opened that they were still too young.

Taking things for granted is just because you are too young.

An entire floor is full of awards. The design of the elevator is very good. Its exit is not the front but the side. The moment you open the door, the first thing you see is the corridor. Both sides of the corridor are full of awards, and all of them are gold awards, and they are all national awards. These trophies and medals are all protected by a transparent barrier.

For example, the first thing Zhaohua saw was the "Gold Medal of the 1933 National School Summoner Competition". On the photo was a man with a giant tiger next to him. The man was holding the trophy on display.

"In 1933, Xia Bing'an won the gold medal in the first National School Summoner Competition with his contract summoned beast [Fire Tiger]."

The above also briefly introduces the winners and the award-winning process, which is probably the case for the famous history.

Walking along, it is like walking into a time tunnel, and the award period is getting closer and closer to modern times, as if experiencing the changes and progress of the entire school, at first it was the summoning department, and then gradually there was the shadow department , Chaos Department, Space Department, when Zhaohua came to the end, it happened to be an award he won recently.

[There are no undead and curse systems. ] Ji Shaoyin wrote.

The absence of awards for the Undead and Curse departments only shows that this campus does not study these two departments, or that these two departments are not very prominent.

Because Zhaohua didn't see the Department of Elemental Magic, it is estimated that the other two campuses are studying the Department of Elemental Magic. The two of Zhaohua had already walked the entire journey and came to the office without knowing it.

"Are you two looking for a professor?"

Zhaohua and Ji Shao heard someone calling, and fixed their eyes to see a long-haired female student just coming out of the classroom. She was wearing a yellow and white striped T-shirt with a cropped navel, a pair of ripped jeans, and her feet The last pair of Korean-style sneakers, with a trendy style, looks like a Korean trendy brand, not just imported or imitated.

"If you're looking for a professor, it's a waste of time. There's no one in the office."

Zhaohua replied: "We are not here to recruit professors, we are freshmen, and we want to visit the school first."

The long-haired girl understood it when she heard it, and recommended it to the students. She took the initiative to introduce, "Hello, my junior and junior sister. My name is Wen Die. I'm a sophomore now, and I'll be a junior next year. I'm your senior."

"Hello, senior."

【Senior sister is good. 】

Wen Die saw that Ji Shaoan used picture books to communicate. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't ask any more questions. After all, there is no one who can be recommended to Sun Yat-Sen University.

"It's approaching the holiday time, and many departments have already closed classes. Except for a few students staying at school, most of the others are going home for the holiday. I'm still in school because I happen to be doing research with my classmates." Wen Die suddenly looked like He remembered something, hurriedly walked to the elevator, and said while walking in the direction of the elevator.

After entering the elevator, Wen Die asked, "By the way, what department are you majoring in?"

Zhaohua introduced: "I major in Summoning, and she majors in Undead."

"Death... Undead system? This is really rare enough." Wen Die looked at Ji Shaohan with a surprised expression.

Zhaohua nodded and asked, "We just saw those awards, why is there no undead department and other departments?"

Wen Die came back to his senses and said: "Oh, this, the elemental magic department is in the other two campuses, the Zhucheng campus is for learning the rare magic department, black magic, white magic, and dimensional magic are all in this campus. As for the undead department? ...It's too rare, we heard that there are professors of the Undead Department in our school, but it seems that we haven't recruited students in recent years."

(⊙_⊙)? ? ? ? ? ? Can't recruit students? ! Ji Shaohan was dumbfounded when he heard that, it's over, what should he do if he is a Undead and Curse type?

Ding. The three of them took the elevator to the eighth floor. Zhaohua saw that Wendie was in a hurry and didn't ask any other questions. The two of them were going to go back first. With a loud bang, just as Wen Die got out of the elevator, a thunderbolt shot out from a classroom. The thunderbolt shot through the wall with a loud noise, and a pothole with high-temperature white smoke appeared on the wall.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan were once again frightened by the toughness of Sun Yat-Sen University, what's going on, why is there thunder shooting out of the classroom, how tough the folk customs are.

But Wen Die's face changed drastically when she saw the thunder, and hurriedly ran to the classroom where the thunder was shot and said loudly: "Are you all right!"

"It's okay! But it won't last long, have you found Professor Wang!"

Wen Die shook her head and said loudly: "I didn't find it, the professor is not in the office."

A man's voice came from the classroom, the voice was very hasty and nervous. It seems that Wen Die was probably looking for rescuers just now, Zhaohua and Ji Shao frowned, looked at each other and chose to get out of the elevator to see what happened.

Wen Die saw Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan approaching, and immediately shouted: "Hurry up, if you can help us contact the city's monster hunting team, tell us there are warrior monsters."

The two were speechless. Are there generals and monsters in the school? ? No way, is it so exciting?

Zhaohua said: "We are the urban monster hunting team."

Wen Die was still thinking about why the two of them didn't leave, but she was shocked when she heard it, so please tease me, how could your two freshmen belong to the Monster Hunting Team.

Boom! ! Terrifying thunder came from the classroom. Wen Die wanted to ask what was going on, but was immediately attracted. The star appeared, and the speed of casting the spell was very fast, and the elementary water magic, Water Guardian, was generated.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan saw Wen Die running in, and they peeked through the crack of the door. In addition to Wen Die who had just entered, there were two men and two women inside, who were dealing with a silver-white bull beast.

Zhaohua recognized the bull beast and said, "Silver bull, a warrior-level monster, has a body like silver, and its two horns can release lightning."

"Qin Zidan! Abandon this silver bull, it has already betrayed!!" Wen Die used the water defense to help defend, but the thunder and lightning of the warrior-level monsters can be resisted by elementary magic, if they don't have magic armor on them , Thunder and lightning can turn them into coke when they penetrate the water barrier.

Hearing Wen Die's words, the man who used the wind track to dodge in the field showed a struggling look.

Zhaohua immediately realized that the silver bull had failed in the advanced stage, and was swallowed up by the soul of the general, that is, it had been seized. The advancement is a success, but the original soul has been changed to a beast.

Part of the reason why Zhaohua chose the second method is also because the first advanced method is indeed dangerous, and if one is not careful, the dove will occupy the magpie's nest. The method of the soul is extremely dangerous, otherwise why the cost of cultivating a warrior monster is several times more expensive than cultivating an intermediate mage.

【What should we do now? 】Ji Shaoyin and Zhaohua peeked outside the door, not knowing what to do for a while.

Zhaohua actually didn't really want to intervene, because it was someone else's summoned beast after all, and he had no choice but to let the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion take the life of the silver bull.

Thank you for the monthly tickets of [Falling Leaves in the Wind] and [20190625085004296], and thank you [Daily Reading] for the reward of 1000.


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