Zhaohua continued flatly: "As for dealing with the Kraken issue, I have decided to transfer half of the family's economic resources and magic power to the Golden Triangle region of Asia."

"Asia?! But our roots have always been in Europe!"

"That's right, and isn't the Golden Triangle area already secretly controlled by the Killer Palace and several magic families? Why does our family want to have a foot in it?"

"That's right, we also have a share in the Hall of Assassins."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and didn't quite understand why Zhaohua did this. The Hall of Assassins is a three-in-one family. That is to say, if it is subdivided now, it is actually the Zhao family, the Mu family, the Komora family, the Epeli family, and the Asian family. The Ma family and the five magic families jointly control it, but because it is in Asia, the Killer Palace is just equivalent to expanding its business.

Now Zhaohua advocates putting half of the family's magical power and economic resources in Asia. This is not as simple as expanding business, it is. . . .

Milos Skinner's eyes narrowed slightly, and he who had been silent all this time suddenly said in a deep voice: "The chairman means... want to gradually shift the family's focus to Asia?"

"What! Our family has been in Europe, how could we move to Asia because of you, we should let everyone go to Asia!"

"I object!"

"I also object."

Zhao Manyan couldn't help frowning. Zhaohua had just settled down, so he really shouldn't have brought it up so early. Even if he really wanted to transfer his family to Asia and increase his power, he should wait until he fully controlled it.

"It seems a little too hasty." Zhao Manyan said to himself.

Zhaohua raised his hand, motioning for everyone to be quiet. After all, Zhaohua is still the chairman, and his power is still there.

Zhaohua continued: "The transfer to Asia is just to achieve our family's lofty goals."

Milos Skinner asked in a deep voice, "I don't know what the chairman's goal is?"

"Kick the other two families of the Hall of Assassins out of the Golden Triangle area, and our Komora family will enter the Hall of Assassins, and the Golden Triangle area will be completely controlled by our family."

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After hearing this sentence, several elders showed surprised expressions, and some even laughed. Is this to privatize the Hall of Assassins? Even Cafiro couldn't do it when he was reborn, the reason is very simple, strength.

There are too many things involved in the killer. The reason why other families dare not do it is because they cannot resist revenge, and the relationship between the Holy Order and the Magic Association is also difficult to balance.

Just relying on the Komora family alone is not enough.

"It's impossible. Even if you have a high status, Chairman, it's still not enough for our family to run sideways in Asia. Not to mention other underworld forces in Asia, even if you are white, you can't control the entire Asia alone, Chairman."

"That Su Lu now owns a sub-king-level black dragon summoning beast, which is now the most powerful in Asia. Our family has no power to compete with him in Asia."

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "You guys are mistaken, it's not our Komora family."

"I'm a member of the Guofu team. You should know that there are two of my teammates. One is the second son of the Zhao family. Although his brother is now in charge of the Zhao family, with our support, he may not be able to take back the Zhao family."

"The other is Mo Fan, the head of Fanxue Mountain. His wife is the former proud daughter of the Mu family. Although Fan Xueshan has been established now, as long as the time is right, support Fanxue Mountain to annex the Mu family. The dark side of the Golden Triangle region and the whole of Asia will be our world."

"We don't need to divide it up with the other two families. If I am in charge of the Hall of Assassins in the future, then the Hall of Assassins does not need to be removed, and the name can be used again. If not, then there is no need for the Hall of Assassins to exist in Asia. Assassins in Asia The sale and purchase of that piece is contracted by our family."

hiss! ! ! !

Some of the veterans among them also knew that two of the three people standing behind Zhaohua were what Zhaohua said. Could it be that this was his plan! ! Take complete control of the dark forces in the entire Asia? !

God, this is so bold!

What they don't know is that even Zhao Manyan and Mo Fan are hearing about it for the first time. They don't know anything, didn't they say they were pulled over to be bodyguards? How did it get involved in controlling Asia? ! ! !

Zhaohua stood up and said nothing more, this was a decision and not an inquiry. Patting the clothes on his body, he said calmly: "Since everyone has submitted their respective numbers and shares, I, as the chairman of the group, announce that the meeting will be dismissed."

"Oh, by the way, remember to take away the garbage you brought."

Zhaohua looked at Lao Ruo and smiled indifferently, the meaning was obvious, take away the rubbish on the ground, so as not to affect the environment of the conference hall.

Zhao Hua took Mo Fan and the others out of the villa hall. In the car, Zhao Hua sat in the back, but Zhao Manyan and Mo Fan did not get into the other car, but walked up and sat in the front.

Zhao Manyan said with a face full of surprise: "Are you serious about what you just said?!"

Zhaohua put down the phone and said calmly, "Are you talking about controlling Asia or helping you take back the Zhao family?"



Zhaohua continued to explain: "For the magic family, nothing is impossible, as long as the interests are sufficient, and your identity as the guardian of the totem is a double-edged sword, but there is no doubt that, Your strength will become very strong."

"If you want to become the leader of the Zhao family, you need more than your own strength. You need a lot of things. I can support you as an investment. Although I can't support you publicly, the Komora family can."

Zhao Manyan couldn't help being silent. The Zhao family is his home and the foundation that his father worked so hard to build. He can't say anything and give it up. He doesn't have to be the master, but he must go home.

Zhao Hua's words are full of charm, it is better to say that Zhao Manyan has no reason to refuse at all, to recapture the Zhao family, it is not enough to rely on personal strength, and it is impossible for Baxia to enter the border of the country, it does not trust human mages at all.

Mo Fan said indifferently: "Don't take me on this matter, I don't care about family affairs, they are all controlled by Xuexue."

Zhaohua looked at Mo Fan and said calmly: "The sea monster natural disaster will definitely come, and the living space of our human beings will be severely compressed by then. Now you, Fan Xueshan, have a conflict of interest with the Mu family. After the demon, what will happen after the living space is smaller."

"The Dongfang family, the Shepherd family, and the Bai family in the magic capital all need to unite. In the future, the weak family will be absorbed and disappeared by the powerful family. This is the same principle."

"After all, Mu Ningxue is bleeding with Mu's blood. How can you kill Mu's blood like a river, or a mountain of corpses?"

Zhao Hua showed an evil smile and said: "In the future, when we are full-fledged, the military has Ai Jiangtu and Nan Jue, the strongest mage group in the Forbidden City has Jiang Yu, the economic lifeline is controlled by Zhao Manyan, and the magic family is led by Fan Xueshan. We have even controlled the underworld forces, and whether it is black or white, we will control it ourselves."

"The decision made by the few of us is the decision of the whole country and even Asia."

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