Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1192 The Cause of Sea Level Rise

Zhaohua smiled, since Lin deliberately arranged for Zhaohua to bring the Blue Star Fox to the Antarctic Continent to meet the Emperor of Extreme Ice, then he is absolutely safe.

Because it still has value.

The reason why Zhaohua really dared to come to Antarctica is to use the word value. As long as there is value, he will not be abandoned. There is nothing more powerful than the word value.

That's why Zhaohua carefully planned this big plan to hide from the sky.

Shengcheng has been secretly monitoring Zhaohua, wouldn't he know? No, he knows. Zhaohua is a bee brain, and he is extremely smart. As a bee brain, he naturally knows about the Holy City. The biggest threat to the country is the Holy City, and the threat to the Holy City is even more serious than the Black Vatican.

Because the Holy City had invaded the country decades ago, and what troubled Project Feng the most was that the Holy City was too famous. Back then when the Holy City invaded the country, Zhaohao wanted to use the reputation of the Emperor Hunter to pressure the Holy City and let them become a teacher. No name, but the result. . . .

Hunter Emperor has become the current so-called Hunter Chief, and the responsibility of Hunter Emperor has changed from leading hunters all over the world to hunt emperors and protect the world to a title that is now pocketed, no longer the majestic existence it used to be.

It is conceivable to what extent the influence of the holy city has reached.

In the magical world, apart from monsters, the biggest threat to the Bee Project is actually the Holy City.

Zhaohua understood it when he saw Michael defeating Zhankong through the information of Project Feng and his own trip to the holy city. The holy city's ambitions are huge and well hidden.

The holy city is ambitious. Although it uses the power of the holy plane in the name of pleading for the people to better surround human beings, the actual holy city has huge ambitions. The ambition of the holy city is to make the holy city Become the supreme sanctuary in the hearts of all human beings.

So Zhaohua knew that if someone's fame and strength would pose a threat to their goal, then Holy City would intervene.

For example, our country has the title of the strongest magic empire in Asia, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Our country is already one of the top three safest countries in the magical world, and it has the strongest magic power and the largest population among the top three countries.

This made the Holy City feel the pressure, because if this continues, the reputation of their Holy City will decline, and it is really hard to say who is the Holy City in the end, so they started the war for some nonsensical reasons.

So Zhaohua knew that his own strength and achievements still had potential and talent, especially when he cooperated with Michael and planned the means of war, it was normal for the seven angels of the holy city to feel pressure.

That's why Zhaohua used the bug-man's black bug to copy himself again, and then took advantage of his grandfather's opportunity to enter the Antarctic continent, hid in the Shenmu Emperor's coffin, and followed the exploration team to the Antarctic continent.

And Zhaohua's coming to the Antarctic Continent is not only because of the Blue Star Fox, but more importantly, because of the Siren.

Since the discovery of rising sea levels a few years ago, the Kraken issue has always been the core issue of coastal countries around the world. With our country’s 30,000-kilometer coastline, the Kraken issue can no longer be delayed.

What Zhaohua didn't expect was that the man behind the sea level rise was not the Emperor of the Ice Roof, but someone else.

The only way sea levels can rise this much is if the glaciers on the Antarctic continent and Arctic Ocean melt.

Ice floats on the sea, so when glaciers melt into water, sea levels rise.

The whole world believes that only the emperor who controls the glaciers can make the sea level rise and the glaciers melt.

And this also made mages all over the world point their fingers at the sleeping emperor of the icy roof in the Antarctic continent, but what Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong did not expect was that the mastermind behind the melting of the glacier was blocked by the Atlantic Ocean. Amazon rainforest in the Americas.

Li Kaifeng's fruit seed let Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong know the truth.

In the end, Zhaohua always believed that Li Kaifeng still retained the last trace of humanity. He deliberately kept the fruit seeds in his stomach, and then deliberately died in Zhaohua's hands in order not to be known by the sea monster controlling it. The information was handed over to Zhaohua.

Even if Fengzhoulong and Zhaohua are top geniuses, what they don't know is what they don't know. For example, they don't know that when a person breathes, the wind element inhaled and the wind element exhaled are actually different.

There is no science in the wizarding world, let alone the so-called periodic table of elements. Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong just know that if a person wants to live, he needs to absorb the wind element. The wind element carries the magic energy in the blood to the whole body and provides energy for the organs of the whole body. Therefore, there will be a small amount of magic energy in the human body, even if it is not awakened. It is still possible to barely use a little bit of weak magic, which is the reason.

That's all they know, they never imagined that the wind element absorbed is different from the wind element spit out.

One is the wind of life, and the other is the wind of death. Even if Zhaohua had used the wind of death through the origin catalog, he never thought that the wind that people spit out would be different.

And all this is what Feng Zhoulong said when he heard the mage who went to explore the Amazon rainforest: I feel very refreshed in the Amazon rainforest, even the wind I breathe is sweet.

It was such an ordinary sentence that made Feng Zhoulong suddenly wake up.

It's the wind! Someone in the Amazon rainforest has cast some kind of special magic to block the flow of wind!

Finally, after more than half a year of experiments, through heavy comparison and batch experiments, Feng Zhoulong knew an important thing.

The wind that humans breathe is different from the wind that they absorb and spit out. When plants have sunlight during the day, the wind that they breathe and the wind that they spit out are just opposite to those of humans.

That is to say, the wind element spit out by people will be absorbed by plants, and the wind element spit out by plants happens to be the wind of life that human beings need.

Plant-based magic represents life magic. Feng Zhoulong finally understood this sentence now. Why plants are versatile, whether it is water, wind, light, earth or even ice elemental magic, plant magic has a strengthening effect.

The plant system is the culmination of elemental magic, which can assist elemental magic. Elemental magic is the native blessing magic of the magic world. White magic strengthens human mages, but plant system strengthens the elements themselves.

Feng Zhoulong finally knew through a lot of magic experiments that the death wind spit out by creatures actually has the effect of heat preservation! When this conclusion came out, Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong's scalps felt numb, and a burst of electricity passed through their bodies.

Because the plants in the Amazon rainforest account for a considerable proportion of the world, and it happens to be just opposite the Antarctic continent!

No one should remember the time when Lan Xinghu sneaked away, when he was training in the national government, and when he was in Amazon in Atlantis.

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