Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1195 Origin Magic Ice Age

As Rin said, the magical world and the elves who specialize in elemental magic are incomparably compatible. The magical world itself does not have black and white magic and summoning magic, only seven elements of magic, plants and shadows, and nine magic elements.

For the elemental elves who are good at these nine kinds of magic, this world is undoubtedly as perfect as a back garden.

Since Rin was the first to discover the magic world, he knew that the magic world also has a certain connection and induction for their elves.

It's just that people are not as good as heaven. Who would have thought that in such a barbaric world, at that time, it was still an era when body shape had the final say. Humans didn't even have magic, and they could only tremble and rely on the colorful Tianchi for protection.

There would be a creature comparable to or even stronger than the master watching the magical world. It is estimated that Rin and the others did not expect it, because it stands to reason that it is impossible for such a weak magical world to give birth to such a strong creature.

Now Zhaohua couldn't even imagine how strong it would be to defeat Fengling, Lin, and Hongyan, creatures that surpassed the existence of emperors, and with the original elves of thousands of races, they were at least emperors.

Although the fox of reincarnation was defeated in the end, it repelled and sealed the invasion of the thousand clan elves, which is quite powerful.

Rin's momentum was withdrawn, and the earth rejuvenated. Rin said indifferently: "But it's not without gain, because of the power of the reincarnation fox, although I was sealed in the summoning plane, I survived the second life, and my power merged into the heaven and earth in the magic world, and finally Born from heaven and earth, it has become one of the glacial roofs of the wizarding world, although it is it and I am me, but we are always one."

"And Narcissus is the same. It gave up everything it had, and finally absorbed a little bit of the power of the reincarnation fox. It was reborn as the Blue Star Fox. This should be the lower body of the reincarnation fox."

"It and I are twins. I am ice, and it is water. Ice and water are the same."

Lan Xinghu looked at Zhaohua with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes and said, "You want to summon me to the magic world? Since you can say that, then you should have known that our thousand clan elves have never given up on the magic world, right? You know what happens when you summon me to the wizarding world."

Zhaohua said without any hesitation: "Ice Age."

Zhaohua used his toes to figure out what would happen. The Emperor of the Glacier Roof counted as one, the soul of the Blue Star Fox also counted as one, and Rin who summoned the holy island of the plane elf was the main body. The final result was the Trinity, the entire magic world Will be frozen with ice.

When the time comes, the Dark King will turn around and leave when he sees it.

Wen Tai is alone, but if Rin really controls the magic world, the reincarnation seal of the reincarnation fox will also be invalid, and it is impossible for Wen Tai to defeat the thousand clan elves.

Zhaohua guessed based on guesswork, the strength of the three planes should be about the same, but Zhaohua guessed, there is no evidence, now it seems that the summoning plane may surpass the dark plane and the holy plane, and the dark plane and the holy plane Is there anything more powerful in the Holy Plane?

Who knows, Zhaohua has never been there, so he dare not jump to conclusions.

After all, Zhaohua only saw the four masters of Fengling, Hongyan, Rin, and Narcissus who was reborn as the blue star fox. What about Lei, Guang, and Tu? And what about plants and darkness? Did it not exist, died, or just didn't show up? Zhaohua, the Holy Island of the Elf, has not even finished walking.

Moreover, Zhaohua still remembered that there were still a few houses on the holy island that were unoccupied, and Feng Ling had said that there were indeed no creatures in them.

Zhaohua sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Even without me, are you really unable to get out?"

There was a strange look in Rin's eyes, the answer was obvious, impossible!

If there is really no chance to escape the seal with his own strength, why did Rin do so many things in the first place? Isn't it to prove that they have the strength to break the seal, but it may take a long time.

And most importantly. . .

"You may still have a long time to break the seal, but the Kraken may invade the land in the next second and submerge the continent. The sea level is rising too much now, and I don't think the emperor of the roof of the ocean has the ability to increase the sea level. Melt Glaciers just submerge more area."

Kraken! Kraken problem! If possible, Zhaohua would not even want to come to Antarctica now. But can he do it? There is no way. The siren is the killer. Is there any difference between dying at the hands of the emperor on the roof of the glacier and at the hands of the emperor on the roof of the ocean?

Humans choose to freeze and drown. It seems to be. I heard that freezing to death will be more comfortable, but drowning will be very painful.

With a buzzing sound, Zhaohua took out the origin catalog for the first time in front of the elf master, and the moon-white light unexpectedly revealed two shadows of the blue star fox!

On the side, the emperor of the icy roof, who was always like an iceberg, also showed solemn eyes. This book does not belong to any plane world, and it has supernatural power.

Zhaohua said: "I will become a magician of the summoning department and use the power of this book to summon you to the magical world. But I have a condition. First, within a hundred years, your thousands of elves will not be able to destroy us humans. After the birth of the gods and the breakdown of the barrier between the planes, you can invade the magic world as you please, but when I was alive, within a hundred years, you must abide by the contract."

"I can't protect human beings forever, but at least when I am alive, I want to see that human beings still exist."

Zhaohua has no choice. Although sea monsters can make human beings extinct, even after a large amount of land is compressed, human beings will have to face the environment of competing with monsters. At that time, billions of human beings may not survive one hundred, one thousand or even one Save one.

Zhaohua continued: "The second condition is that you must help me defeat the Kraken."

Rin shook his head directly and said: "Unfortunately, with the strength of my second life, I can't compete with the sea dragon sleeping in Bermuda, and even the brain in the Mariana Trench, I can't defeat it in the ocean. "

Zhaohua said: "I don't need you to fight, I want you to activate the great magic that can freeze the whole world and let the world enter an ice age."

Rin couldn't help frowning, and after thinking for a while, Rin instantly understood what Zhaohua meant.

Zhaohua said: "We have found the reason why the melting of glaciers leads to sea level rise. It is a kind of wind element that makes the temperature of the Antarctic continent and even the whole world rise. melted into water. But I will not be able to solve it for a while, so I want you to force the temperature of the whole world to drop, and freeze a large amount of seawater to become glaciers."

The problem of carbon dioxide will definitely not be solved in a short time. Zhaohua and Fengzhoulong don't even know when the Amazon rainforest banned the flow of wind and shut down the purification of plants, and how long it lasted.

And the biggest problem is that even if the seal of the Amazon rainforest is lifted and the plants start to purify again, it will take too long for the temperature to drop back down. .

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