Full-time Summoner

Chapter 120 Principal Qiu's Principal

Sun Yat-sen University handled the emergency very quickly. Not long after the three-tailed Jade Scorpion finished handling the silver bull, a team of people in white uniforms arrived. They were members of the student union of Sun Yat-sen University, and they were responsible for handling these special matters.

But these things have nothing to do with Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan, because at this time the two of them were taken away by an old man with white hair and a long beard.

As for why Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan wanted to go with him, the reason is very simple, because the other party is too strong.

Just when the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion jumped up, this old man appeared, holding down the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion with one finger in the air, and the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion could not move as if it had been hit by a hold spell.

Zhaohua could see that this was the first-level magic control of the space system, but Zhaohua hadn't even seen the old man's star trail just now, not even the light appeared, not even a trace of magic aura or fluctuations.

The other party just muttered to himself,'It's a good summoned beast, you two come with me. '

Can Zhao Hua and Ji Shao refuse?

However, I refuse! If you dare to say that, the two of them probably didn't follow along, but were twisted by someone using mind control like twisting vegetables when buying vegetables.

The old man smiled and said, "Don't just stand there, come in."

No wonder Ji Shaodu and Zhaohua stood there stupidly, because after they got out of the elevator, when they saw the door sign of the room where the old man entered said 'principal's office', they looked at each other, and they could see the shock and excitement in their eyes. Embarrassing, this old man is the principal? !

But if you come, you will be safe. Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan walked into the principal's office. In addition to a desk and a few sofas, there are rows of bookshelves filled with various books.

[Hi principal. 】

"Hi principal."

The two are used to how to pretend to be obedient students in front of the teacher.

"You are so anxious to visit the school before school starts?"

Zhaohua showed doubts, the principal knows himself?

As if seeing through Zhaohua's doubts, he said: "My name is Bai Li'an, and I am the principal of the Zhucheng Campus of Sun Yat-Sen University. Of course, I know the faces and names of all the freshmen who are about to enroll. Your name is Zhaohua, majoring in the Department of Summoning, and your name is Master Ji Shaohan." Cultivate the Undead system."

"At first I wanted to find you in person, but I didn't expect you to come first."

Zhaohua was even more puzzled, why did the principal find him.

Bai Lian walked to one of the bookshelves, took out a somewhat yellowish book, handed it to Ji Shaohan and said, "It records the middle-level cultivation methods of the undead system, as well as the method of making stardust magic weapons. "

Ji Shao silently took the book, and after a few glances, there were indeed star map styles and tips on how to control the stars that taught intermediate-level magic of the undead system. From the catalog, it also said that there were a few pages of experience talks, teaching you to avoid detours.

Such books are very precious. Very few mages will tell you their own experience. However, the school was gradually opened after the hosting of the school, but not all of them were opened, and many of them were kept secrets.

Bai Lian said unhurriedly: "Because the undead system is very special, it is not only related to the stardust magic weapon, but also related to its cultivation method. Our country has always supervised the cultivation of the undead system very strictly. I hope you don't mind. .”

Bai Lian didn't have the majesty of the principal at all, but was more like a neighbor's grandfather, explaining to them like a story.

Ji Shao shook her head. She couldn't tell how happy she was now. She finally got the middle-level cultivation method of the undead system. She held up the drawing book and wrote: [Is there a curse system? 】

There was a hint of surprise in Bai Li'an's eyes but he hid it quickly, but he was still caught by Zhaohua.

"Your second element is the curse element?" Because Ji Shaohan had just awakened, the stardust of the curse element didn't even have stars, so Bai Lian didn't notice it.

Seeing Ji Shao nodded silently, Bai Lian thought for a moment and said: "Well, I will teach you the cultivation method of the Curse Department after you start school. I really didn't expect that your second department would awaken the Curse Department. It seems that the head of our school Two professors have to teach one student alone at a time."

Zhaohua grasped the information very keenly. In the entire Sun Yat-sen University, there is not a single professor who awakened both the Undead Department and the Curse Department at the same time! ?

Although Ji Shaohan felt a little pity, she didn't think there was any problem. After all, the middle-level magic of the undead system was already busy enough for her.

Bai Lian looked at Zhaohua at this time, nodded with satisfaction and said, "Qiu Zhiye is full of praise for you. He was my former student. I happened to be his principal at that time. He was so naughty. I didn't expect him to be so naughty." Now he went to become the principal of No. 1 Middle School in Chengcheng."

Qiu Zhiye is Principal Qiu's name, no wonder he knew it so clearly, it turned out that there was an 'inner ghost' who betrayed their information.

Bai Lian looked at Zhaohua and asked, "I heard that you can use wind magic?"

The old god Zhaohua nodded, he had already thought about this, anyway, no matter what it is, he said it was a natural talent, as for asking what it is, he said he didn't know, anyway, it was like this, it was all the fault of natural talent.

Bai Lian didn't ask too much, but reminded: "You should apply for a major in the Summoning Department, but there were only eleven students in the Summoning Department of our Sun Yat-Sen University last year."


"So few?!" Zhaohua knows that there are very few people who have awakened the Summoning Department at the first level, but anyway, Sun Yat-sen University is also a top-ranked school in the country, recruiting students from all over the country and even the world, and the Summoning Department has extra points, why are there so few? ? !

Bai Lian showed a smile, and replied with an explanation: "A lot, the Summoning Department of our school is not only the first but also the second in the whole country, which is already worse than the previous Imperial Capital School, Pearl School, and National Central School." More."

Then he looked at Ji Shaohan and said: "However, there are still more students than the Undead and Curse Departments. In the last national elementary school, there were no Curse Department students who had awakened at the elementary level. There may be one or two students who awakened the Undead Department at the elementary level, but they all Did not enter the school."

The two fell to their knees. Fortunately, Zhaohua still had the concept of being a classmate. Ji Shaohan was in a bad situation. He belonged to the resurrection of ancient fossils. He was the only one and no other.

"So are you still planning to enroll in the summoning department? Or are you planning to go to the wind department?"

Needless to say, the number of Wind Elements is overwhelming. There are too many Wind Elements awakened at the beginning of the country. Therefore, mages who can be admitted to the Wind Element of Zhongshan University must have extraordinary cultivation. Especially hardworking, Xingzi and Xingchen's cultivating maniacs are in his mind every day.

Ji Shao cast a quiet glance at Zhaohua, of course she hoped that Zhaohua was in the Summoning Department, otherwise she would be the only one in the Zhucheng campus.

But Zhaohua didn't hesitate, and said calmly, "Summoning."

After hearing this silently, Ji Shao was a little bit elated, and covered his mouth with a drawing book, so as not to let him see the shy look of biting his lips with his teeth. I thought silently in my heart, could it be for myself? Will it.

(*^__^*) Hee hee...

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